Luca's Food Baby, Among Other Things #Nachtmare - July 24, 2020

- Over dinner, the group decides that in the morning Luca will attune to the amulet in the morning, and they will return to Chemendoro in the evening after the roast
- They hang out for the evening and Sariel volunteers to be the one to adjust her spells for purifying the undead meat for the cookout tomorrow.
- Zaril studies the map she found and thinks the mountains drawn on the map are starting to look familiar.
- Acta hands the amulet very reluctantly to Luca. She pockets it for now.
- Everyone has a restful night's sleep.
- The next morning, Luca puts the amulet on and meditates on it for the required amount of time to attune it
- Neil and Sariel go outside and start the BBQ (Purify Food and Drink on the pre-prepared carcasses)
- Zaril and Acta watch with trepidation as the light fades from her eyes and she goes catatonic. They get nervous and Acta eventually rips the necklace off of her neck.
- Acta sits down and stares at Luca to monitor her condition until she finally snaps out of it.
- Zaril and Torin rack their brains to see if they can think of anything like this in their shared learning.
- Zaril punches Luca half-heartedly and her head flops to one side without any change to her mental state
- Zaril casts Otto's Irresistible Dance on Luca to see if it will snap her out of the catatonic state
- Luca dances like a marionette with her chin resting on her chest and still no personality in her face, and then slumps back down once the 1 min duration of the spell is finished.
- Zaril goes to get Sariel and Neil.
- Sariel lays Luca out more comfortably and checks all her vitals, which are fine. She seems in perfectly good physical health, but catatonic.
- Sariel casts Detect Evil and Good and sees the Luca still appears to be normal. 
- Sariel asks if Zaril has tried Dispel Magic yet, and she says no and immediately casts it. Nothing happens.
- Zaril casts Sending to Luca, "Hey, Luca, what's going on? Are you okay? What happened? What can we do to help? I'm sorry about punching you."
- She hears back, "So hot... Where am I? What are these places... I'm burning... burning up... deep water on fire... Can't see... Why are they holding me... I'll kill them..."
- Zaril has a small freak out about how bad Luca is, and asks if Luca is sweating. Sariel confirms that she is, so they ask Torin where his bathtub is.
- Sariel uses Create or Destroy water to fill the tub with cool water after they get her into the tub.
- Sariel turns into an Air Elemental and whooshes back and forth over her as well to keep her cool as well and also to prevent.
- After around two hours Luca finally starts to wake up, she is very groggy and pale.
- She finds herself in her smallclothes in a tub of cool water with a gentle, strange breeze blowing over her face.
- Sariel becomes herself again.
- Luca says she remembers being hot, with the heat making her angry and weak, and there were flashes of people, and there was water, and Ellilune was there and she was grinning. The villagers were there, but going around their business.
- Luca hates Ellilune even more now.
- Sariel helps Luca out of the bathtub, dries her off, and helps her to the room she's sharing with Luca so she can rest from her ordeal.
- She then prepares to try to Scry on Agrexost again using both the brain matter ore and the kitsugi amulet.
- Sariel sees completely darkness (again), but then she sees a flash of light and then after awhile there's another one and it's closer this time, and then it happens more frequently and closer and closer until the flash of light illuminates the face of what seems to be a really scary looking fish. The fish is nearly the size of a pony, has a long tentacle thing on its forehead with a glowy light on the end and a scary mouth full of long bony teeth then it disappears into the darkness again.
- They ask Torin if he's ever heard of such a fish, and he says to wait and disappears into his study for a few minutes then comes back with a book that has a sketch of a pretty close approximation to what Sariel saw, and the book says that it came from very deep water.
- They believe that Agrexost is at the bottom of the ocean, and that he's angry.
- By this time it's late afternoon, so Sariel goes to check on Luca and asks someone to go check with Neil if the roast ZAPs are almost done.
- They are done, and they all have a small sample, and it tastes pretty good actually. 
- Torin transport all the people to the gnome village of Zizima and then goes back to make a second trip to get the food.
- The gnomes are excited and break out sides and drinks.
- They excited ask Zaril to "Play something! Play something!"
- Acta also gets out Louis the Lute and plays too.
- In response to Neils, "Alright!" Sariel tells him he has half an hour to party, but they need to get back to Chemendoro soon since they know at least sort of where Agrexost is.
- Neil counters with two hours, and Sariel just rolls her eyes.
- Zaril goes to the other side of the party to play as well.
- Sariel gets herself and Luca plates of food and Torin wanders over to chat as well. 
- Neil comes over with more food to ply Luca with. 
- Luca is so full you can practically see the food baby through the plate mail.
- Acta wanders away again and sees sitting on the edge of a table a silver badge shaped like a five-pointed star, so she tries to palm it, but a few gnomes see her take it anyway, but they don't seem to care. Since they don't seem to care, she pins it to her shirt, and one of the gnomes gives her a thumbs up and then takes another swig of his drink.
- Zaril Sending to Sgt Watson asking for a portal back to Chemendoro. "Hey, Sgt Watson. We need a portal back to the city. We're here in this gnome village called Zizima."
- Zaril hears back, "It's late, and I'm off duty. Is this an emergency or can it wait until morning?"
- She Sends again, "Your boyfriend wants to see you. I think it's an emergency. You should come pick us up. Bye."
- Second returned Sending, "Fine. I'll send word to pick you up. Don't die in the meantime."
- Ten minutes later a portal opens up nearby.
- They bid good-bye to Torin and the gnomes, and step through the portal.

- 3,000 XP ea for 128,620 XP total ea.


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