Tremors in the Deep #BADtouch - July 3, 2020

- The group finishes exploring the large room and find another passageway where the river continues
- Neil uses some paper to make a node map of the group's progress - always the responsible ranger
- They make their way to the next chamber with a lot of water noise and a lot of chittering noises scraping along the floor.
- Zaril casts Light on a new pebbled and throw is down towards the chittering noise. 
- She can see a little bit of movement at the edge of her light zone, so she moves to the pebble and throws it 15' more.
- The creature chitters angrily and retreats back into the darkness.
- Neil lights a torch since they don't seem to like light and the group moves slightly farther down the path.
- Sariel scouts ahead (still an Air Elemental) and sees three creatures. They look humanoid in that they have legs a torso and a head, but very gaunt to the point where they have almost no waist - just spine, and they have between 4 to 6 spider-like legs in place of arms
- Neil tries to speak Draconic to the creatures - no response
- Acta tries to speak Infernal to them, and they seem to understand sort of, but they do not respond.


- Sariel moves over to one of the two Spider Creep-tures that are illuminated and Slams it for 11 bludgeoning dmg, but misses the second time.
- Neil shoots the same SC(red) that Sariel hit for 13 piercing dmg
- SC(blue) moves to Zaril, but misses her with his creepy spider arms
- Penny Pounces on SC(red) and she hits it with her claw for 12 slashing dmg then bites it for 13 piercing dmg.
- SC(red) misses Penny after it stands up
- There is a gurgling burbly noise from somewhere in the darkness
- Zaril misses SC(blue) twice with her rapier. Then she casts Bardic Inspiration on Penny
- SC(green) moves to flank Penny but still misses
- Luca moves to flank SC(blue) with Zaril and she smashes her hammer into it for 7 bludgeoning and 1 radiant dmg and then misses
- Out of the darkness, another creep-ture that looks like the shriekers from Tremors 2 (think a cross between a featherless Chicken and a Leech) moves out of the water and moves to Luca and misses her
- Acta casts Magic Weapon on her short bow and shoots SC(blue) for 58 piercing dmg (Sneak Attack on a CRIT!) She shouts at them in Infernal, "We're going to kill you all if you don't stop attacking us!"
- CL(red) moves up to Penny and misses
- CL(purple) moves to Zaril and bites her for 10 piercing dmg and it attaches itself to her like a leech
- CL(orange) moves to Luca and misses
- CL(blue) move to Neil and bites him for 2 piercing dmg and it attaches itself to him like a leech

- Sariel (AE) Slams SC(red) for 12 bludgeoning dmg then does it again for 15 bludgeoning dmg
- Neil casts Flame Arrows then shoots SC(green) for 9 piercing and 4 fire dmg. Penny reacts by biting SC(green) for 10 piercing dmg
- SC(blue) stabs Zaril for 25 piercing dmg and she is Grappled, luckily Luca is nearby so she is not Frightened.
- Penny bites SC(green) for 9 piercing dmg then she bites SC(red) for 11 piercing dmg and then she bites CL(red) for 11 piercing, killing it!
- SC(red) stabs Penny for 25 piercing dmg and she is Grappled and Frightened
- Zaril casts Thunder Wave (Lvl 2) on SC(blue) CL(orange) and CL(green) for 15 thunder dmg and Luca for 7 thunder dmg, killing orange and green CLs! SC(blue) flies up and over Luca landing behind her
- SC(green) stabs Penny for 10 piercing dmg and then does it again for 14 piercing dmg
- Luca hammers SC(blue) for 6 bludgeoning and 7 radiant dmg, killing it! Then she moves to flank SC(green) with Penny hammering it for 8 bludgeoning and 5 radiant dmg.
- Acta shoots CL(purple) with her shortbow for 35 piercing dmg killing it! Then she shouts in Infernal, "We're going to kill all of y'all! Go away!"
- CL(blue) sucks some of Neil's blood giving him 9 necrotic dmg

- Sariel moves to invade SC(red)'s space and then Whirlwind's it into a wall for 17 bludgeoning dmg and then it takes 6 more bludgeoning dmg when it hits the wall - Penny takes 25 psychic dmg as she is ripped from SC(red)'s grasp
- Neil shoots SC(red) for 9 piercing and 2 fire dmg and then Penny reacts to Neil by biting SC(green) for 19 piercing dmg
- Penny Disengages from SC(green) and runs behind Neil back up the hill
- SC(red) moves to Luca and misses
- Zaril casts Cure Wounds (Lvl 3) on Penny for 22 HP and then moves next to Neil
- SC(green) moves to flank Luca and grabs her for 24 piercing dmg and she is Grappled.
- Luca hammers SC(green) for 11 bludgeoning and 2 radiant dmg and she takes 13 psychic dmg but then she misses SC(red)
- Acta moves next to Neil and casts Magic Weapon on her xiphos, then Green Flame Blade on CL(blue) but misses
- CL(blue) drains Neil giving him 7 necrotic dmg

- Sariel moves to envelop CL(blue) and SC(green) and Whirlwinds them for 14 bludgeoning dmg, Luca takes 15 psychic dmg as the creep-ture is ripped off of her. CL(blue) is dead!
- Neil moves around Sariel (AE) and shoots SC(red) for 11 piercing and 5 fire dmg
- Penny licks her wounds.
- SC(red) misses Luca twice
- Zaril moves to flank SC(red) with Luca and casts Mind Sliver on SC(green) for 12 psychic dmg, killing it!
- Luca hammers it for 16 bludgeoning and 15 radiant dmg (CRIT!) killing it!

- Sariel the Air Elemental ruffles Luca's short hair in apology for hurting her inadvertently by flinging the SC(green) before flitting about the cavern to scout the rest of it while her companions rest
- At the base of the series of waterfalls is a very large pool. At the top of the waterfall that drops into the big pool is a magic disturbance.
- She returns to Acta and gently wind buffets her over to the magical disturbance.
- She casts Detect Magic and can tell that this is some kind of portal 
- Zaril moves over to the area as well and examines it as well. She tosses a pebble at it, and the pebble disappears into it.
- Sariel (AE) writes "DISPELL" in the dirt
- Zaril casts Dispell Magic (Lvl 5) on the portal, but nothing happens, so she casts it again at 4th level, but it still doesn't work. She casts is again at 4th level and this time it shrinks down into nothing and disappears
- Acta's Detect Magic shows her some residual magic, but it seems to be gone.
- Sariel finishes exploring the cavern and there are no more passageways out of this cavern except the one they came from
- A short rest is taken
- Zaril does a fly-over of the lake and sees something glittering about 20' under the water in the pool
- She dives into the water and retrieves a shield then casts Dimension Door to get back to the top of the 40' cliff.
- Zaril examines the shield she found - It is a circular shield made of a silvery metal (steel?) with a gold ring around the perimeter with an inlay of blue stone in the shape of a bird (symbol of the god Habbakuk). She shows it to Acta who confirms that it is magical, but she can't tell what it does yet.
- Sariel swirls around Zaril to dry her feathers and Zaril ends up all poofed like a baby bird.

- 3,580 XP ea for 118,820 XP total ea.


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