A Little Girl in an Undead World - January 11, 2019

- Katie is now a direction. Did you travel Katie-wise?

- After several hours of travel, Penny gets Neil's attention and points out something, and he sees someone duck down into the tall grass
- After some very quietly whispered discussion about the stalker, Cornelius sends Penny to go tackle the guy
- There's a high-pitched yelp after Penny's easy success on sneaking and pinning. The stalker is a young girl, maybe ten or twelve. She says her name is Kelly.
- She reads as undead to the paladin.
- They converse. She says the tower is far away, but there's another town called Bayside at the coast.
- She ends up walking with them for a little while.
- After they take a rest to have some food, which they share, the girl heads back home. The place she was sitting has grown some dark colored vines.
- Acta cuts a piece of vine, and Sariel asks if she can use Druidcraft on it to see what will happen.
- Sariel gives a tiny poke of magic to the bit of vine, and it scary quickly grows to cover her entire arm up to the shoulder. Acta feels little pokes into her skin, but it isn't strong enough to actually puncture her skin.
- Sariel is a bit freaked out and suggests burning the vines.
- Acta says no as Neil unwinds the vines from her arm. She takes and braids it into a wreath and sticks it in the bag of holding.
- Near evening the group comes upon a small village that's mostly just a group of small houses clustered at the base of some fishing docks and around a small marketplace.
- Sariel casts Detect Evil and Good and walks close to the walls of several houses. The inhabitants read as Undead to the spell.
- The group agrees not to spend the night in the village.
- They travel a bit outside of town and set up camp.
- Acta's watch passes uneventfully.
- During Sariel's watch she hears some rustling in the bushes, so she transforms into a domestic house cat to investigate stealthily, but she finds the creepy zombie vines growing towards camp.
- Just as she realizes what the vines are, the Neil's Alarm Spell activates The vines have grown all around their camp, and there are two large mounds of vines approaching from opposite sides.

Killer Plants
- Penny Pounces on Vine Mound 2, but just gets a face full of leaves, so she darts back over to Neil
- Neil casts Ensnaring Strike on an arrow and shoots it into VM2  for 12 piercing dmg, but the vines from the spell are ineffective - He decides to try fire next turn.
- Sariel summons a Flame Blade and slashes the creatures for 11 fire dmg, but it Resists the dmg, the vines grow up around Sariel Grappling her
- VM1 misses smacking Sariel with vine tendrils, then it engulfs Sariel. She is Blinded, Restrained, and cannot breath
- Luca moves to VM2 and smashes it with her hammer (she determined that the VMs are not undead so the new mace isn't called for) for 10 bludgeoning and 10 Divine Smite radiant dmg - The radiant dmg was normally effective. The vines grow up and around Luca.
- Acta casts Ray of Frost on VM2, but misses.
- VM2 misses Luca twice, then engulfs Luca. She is Blinded, Restrained, and cannot breath.
- Penny Pounces on VM2 but misses
- Neil shoots VM2 for 6 piercing dmg
- Sariel uses a bonus action to transform into a Green Dragon (Allosaurus) dealing 10 bludgeoning dmg to VM1 as she bursts out of it. She then bites it for 22 piercing dmg. It tastes really bad.
- VM1 moves adjacent to Acta then hits for 5 bludgeoning dmg then hits her again for 23 bludgeoning dmg, then engulfs her. She is Blinded, Restrained, and cannot breath
- Luca struggles to swing her hammer but can't seem to move well enough to do anything
- Acta casts Tasha's Hideous Laughter on VM1 making it fall Prone and Incapacitating it. Acta is still inside the creature.
- VM2 squishes Luca for 13 bludgeoning dmg. It smacks Penny with a vine for 18 bludgeoning dmg and then does it again for 14 bludgeoning dmg. Penny is Grappled.
- The vines grows 5' in every direction.
- Penny escapes the Grapple. She runs away from the VM.
- Neil moves to Penny's side then misses VM2 with his longbow.
- Sariel moves to VM2 and bites it for 18 piercing dmg.
- VM1 squishes Acta for 15 bludgeoning dmg. VM1 continues being Incapacitated.
- Luca sends a telepathic command to Lexie asking it to trample VM2 which is engulfing her. Lexie does so for 9 bludgeoning dmg, but it does not fall over
- VM2 squishes Luca for 11 blugeoning dmg then smacks the Sarielsaur for 13 bludgeoning dmg but misses with the second tendril.
- Penny moves to flank VM2 with the Sarielsaur and then prepares to Dodges any vines that come her way.
- Neil shoots VM2 for 8 piercing dmg, killing it and releasing Luca.
- Sarielsaur moves to VM1 and bites it for 13 piercing dmg, then misses biting SOMEHOW. (Stupid 1 AND 2 on an ADV roll)
- Acta resists the squishy dmg. VM1 is no longer Incapacitated, so it stands up and then misses striking Sarielsaur, then hits her for 15 bludgeoning dmg.
- Luca casts Aid on herself, Penny, and Acta.
- Acta can't get to her xiphos to slash at VM1.
- Penny moves into position to Pounce on her next turn.
- Neil misses with his longbow
- Sarielsaur moves around to the other side of VM1 then does not manage to bite VM1.
- VM1 squishes Acta for 11 bludgeoning dmg. It then hits the Sarielsaur for 13 bludgeoning dmg, then misses her.
- Luca moves to flank VM1 with Sariel then misses it with her first hit then smashes it for 10 bludgeoning dmg and 7 radiant dmg.
- Acta still can't get to her xiphos.
- Penny moves around closer to the VM1.
- Neil moves to Penny and then heals her for 9 HP.
- Sariel bites VM1 for 19 piercing dmg.
- VM1 does not squish Acta. It then it misses Sariel twice.
- Luca smashes VM1 for 9 bludgeoning dmg then hits it again for 9 bludgeoning dmg (again).
- Acta finally gets to her xiphos and stabs it for 9 piercing dmg, killing it. She falls to her knees as the vines disintegrate around her with a gasping breath.

- 2,300 XP ea. for 20,900 XP total ea.


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