Villages / Towns / Citites
- Blackmoor, village
- Rodeon, city
- Siannodel, a village in the Holimion forest
Places of Interest
- Caldar Enclave, a remote community
- The Dirty Vixen, the less well-to-do tavern and inn in Roden ("poor")
- The Excited Fish, the tavern and inn in the village of Blackmoor
- The Holimion Forest, a region
- The Rose and Crown, the well-to-do tavern and inn in Rodeon ("comfortable")
- Blackmoor, village
- Rodeon, city
- Siannodel, a village in the Holimion forest
Places of Interest
- Caldar Enclave, a remote community
- The Dirty Vixen, the less well-to-do tavern and inn in Roden ("poor")
- The Excited Fish, the tavern and inn in the village of Blackmoor
- The Holimion Forest, a region
- The Rose and Crown, the well-to-do tavern and inn in Rodeon ("comfortable")
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