
Showing posts from July, 2020

Intergalactic Mimosa Breakfast #Surprise! - July 31, 2020

- Immediately after stepping through the portal back to Chemendoro, Sgt Watson asks what the emergency was, and everyone except Zaril is confused. - Sgt Watson grokked immediately that it's Zaril's fault and glares at her. - Neil offers her the plate of BBQ'ed ZAP that he brought her blurting out "I love you" unsurely, she thanks him graciously after Sariel assures her that the monster meat has been purified and is perfectly safe, and then glares at Zaril again. - Watson mentions that she hasn't been feeling well, Sariel checks to see if she is undead, which she isn't, and then Sariel says she wants to look her over tomorrow to check for poison and disease. - Long semantic discussion side discussion on if a cannibal could use Purify Food and Drink on their friends to cure their friends of poison. - DM rules that the food cannot be alive or the spell will fail. - The group discusses what they want to do for beds for the night, Acta wanders away from the dis

Luca's Food Baby, Among Other Things #Nachtmare - July 24, 2020

- Over dinner, the group decides that in the morning Luca will attune to the amulet in the morning, and they will return to Chemendoro in the evening after the roast - They hang out for the evening and Sariel volunteers to be the one to adjust her spells for purifying the undead meat for the cookout tomorrow. - Zaril studies the map she found and thinks the mountains drawn on the map are starting to look familiar. - Acta hands the amulet very reluctantly to Luca. She pockets it for now. - Everyone has a restful night's sleep. - The next morning, Luca puts the amulet on and meditates on it for the required amount of time to attune it - Neil and Sariel go outside and start the BBQ (Purify Food and Drink on the pre-prepared carcasses) - Zaril and Acta watch with trepidation as the light fades from her eyes and she goes catatonic. They get nervous and Acta eventually rips the necklace off of her neck. - Acta sits down and stares at Luca to monitor her condition until she finally snaps

Beans, Beans - the Magical Fruit. The More You Plant, the More You Shoot - July 17, 2020

- After a leisurely morning hanging out, there is suddenly a bang on the exterior door - Then the roof creaks and the house shakes. - Acta tries to look out the window, but she can't see anything, then there's a bang on the window as she's looking out and she still can't see anything. - Torin comes out of his study to ask what all the racket is, and when no one can tell him what's going on he grabs his staff, throws the door open, and strides confidently out onto his lawn. - Luca, Neil, and Sariel follow him. - Acta and Zaril watch from the doorway. - There's a small tornado looking thing banging about on the roof and windows. - Sariel asks Torin not to hurt it and then becomes an Air Elemental too. - Torin casts a spell and it freezes in place. - Zaril who can also speak Auron (SP?) tells Torin to go ahead and release his spell.  - He does it reluctantly. - Sariel talks to it and gets the good news that the magical spirit / entity that lives near her home is we

Does Acta go beep next to magic items? #Yes - July 10, 2020

- MAPS!!! - After they finish their short rest, the group returns back to the entry where the cave had forked, and the passageway starts out wide but then gets narrow to the point where they have to walk single-file. It eventually starts sloping down and twisting and curving. - Marching order: Luca, Acta, Zaril, Neil with Sariel the air elemental hovering over everyone - After it seems like they have been walking for a while, they notice that it seems like some parts of the walls have been sculpted in places. - Suddenly Luca's foot catches on something and she catches herself on the side walls as the path is so narrow notices the path past that point becomes so steep it's almost a slide. - Sariel scouts ahead and finds that the slide ends in a vertical drop into a large chamber with a pile of bones surrounded by pointy rocks  - She does see a spot that might have a slight glow, but she's not entirely sure if it's just her imagination. - Sariel returns to the group and b

Tremors in the Deep #BADtouch - July 3, 2020

- The group finishes exploring the large room and find another passageway where the river continues - Neil uses some paper to make a node map of the group's progress - always the responsible ranger - They make their way to the next chamber with a lot of water noise and a lot of chittering noises scraping along the floor. - Zaril casts Light on a new pebbled and throw is down towards the chittering noise.  - She can see a little bit of movement at the edge of her light zone, so she moves to the pebble and throws it 15' more. - The creature chitters angrily and retreats back into the darkness. - Neil lights a torch since they don't seem to like light and the group moves slightly farther down the path. - Sariel scouts ahead (still an Air Elemental) and sees three creatures. They look humanoid in that they have legs a torso and a head, but very gaunt to the point where they have almost no waist - just spine, and they have between 4 to 6 spider-like legs in place of arms - Neil