Chasing Dragons #MoreDragonWorshippers - November 20, 2020

- The baby dragon is currently up a tree, freaking the hell out.

- Zaril flies up the tree near the baby, but it start making screaming noises at her. 

- Acta tosses Zaril the last of the scorpion tails so she can try to lure it down to Neil, but it just screams again

- Neil makes calming noises in Draconic, but that makes zero difference.

- The dragon jumps to a different tree.

- Zaril follows and tries to grab it, but it slips through her hands

- Acta notices some rustling in the bushes around them, so she looks around and sees what look like very short lizardfolk carrying spears surrounding them. She says hello to them in Draconic, and it starts so she gets Neil's attention.

- The kobolds (they're kobolds) threaten the group for trying to "threaten" the baby dragon.

- Sariel starts fading and turning into an Air Elemental, and the kobolds freak out.

- Luckily she still has Tongues going (from last time), so she assures them that she's just trying to get it out of the tree and give it back to Neil, so she floats up gently to it and tries to carefully grab it as air, but it wiggles out of her grasp and glides to a different tree.

- Neil calls up to her and calls her Jinorah (which he named her) and asks her to come back to him. She does stop screaming and looks at him.

- Zaril Sends to Jinorah, "It's okay, Jinorah. Nothing is going to hurt you. We can protect you. Go back to your father. He needs you."

- She hears back murmuring burbles and a feeling of confusion. 

- Zaril flies to the next tree in the direction she's been heading.

- After a few minutes she flies over to the tree where Zaril is but doesn't get too close.

- Zaril flies to a tree closer to Neil.

- After another few moments, she followed Zaril to that tree too.

- Zaril convinces Neil to climb the tree to Jinorah, so he does that slowly and gently.

- Acta gets into an argument with a kobold and gets poked with a spear.

- Acta casts Blindness on the kobold out of spite, and he starts screaming about how the witch blinded him and he can't see.

- Luca watches stoically from the back of her celestial steed.

- Acta pulls an infinity fruit out of the Bag and shoves it right into the kobold's mouth.

- He sputters and chokes on the fruit. He then uses his spear like a pole vaulter and launches himself at Acta's face.

- Neil continues talking soothingly to her, and then she slowly comes over and starts gently chewing on his hand, which is uncomfortable for Neil, but she's being gentle so his hand isn't mangled.

- He reassuringly pats her while wincing and asks her if she will come down out of the tree.

- Acta from under the pummeling kobold tosses the scorpion tail to Zaril who hands it to Neil who feeds it to Jinorah.

- She scarfs down the food and then relaxes and curls up on a large branch and goes to sleep.

- Neil sits next to her and calls to Penny to climb the tree and settle herself on another bench.

- Penny growls at the kobolds at Neil's direction.

- Zaril flies down and tries to calm the kobolds who are trying to wrestle with Acta.

- She asks the kobolds why they are interested in the dragon.

- The kobolds believe that dragons are gods and must be protected.

- Acta has managed to cast Hold Person on the two kobolds who were attacking her. Two more attack her, and they won't let her pass through their ranks.

- Sariel floats down and says they are looking for Gerard.

- Zaril casts Dragon Breath on herself then "breathes" poison on a tree to show them that she also has dragon powers to intimidate them.

- The kobolds refuse to believe she is like a dragon.

- The kobolds agree to accompany them to Gerard and observe the care of the baby dragon.

- The kobolds immediately start making camp around the tree.

- Zaril starts talking to the kobold in charge and asks if she can show him how they feed the baby so that she can cast the Magnificent Mansion without them freaking out again. She casts the spell and allows the leader of the kobolds (Snek) access as well.

- Zaril goes inside and instructs the servants to provide meat for the dragon as soon as she comes through the door.

- Sariel climbs the tree to offer to help Neil carry Jinorah down, but he decides to stay in the tree with her.

- Zaril hunts for a bit and returns with three rabbits. She cuts one in half and gives it to Neil in case the baby wakes up and is intractable. 

- Sariel manages to get the lead kobold to stick his head inside the mansion to see that it won't hurt the baby-dragon-god to come inside and get breakfast.

- Neil sleeps in the tree. 

- Zaril comes out and flies up to check on Neil and Jinorah and Penny. She sees that Neil is asleep, the rabbit she gave him is gone and so is Jinorah.

- She wakes Neil. She points out that Jinorah is gone.

- Neil looks down and sees Jinorah standing on top of a scared kobold and seem to be chewing on his arm and contemplating more breakfast.

- "She has chosen me."

- Zaril uses the other half rabbit to lure it into the mansion for a breakfast feast.

- Jinorah cautiously pokes her nose through the door until she can see the table with all the food then she darts straight to the meal.

- So the group manages to get some breakfast.

- Jinorah eats herself into a food coma and her belly is distended, so Neil drapes her over his shoulders and they head back out.

- Neil teaches everyone how to say food in Draconic for future luring of scared baby dragon.

- The kobolds see that the dragon is sated and agree to lead them to Gerard.

- Zaril and Sariel take turns giving scritchies to the dragon and Sariel also gives loads of attention to Penny.

- The kobolds say they are about a two day's walk to Gerard's house.

- Acta pulls out the mummified hand and starts to offer it to the dragon as a chew toy, but all her friends start asking where in the hell she got that. She just shrugs and sticks it back in the Bag, but she takes a second glance she thinks it might have moved, so she ties some string between the thumb and forefinger. 

- Zaril asks the kobolds to provide a chew toy for the dragon. They offer a kobold-sized bedroll, and Jinorah wrinkles her nose at it. Sariel has been keeping an eye out and finds a smooth bit of stick which Jinorah consents to chew on.

- They walk and walk and walk and finally stop to camp again.

- This time Jinorah is very excited to go inside the portal this time around.

- The next morning passes more or less the same way as the first and they set out walking again.

- After a while, Neil realizes this area seems very familiar and he's pretty sure they've traveled in a circle.

- The kobolds seem very confident that they know where they are going.

- Sariel casts Guiding Hand asking for directions to the Southern Hills.

- The kobolds are annoyed that they are not leading the way.

- A little after midday, Snek stops the group and points up a hill where there's a bit of a cliff (40-50' up), and says that Gerard lives there.

- Jinorah allows Zaril to carry her, but there's a bit of a scuffle because she wants to be on Zaril's shoulder, but she would get buffeted by wings there, so she has to settle into Zaril's arms instead.

- Sariel casts Wind Walk on everybody else. 

- Neil says goodbye to the kobolds while she is casting. The kobolds will now go home to their village in the valley.

- They fly up to the ledge and see a door with a knocker inset into the opening of the cave mouth.

- 3,000 XP ea for 166,700 XP total ea.


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