Shades of Gray Matter - February 14, 2019

- The party all runs out of whatever shop they were in browsing, and Zaril flies into the air to assess the situation.
- She casts a Light cantrip onto her belt and the rest of the party follows her like a beacon.
- She lands in front of the city guard who says there may have been a cave-in
- Sgt Watson is not here yet, but she is probably on her way.
- They move away from the guards to wait for her and to talk, but Zaril flies up to see if she can find her, but there are a lot of guards
- Cpl Davis is currently in charge
- Zaril asks the regular guard if this happens often (No.)
- Neil goes into military mode and approaches the corporal - reports of a cave-in, but they may have been being attacks by something
- The power walk to the entrance to the mine
- Zaril casts Light on the strings of her ukelele and Luca pulls out her glowing hammer
- The tunnel slopes down and loops around to a circular chamber with a glowing platform in the middle reminiscent of the one in the city hall.
- They all step on and Zaril and Acta start trying to get it to move, and they eventually succeed and it starts to sink
- Near the bottom of the shaft, there is a curved, angled dome-type wall with a hole cut in it for the platform, and there is a large space
- Sariel sees an area where some of the material from above has fallen and may have caught a cart
- The material that they are mining is a very unusual rock that has a foamy, porous texture
- It's surprisingly heavy given how much like pumice
- Detect Magic nearly blinds Acta
- The domed wall that creates the chamber is indeed made of bone with further investigation on Acta's part
- Acta keeps watch while Sariel, Cornelius, and Luca try to dig the area out while Acta and Zaril keep watch in case anything attacks them
- Acta hears a noise over there that sounds like rocks skittering just over there, so she goes to investigate and Zaril follows her
- Acta disappears!

- Zaril flies up to see over another pile of rubble and sees what looks like a dark mass of goo with four long tentacles trying to eat Acta, so she immediately casts Chaos Bolt at the Goo Monster, but it bounces off, so she casts Bardic Inspiration on Acta and flies back towards her other companions and alerts them of Acta's predicament.
- Penny runs over to the creature and Pounces on it, but she bounces off of it too.
- The GM teleports itself and Acta to another place in the room and keeps eating her.
- Luca runs to the GM's new location and casts Haste on herself then she misses the monster with her first attack, then she smashes into it with her magic hammer for 7 bludgeoning dmg
- The GM misses Luca with a tentacle attack, then whacks her for 8 bludgeoning dmg and she is Grappled and Restrained, then bites Acta for 13 piercing dmg (halved with Uncanny Dodge)
- Acta breaks free of the Grapple and then runs and hides behind a different pile of rubble.
- Neil shoots the GM with his longbow for 6 piercing dmg.
- The GM bites Luca for 21 piercing dmg.
- Sariel transforms into an Air Elemental! She then moves into the GM's space and the Whirlwind Trait flings it into a wall for 16 bludgeoning dmg, then she moves next to it and misses it twice
- The GM teleports to the other side of the cave behind Acta.
- Zaril casts Dragon Breath (Lightning) then she flies to be above Acta (mostly) then she breaths at it for 8 lightning dmg then she moves back away from it
- Penny runs up to the GM and Pounces on it for 8 slashing dmg, but it doesn't get knocked Prone.
- The GM misses Penny with its beak
- Luca Haste runs to flank with Penny then smashes the GM with her magicky hammer for 10 bludgeoning dmg, then again for 10 bludgeoning dmg, then again for 9 bludgeoning dmg, and then misses.
- The GM hits Penny with a tentacle for 5 bludgeoning dmg and she is Grappled and Restrained, then it attacks Acta, but she uses Shield so it misses, then it tries to bite Penny, but misses.
- Acta shoots it with her for 34 piercing dmg, then she Disengages and runs to hide behind yet a different column
- The GM teleports away from the people threatening it who it can't seem to hit.
- Neil moves and then shoots the GM for 8 piercing dmg. When the arrow hits it, the GM disappears.
- Sariel starts moving through the nearest rubble pile trying to see if there are any people or bodies in this pile. She finishes one rubble pile and moves to the next
- The GM reappears behind Neil! and bites him for 18 piercing dmg. He then tentacle attacks Neil for 11 bludgeoning dmg and he is Grappled and Restrained. It then hits Penny with a tentacle for 14 bludgeoning dmg and she is Grappled and Restrained.
- Zaril flies to where she can see the GM and then casts Chaos Bolt on it for 14 lightning dmg.
- Penny escapes the Grapple, and tries to run away, but it hits her again with a tentacle for 12 dmg and she is Grappled and Restrained again.
- The GM bites Neil for 20 piercing dmg.
- Luca recasts Haste on herself then runs over and smashes the GM with her magicky hammer for 7 bludgeoning dmg and then again for 9 bludgeoning dmg, and it crumbles into a pile of rubble like the other piles of rubble.

- Sariel finds two bodies in the largest pile of rubble, and Neil finds one next to the smaller pile next to the broken cart.
- Acta examines the niches in the wall and finds that what might be the orbital socket in what very much seems to be a gargantuan skull.
- As they are moving the three bodies onto the elevator platform, there's a rumble and another scream inside their heads and a bit of the magicky ore reappears along the inside surface of the dome
- At the top of the shaft, there's a group of soldier include Sgt Watson, and she asks "What the hell is going on?"

- 2,880 XP ea. for 70,780 XP total ea.


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