You Don't Get Advantage on Attacks up the Pooper - August 9, 2019

- Dolphin inside a star wearing a cowboy hat!

- The group awakes to a crash at the entrance to the halfling's hive
- The roof starts to vibrate and debris starts to rained down.
- The halflings immediately start to panic
- There is a very large, fat, ugly, smelly creature banging on the roof at the entrance to the

- The halflings panic.
- Neil Dashes as close to the entrance as he can and shoots the thing with his longbow for 10 piercing dmg
- The halflings panic.
- Zaril moves closer to the entrance and casts Vicious Mockery, but the creature is unaffected
- More halflings panic.
- Sariel moves closer to the Ugly Thing casts and then Conjure Woodland Being and a Darkling Elder appears
- Acta casts Hex on the UT (Wis ST) and then misses shooting it with her bow
- Neil orders Penny to protect the halflings so she moves forward grabs a halfling too close the the UT and then drags it backwards 10 ft
- Luca dashes up to the UT
- The halflings panic
- Neil shoots the UT with his longbow for 11 piercing dmg
- The Darkling Elder dies and the UT takes 3 radiant dmg from its Death Burst
- Zaril casts Dissonant Whispers on the UT for 13 psychic dmg and it reacts by running away to the very entrance
- It then turns around and comes back and smacks Luca for 18 dmg then misses. Then it squishes a panicking halfling to death.
- Sariel runs up to the UT and then transforms into a Green Dragon (Allosaur) and bites it for 13 piercing dmg. It tastes like sweaty fat.
- The UT attacks Sariel for 10 bludgeoning and then misses.
- Acta shoots the UT for 19 piercing dmg.
- Penny releases the halfling she dragged previously and pounces forward and grabs another halfling who has gotten too close to the UT and drags it away from the UT
- The halflings panic
- Luca casts Divine Smite and hits the UT for 10 bludgeoning and 11 radiant dmg and then hits it again for 10 more bludgeoning dmg
- The roof smashes open and another creature falls through the roof landing next to Acta. It smashes her for 10 bludgeoning dmg and then misses.
- The halflings panic.
- Cornelius shoots the first UT for 1 piercing dmg
- Zaril casts Suggestion on the first UT and then yells at the halflings "Get inside and stay there! We got this!" to persuade them to get out of the fight
- UT1 misses Sariel twice but then squishes the other halfling too close to it.
- The halflings panic, but the few who heard Zaril run into their houses and slams the doors shut.
- Sariel Dragon bites UT1 for 13 piercing dmg.
- UT1 turns to Luca and smashes her for 13 bludgeoning dmg then misses.
- Acta Disengages from UT2 and then moves back to back with Zaril. She then misses her shot on UT1.
- Penny releases her current capture and runs forward to grab Vrandy who had gotten too close to UT1.
- UT2 moves up to Acta misses twice. Then it kills a halfling.
- The halflings panic.
- Luca smashes UT1 for 6 bludgeoning and then hits again for 11 bludgeoning and 5 radiant dmg.
- UT2 smashes Acta for 5 bludgeoning dmg and then hits her again for 14 bludgeoning dmg and then he grabs her and sits on her (She is up the butt)
- The halflings panic
- Neil misses his shot on UT1. He doesn't manage to get any halflings to listen to him about hiding in their homes.
- Zaril yells at them too, but they still don't listen. She then casts Shatter above UT2's head for 6 thunder dmg. She then moves closer to Cornelius.
- UT1 smashes Luca for 7 bludgeoning dmg and then hits her again for 14 bludgeoning dmg and then grabs her and sits on her.
- Sariel bites UT1 for 15 piercing dmg.
- Acta takes 6 bludgeoning dmg from being sat on. She then casts Tasha's Hideous Laughter causing it to fall prone then she wiggles out from under it.
- Penny goes after another halfling and drags as deep into their house as possible
- UT2 rolls around on the ground laughing.
- The halflings panic
- Luca takes 9 bludgeoning dmg from being sat on. She can't seem to wiggle out from under it. She then touches herself for 20 HP.
- UT2 rolls around on the ground laughing.
- The halflings panic.
- Neil shoots UT1 with his longbow for 8 piercing dmg. Neil yells at the nearest halfling to get back inside. It listens!
- Zaril moves to UT1 and misses then stabs it for 10 piercing dmg.
- UT1 misses Sariel twice. The kills an adjacent halfling.
- The halflings panic.
- Sariel doesn't manage to bite UT1.
- Acta shoots UT1 for 18 piercing dmg.
- Penny goes up to another halfling and drags it butt back inside.
- UT2 throws off the spell.
- The halflings panic.
- Luca takes 10 bludgeoning dmg then escapes being sat upon. She then smashes UT1 for 12 bludgeoning and 11 radiant dmg. She smashes it again for 10 bludgeoning.
- UT2 stands up. He then misses Acta twice.
- Neil shoots UT1 for 7 piercing dmg.
- Zaril stabs UT1 for 4 piercing dmg and then stabs it again for 6 piercing dmg. Then moves away from the scary thing.
- UT1 misses Luca twice.
- Sariel bites UT1 for 19 piercing dmg killing it!!!!

- 1,760 XP ea for 42,320 XP ea.


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