It's the FINAL COUNTDOWN - March 5, 2021

 - Sariel has first watch over Zaril and not long after she falls asleep, her body starts to be covered in ice, and she is unresponsive and won't wake up when Sariel shakes her and calls her name, so she gets some of the Mansion's servants to draw a hot bath and gets them to put Zaril in it.

- Zaril wakes up as she's being carried into the bath and is dropped in.

- She says, after Sariel calms her down, that Agrexost didn't realize he is turning the whole world to ice and that she actually managed to talk to it.

- She asked it if it would be willing to go to the Plane of Ice where heat couldn't bother it, and it asked if she was trustworthy, then she woke up.

- The group finishes sleeping and then has breakfast and then leaves the mansion to talk to Ellilune.

- They tell her about Zaril's conversation with Agrexost, and then the Sendings begin.

- She starts by Sending to Ezra, "Do you happen to know how to gain the trust of a titan? Also, can ghosts be teleported, or forced to pass on?"

- Ezra responds, "Titans destroy and reshape reality. How could you trust it? Ghosts can be destroyed like most undead."

- Zaril then Sends directly to Agrexost, "Hi. Can you tell me how to gain your trust? We really want to help you get somewhere better. Better for you and us."

- She hears painful SHOUTING IN HER HEAD, "You can join me and become one with the cold." She grabs her heads and a rime of frost forms on the edges of her feathers.

- They form a plan where Sariel will try the trick with the amulet and a nap to see if she can convince Agrexost that it should go to the Plane of Ice and let this world live.

- Zaril hands over the amulet and Sariel attunes to it.

- Sariel casts Investiture of Ice on herself

- Zaril casts Bardic Inspiration on herself

- Luca stays nearby (Paladin Aura of Protection for +3)

- Sariel takes some herbs from Ellilune and settles on a couch for a nap. She goes to sleep pretty quickly with the help of the herb.

- Not long after that she lets out a scream and then crumples in on her self more than just sleeping.

- They take her into the Mansion and put her in a hot bath and they have to change the water several times because it gets cold so fast. It takes 3 hours for her to finally wake up.

- She had taken 34 psychic and cold damage, but Luca casts Lay on Hands on her, so she has no missing HP when she wakes up.

- She wakes up groggily talking about needing to go back to cast Plane Shift. It seemed like it was willing to go if she went with it, but she didn't have a chance to cast the spell.

- Her Hide armor is so waterlogged because they didn't take it off that she has to use the Create or Destroy Water spell to fix it.

- They agree to all Teleport to Agrexost so that they stick together as a Team.

- Ellilune gives Luca 4 diamonds worth 300 GP ea so that she can Revivify if needed.

- They say their goodbyes to Ellilune and then the whole group plus Ellilune head outside to the nearest tree that she can use to send them to Chemendoro, and she casts Transport via Plants to go them to Chemendoro.

- They head straight for the barracks, but Sgt Watson is at home, so they then have to head there.

- The city of Chemendoro is starting to look like a ruin.

- Sarah opens the door and invites them in to meet Rosalyn.

- 4,000 XP ea for 212,260 XP total ea.


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