Does Acta go beep next to magic items? #Yes - July 10, 2020

- MAPS!!!

- After they finish their short rest, the group returns back to the entry where the cave had forked, and the passageway starts out wide but then gets narrow to the point where they have to walk single-file. It eventually starts sloping down and twisting and curving.
- Marching order: Luca, Acta, Zaril, Neil with Sariel the air elemental hovering over everyone
- After it seems like they have been walking for a while, they notice that it seems like some parts of the walls have been sculpted in places.
- Suddenly Luca's foot catches on something and she catches herself on the side walls as the path is so narrow notices the path past that point becomes so steep it's almost a slide.
- Sariel scouts ahead and finds that the slide ends in a vertical drop into a large chamber with a pile of bones surrounded by pointy rocks 
- She does see a spot that might have a slight glow, but she's not entirely sure if it's just her imagination.
- Sariel returns to the group and becomes herself again. She describes what she saw to the group and then proposes that she cast Wind Walk on the group so that can all go to the chamber without falling to their death
- They have to balance Zaril's light pebble at the top of the slide and then whoosh it down the path so that everyone can see.
- Once they all arrive in the cave, Neil recognizes the pointy rocks as cracked dragon eggs. He turns back into himself and starts poking at the remains of the eggs, and he finds one that is intact. It's smaller than the others, so it's maybe the size of an ostrich egg instead of being nearly 18" long in the long direction.
- Acta turns into herself sees him pick up an egg, and yells "Oh, omelet!" at him. She runs Detect Magic and starts walking around looking at the pile.
- Sariel turns back into herself and starts to poke at the spot she thought was glowing earlier.
- Sariel and Acta hunt through the detritus and find what looks like an amulet.
- Zaril does a perimeter check and doesn't find anything dangerous.
- Among the pile of bones, Neil finds a small bag with 250 GP.
- They all transform back into clouds and head out of the cave and back to Torin's place.
- Once they get back to Torin's, he is sitting and sipping a drink.
- They tell him that they closed the portal, and start showing him the stuff they found.
- Sariel's amulet "Amulet of the Drunkard" - While wearing it, you can regain 4d4 + 4 hit points when you drink a pint of beer, ale, mead, or wine. Once the amulet has restored hit points, it can't do so again until the next dawn.
- Zaril's shield "Battering Shield" - While holding this iron tower shield, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC. Additionally, the shield has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. If you are holding the shield and push a creature within your reach at least 5 feet away, you can expend 1 charge to push that creature an additional 10 feet, knock it prone, or both. (Changed to 1 ea. - 1 charge to knock prone, 1 charge to push 10', or 2 charges to do both)
- Sariel hands the amulet to Neil.
- Zaril keeps the shield.
- Neil asks for a drink to test out the new amulet. Torin passes around mugs of dark ale to everyone.
- Acta asks if he could make the amulet she combined with the titan's brain into a titan locator.
- They show Torin the map they copied from Barkridge's study, and Torin is angry because he created the map. He goes into his study to check on the map he made.
- Acta immediately looks around to see if there's something she can palm and sees a brass ring on a side table that she covertly kleptos
- Torin comes back and says that someone had tampered with his map and the original is no longer on his wall.
- He traveled with Alejandro as a young wizard to identify the locations of the ley lines.
- After a long chat over ale, everyone heads to bed.
- Zaril spends a bit of time trying to decipher the indecipherable map she found in the junk room before sleeping.
- Acta adds the ring she just stole to her amulet.
- Neil candles the dragon egg that he found and thinks he sees an embryonic creature inside the shell.
- He asks Torin about the egg from the magic bean
- Over breakfast the next morning, Torin asks to borrow Acta's amulet. She hands it over and he notices the ring is new but doesn't realize she stole it from him. He takes it and goes into his study leaving them to their own devices.

- 3,000 XP ea for 121,820 XP total ea.


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