You Get a Sending and You Get a Sending and You Get a Sending! - February 26, 2021

 - We have all survived Snowpocalypse 2021

- The group turns back into mist and carefully shepherd Jinorah northeast up the coast in the direction of Ellilune's tower.

- After a few hours, the wind starts to pick up and it's getting colder and it's starting to get hard to travel. Zaril solidifies to talk to everyone and tell them they should lose altitude, .

- They have to corral the baby dragon back to the ground where the wind isn't as bad.

- Luca solidifies as well.

- Sariel too.

- They look around and find a tree that Sariel can use to Transport via Plants directly to Ellilune's tower.

- On the other side of the tree teleport, they find themselves on the coast at the edge village containing Ellilune's tower.

- It is freaking cold here, snowing, and the wind is really whipping the snow around.

- The snow is like mid-thigh deep all around.

- Zaril is flying in short bursts.

- Sariel casts Protect from Energy (cold) on herself and now she's less likely to get frostbite.

- Penny is snow hopping and basically disappears every time she lands.

- What would normally be a 20-minute walk takes over 45.

- Zaril concocts a plan and tells Neil to prepare his pets. She uses Polymorph to transform herself into a Giant Snow Owl and takes Acta to the tower's door and returns for Jinorah and Penny.

- Neil is too heavy for her to carry, so Luca Summons her Steed and puts him on the horse.

- Acta bangs on the door and a peep door a la Wizard of Oz and asks who she is. Acta tries to convince him that she is expected. Suddenly during her conversation a Giant Snow Owl drops a black panther and a blue dragon wyrmling on the doorstep, screeches loudly at the doorman, and then goes back for another trip.

- Just as Neil and Luca trudge up on her steed Ellilune opens the door herself and invites them in.

- It is much warmer inside and Neil, Jinorah, and Penny and Acta head straight for the giant fireplace.

- Sariel goes over to Jinorah and looks her over to check for frostbite, and she seems okay, just cold. 

- Luckily for everyone, the wizard bug corpse "disappeared" (Zaril might have helped it get lost, but she's not telling)

- They discuss with Ellilune her attempts at communicating with Agrexost through the bit of brain matter they gave her, but she hasn't had much luck yet with her dream speaking ability. She has no way to know for certain if she has succeeded.

- Zaril offers to perform a Sending to Sarah Watson for Neil, "Message from Neil: He misses you. He hopes your staying warm, sorry about that. Were doing our best. He has a new dragon friend."

- She gets back from Sarah " I'm mostly safe despite the difficulties. The city was on fire and is now weirdly getting snow. Don't let the dragon eat him."

- Zaril then sends to her Saraak, mentor back home in the mountains farther east, "Hows the weather up there? Do you have anything that can help my friends resist cold? Or acid that can destroy organic matter?"

- She gets back, "The weather is normal - why do you ask? We usually use warmth potions when we go to cold places. Most acids can destroy organics."

- While they are discussing the merits of a plan to Teleport into Agrexost's head and melt its brain with acid and Zaril is Sending to everyone she's ever met, some of Ellilune's people bring a nice hearty stew.

- Sariel urges Jinorah to eat slowly so that she doesn't make herself sick.

- Zaril sends to Saraak again, "Can we have some? We are in dire need and about to go into the ocean to destroy an ice titan’s brain."

- He responds, "Of course you are welcome to some of them. How will you get them? It might be simpler to brew your own. The recipe is not difficult."

- Ellilune doesn't know how to make a Potion of Resistance, but she has some potion manuals that she goes to look through.

- Zaril attempts to Send to the person she met in her Agrexost Amulet nightmare, "Hi, it's Zaril. What’s your name? How are things in the brain? What’s the deal with the eye?"

- She hears back, "I'm Bovàl. How are we talking? Where did you go? It knows about you. It's looking for you. Did you make it mad?"

- She Sends back to Bovàl, "I can speak to minds. It sent me away. Is it mad? How are you coping with the cold? Can you talk with the titan?"

- He responds, "It knows about me and I think it understands me, but we don't "talk." I'm in its brain. It's not cold in here; just floaty."

- Zaril Sends to Bovàl again, "Could you try to convey to it that it would be much happier in the Ice Plane, and that we can help it get there?"

- He responds, "I can try that. What happens to me if you send this thing to the ice plane? Am I stuck here?"

- For her last Sending of the day, Zaril Sends to Bovàl, "Thank you for trying. You can either go to the Ice Plane or return with us to the surface. How did you get in the brain?"

- Bovàl responds, " I was working in the mine. There was a cave-in. I remember being trapped under some rock and then I woke up here."

- Zaril casts the Mansion so that Jinorah won't raid Ellilune's pantry in the night

- Zaril then as they are getting ready for bed find Neil in his room and admits to drugging Jinorah back in the Holimion Forest and apologizes. It's a whole thing.

- "Well, that was delightfully awkward."

- Zaril puts the Amulet back on before going to bed, and they arrange watches in case she wakes up half-frozen again.

- 4,000 XP ea. for 208,260 XP total ea.


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