Beans, Beans - the Magical Fruit. The More You Plant, the More You Shoot - July 17, 2020

- After a leisurely morning hanging out, there is suddenly a bang on the exterior door
- Then the roof creaks and the house shakes.
- Acta tries to look out the window, but she can't see anything, then there's a bang on the window as she's looking out and she still can't see anything.
- Torin comes out of his study to ask what all the racket is, and when no one can tell him what's going on he grabs his staff, throws the door open, and strides confidently out onto his lawn.
- Luca, Neil, and Sariel follow him.
- Acta and Zaril watch from the doorway.
- There's a small tornado looking thing banging about on the roof and windows.
- Sariel asks Torin not to hurt it and then becomes an Air Elemental too.
- Torin casts a spell and it freezes in place.
- Zaril who can also speak Auron (SP?) tells Torin to go ahead and release his spell. 
- He does it reluctantly.
- Sariel talks to it and gets the good news that the magical spirit / entity that lives near her home is weakened, but the wellspring of magic will nourish her, so it sounds like the Holmion first will recover in time.
- Message delivered, the air elemental becomes even less corporeal and then floats off
- They ask Torin's permission to plant one (or more) of Acta's crazy beans, and she plants one with a small piece of Agrexost's brain with it when she does.
- She thunks the angry statue head nearby so it's looking at the spot that she planted the bean. Then she sits on the statue head, pulls out Louie the Lute, and starts playing plant growing music.
- The ground starts to shake and then four creatures that look like burrowing creatures with beak-like faces, big burrowing claws, and sharp teeth crawl out of the ground. They look like they are tainted in some way in that in some places between their armor plates you can see their skeletons. They begin to attack Acta. 


- Neil uses Conjure Barrage and he misses everyone Acta and ZAP (purple), so they take 16 piercing dmg and ZAPs blue, red, and green take 8 piercing dmg.
- ZAP (red) wiggles its butt and then pounces on Zaril across the battlefield, but she manages to dodge, for the most part, so she only takes 14 bludgeoning / slashing dmg.
- Sariel casts Guardian of Nature on herself, then moves forward to the ZAP (red) and casts Primal Savagery on it for 19 poison dmg
- Acta runs over to one of the trees on the edge of Torin's lawn and climbs into it as high as she can, then she pulls out her shortbow, casts Magic Weapon on it, and shoots the ZAP (red), but she misses.
- ZAP (blue) wiggles its butt and pounces directly on Neil for 35 bludgeoning / slashing dmg and he is knocked prone
- ZAP (green) crashes through the trees and bushes, stands on its hind legs biting ineffectively at Acta in her tree.
- Penny moves to flank ZAP (blue) and then bites it for 13 piercing.
- Luca moves to flank ZAP (red) with Sariel, she looks the things over and can tell that it is in fact undead. She smashes it with her magicky mace for 6 bludgeoning and 10 radiant dmg. Then she smashes it again for 9 bludgeoning and 13 radiant dmg.
- Zaril glares at Acta then she starts looking over the critter and can tell that they are weak to radiant dmg and they resist necrotic dmg. She then casts Chaos Bolt (3rd Lvl) for 48 psychic dmg and it dies! She then leaps up to fly 20' in the air yelling to Luca that radiant dmg should hurt them a WHOLE lot!
- ZAP (purple) bits Penny for 26 piercing dmg

- Neil stands up, draws his short sword, and misses ZAP (purple)
- Sariel casts Moonbeam (4th beam) so that it will hit blue and purple and deals 24 radiant dmg
- Acta shoots ZAP (blue) for 34 piercing dmg then she climbs higher in her tree, and the creature roars in pain
- ZAP (blue) bites Neil for 29 piercing dmg 
- ZAP (green) gives up on Acta and wiggles its butt and pounces on Sariel for 24 bludgeoning / piercing dmg knocking her prone
- Penny bites ZAP (blue) for 11 piercing dmg
- Luca moves to flank ZAP (green) with Sariel and casts Compell Duel on ZAP (purple) then she readies her action 
- Zaril casts Mind Sliver on ZAP (blue) for 10 psychic dmg and other stuff happens too that the note taker didn't catch at the time.
- ZAP (purple) moves to Luca and bites her as Compelled and claws her for 21 piercing dmg.

