Intergalactic Mimosa Breakfast #Surprise! - July 31, 2020

- Immediately after stepping through the portal back to Chemendoro, Sgt Watson asks what the emergency was, and everyone except Zaril is confused.
- Sgt Watson grokked immediately that it's Zaril's fault and glares at her.
- Neil offers her the plate of BBQ'ed ZAP that he brought her blurting out "I love you" unsurely, she thanks him graciously after Sariel assures her that the monster meat has been purified and is perfectly safe, and then glares at Zaril again.
- Watson mentions that she hasn't been feeling well, Sariel checks to see if she is undead, which she isn't, and then Sariel says she wants to look her over tomorrow to check for poison and disease.
- Long semantic discussion side discussion on if a cannibal could use Purify Food and Drink on their friends to cure their friends of poison. - DM rules that the food cannot be alive or the spell will fail.
- The group discusses what they want to do for beds for the night, Acta wanders away from the discussion to lean on a table where she sees some unattended gloves.
- Zaril says that she has a new trick, leaves the barracks, walks around behind the barracks to the alley, and casts Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion.
- The group retires for the night in style with quite a bit of chatter living vicariously through our suddenly bougie characters. Spas, weaving rooms, musical practice rooms, the finest food and drink, and lots of other things.
- There is a glorious breakfast spread. Not even the Intercontinental breakfast buffet. Intergalactic level breakfast buffet. With mimosas of course.
- Sariel asks if Zaril will allow Sgt Watson to come into the MMM, and gets a round-about yes by way of being told to ask Neil about his chambers.
- Neil interrogates 
- Zaril steps outside to cast a Sending to Alejandro to see if he can meet with them today. "Hey Alejandro, we are back in town. Would it be convenient to meet with you today? Torin was helpful, but did not return with us."
- She gets back, "Yes, I can meet with you this afternoon. I'm looking forward to hearing what you learned."
- Sariel and Neil go to Sgt Watson's office to see if she's in. The rest head to the library.
- Inside the library is nice and cool and dry, completely unlike the humid air of the area.
- Ezra greets them in her creep old lady voice.
- Questions posed to Ezra: When Agrexost was a live, roaming Titan, what kind of personality or powers or abilities did he have? How did he die? What could be expected if it were resurrected or reanimated? She would need to check in the vault for what information she might have.
- Acta also asks how long Chemendoro has been around - about fifty years.
- She also asks Ezra if she is a dragon and get told "No, not a dragon."
- Zaril also shows her the "indecipherable" map, and Ezra thinks it may be to a location in the Sand Pit. 
- She finally leaves to go to the vault.
- Zaril racks her brain, and remembers that the Sand Pit is a very large desert with some nomadic tribes who roam it and there's a large oasis called The Life Spring somewhere inside it. There's some lore about The Life Spring being a place of healing, and the ley line may looks like it could be on a ley line, but it would probably be a sink for magic rather than a source of magic.
- Acta looks around for a souvenir, and sees an ornate gold pen
- Zaril notices the glint in Acta's eye and catches her trying to pocket it, as she's trying to convince Acta to put it back, but Ezra comes back during their conversation.
- Acta tries to play off the attempted theft by asking Ezra where she got the pen because it's pretty. Zaril glares at her.
- Ezra says that times are a little hard for the city since Agrexost departed since their no more mining work and no more refining work of the mined goods and such.
- Ezra says that there's only one tome which might have the information they need, and the only person she knows who might have a copy is an individual Gerard, another dragon who has been hoarding information for centuries. (Epic narrator squee!)
- The book is called Gods and Titans: A Treatise on the Probable Shaping of the Material Plane.
- Gerard lives on Lion Head Island (an atlas is brought out), and would probably not be willing to bring such a rare treasure from his hoard so far, and visiting him would probably be the best bet to gain the information.
- Zaril tries to ask about what happened to Luca, but it's all very confusing.
- Meanwhile back at the ranch (or barracks in this case), Sariel and Neil head towards Sgt Watson's office.
- Private Jeffers at the front desk tells them that Watson's in and has no orders about not being disturbed, so he lets them on in.
- Neil knocks politely on her closed door, and smiles and invites them in.
- Sariel starts asking about Sgt Watson's symptoms which are fatigue, intermittent nausea, lack of appetite. Sariel's knowledge from helping her mother, the village healer, tells her that Watson hella pregnant. Watson is in denial, but cannot remember when her last courses were. 
- Sariel says there are herbs to undo that and uncomfortably excuses herself.
- She excuses herself from the room so Watson and Neil can talk. She heads for Private Jeffers to ask about Watson's favorite treats to run out and get some to give them time.
- They chat and Neil is definitely the father because she's been "too busy to get busy" with anyone else.
- Neil immediate admits he's surprised and shocked and "suppressing the desire to run out of the room screaming and never interact with civilization again"
- She laughs at him and says that would be an over-reaction.
- She's definitely keeping the baby and wants to see where the relationship goes as well.
- They talk about parenthood and the relationship thing a bit more before Sariel comes back with a bakery box. Sariel suggests she take the rest of the day to digest the news.
- Neil invites her back to the mansion to relax and de-stress and get a massage.
- Sariel excuses herself again to chat with Private Jeffers while Watson finds someone to cover her shift.
- They walk to the alley behind the barracks where there's a shimmery, unreal door in the wall. 
- Sariel goes to see if the rest of the group is done at the library, belatedly asking if she can tell everyone else, to which they ask her to wait.
- Sariel heads in the direction of the library.
- She runs into the others on their way back. 
- Acta asks after Watson, and Sariel says, "Yeah, she's fine. Just... stress!"
- Zaril knows something's not quite right but doesn't push it.
- They tell Sariel about the book and Gerard. She says she'll summon a Water Elemental to ask about the depths of the ocean.
- From there, they head straight to City Hall.
- They are immediately invited into his office on knocking.
- Sariel explains what they learned about Agrexost and his location, in all probability the bottom of the ocean. She asks permission (which is granted) to summon a Water Elemental and build something for it as well if needed.
- Zaril explains about the book and Gerard and asks if he can transport them to Lion Head Island, and he says that they've never done that spell that far before.
- Alejandro is afraid his city is dying, as a city. Many of the magical practitioners who live here are leaving because the innate magical energy of the area is gone.
- Zaril confirms with Alejandro that he doesn't know of a hot and deep underwater place either.
- Sariel asks if Alejandro has a world map showing the oceans she can show to the Water Elemental.
- He leaves and comes back with a globe.
- He asks them not to damage it. Sariel promises to bring it back after they talk to the elemental.
- As everyone is walking towards the old mine area, there's a loud explosion and a nearby house's roof explodes outward and a giant fiery bird flies out of the ruins of the building.
- Zariel Sends to her mentor, "Could you Teleport us from Shivar to Lionhead Island? We have a need to meet with Gerard. We are seeking knowledge... oh shit a phoenix!"

- 3,000 XP ea. for 131,620 XP total ea.


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