- Neil moves to flank ZAP (blue) with Penny and stabs it for 9 piercing dmg and it dies!
- Sariel uses her bonus action to Wild Shape into a Fire Elemental, then engulfs (move action) ZAP (green)'s head dealing 9 fire dmg to it, and then the beam of Moonlight moves to engulf ZAP (green) and (purple)
- Acta shoots ZAP (green) for 33 piercing dmg.
- ZAP (green) takes 8 radiant dmg from the Moonbeam and 8 fire dmg from being on fire, then turns its head and misses biting Neil so it runs away from the fire-being engulfing it.
- Penny chases after ZAP (green), deftly dodging a claw from purple, pouncing on it (green) for 10 slashing dmg and knocking it Prone, so she then bites it for 15 piercing dmg
- Luca misses ZAP (purple) twice.
- Zaril flies over and lands next to the prone ZAP (green) and pulls out her rapier and stabs it twice for a total of 10 piercing dmg She then casts Bardic Inspiration on Penny
- ZAP (purple) takes 25 radiant dmg from the Moonbeam, then it bites Luca for 23 piercing dmg
- Neil aims and arrow through the halo of the Sariel (Fire Elemental) making an impromptu fire arrow for 6 fire dmg.
- Sariel moves to flank ZAP (purple) with Luca and then smacks it with a fiery tendril for 7 fire dmg, catching it on fire and then misses with the second tendril
- Acta shoots ZAP (purple) for 29 piercing dmg, killing it! She climbs down from the tree and dashes over to ZAP (green)
- ZAP (green) stands up as he takes 10 fire dmg and chomps down on Penny for 67 piercing dmg.
- Penny bites ZAP (green) back for 19 piercing dmg, killing it! (Tooth right in the eye socket!)

- Sariel stops being a fire elemental and immediately starts fixing the scorched grass with Druidcraft
- Neil gives him an Infinity Fruit (one of the first things they ever got from the Beans) and gives it to Torin as a thank you / apology. "This is the biggest, most delicious blueberry I've ever eaten!"
- Zaril goes into the storeroom where she's been sleeping and starts rummaging through his junk piles, finding a mini ivory portal, a polished marble, and a tiny silver spoon (each worth 5 GP). She then starts preening the ash of the burned creatures out of her 
- Torin goes back to work on the amulet
- Acta cuts off some of the claws from one of the beasts that never got caught on fire and takes a long one and two short ones to make a necklace.
- Neil starts prepping the carcasses of the strange creatures to BBQ!
- Torin spends most of the rest of the day locked away in his study and only comes out right before dinner. The ring that Acta had palmed and worked onto the amulet is gone and he does not mention it.
- Torin "I enhanced the inlay and imbued it with a bit more magical energy. It has a stronger connection to the creature now, which could perhaps allow someone wearing to track the creature down."
- Acta asks if she will stop having nightmares, but he says they would probably get worse if anything because the connection to the critter is stronger now.
- Acta says she doesn't want to wear it if it's going to make the nightmares worse.
- He warns that the longer you have the amulet, the more deeply you will be connected to it, making it perhaps harder to shake off the effects of possessing it. And eventually, a person may find themselves unable to un-connect themselves to the titan Agrexost.
- Sariel offers to try Scrying the creature using the brain matter and/or the amulet and the crystal ball that Alejandro provided to her.
- Sariel sets it up, but all she can see if blackness. She can feel that the spell succeeded, but for the full 10 minutes, there is nothing.
- Zaril is staring at the incomprehensible treasure map with the gold ink, determined to figure it out.
- Neil finishes gutting the creatures and starts digging giant trenches to roast the creatures the next day.
- Sariel says that they can discuss over dinner who (if anyone) will wear the amulet.
- She then checks on Neil and helps him dig trenches as an Earth Elemental.

- 3,800 XP ea for 125,620 XP total ea.


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