"And you shall know them by their fruits" - February 8, 2019

- The group ask around in the marketplace if there's anyone in town who knows magic, and the only response is that Old Sam might be able to help.
- Old Sam lives in a small, simple, well-maintained building, and he reads as HUMAN to Sariel's spell.
- Old Sam says that the beans seem unstable, and the product of planting them could produce something good or something bad. It's hard to say. Just don't eat them.
- Old Sam doesn't recognize the plant that Acta kept from the zombiefying plants.
- Old Sam says that The Lady is a druid.
- Old Sam agrees that they can plant one of the beans on his land before they leave.
- The bean sprouts within one minute and within 5 minutes it's a full-grown tree with 26 fruits of various sizes and colors and fragrant. 8 of them smell medicinal, 3 are the equivalent of Greater Potions of Healing (4d4+4 HP per potion), 1 of them equivalent to a Potion ofit's the green one, Poison (3d6 poison dmg, beat a 13 DC Con ST or be Poisoned and take 3d6 poison dmg at the beginning of your next turn until you pass a ST, then 2d6 until you pass a ST, then 1d6 until you pass a ST and your done being Poisoned), 2 of them are the equivalent to a Potion of Resistance (resistance to 1 type of non-physical damage for 1 hour), and the last 2 are basically Potions of Climbing (Climb speed = walking speed for 1 hour, and Adv on Str ST to climb). The other 18 are just fruit, but they will never spoil.
- The tree starts shrinking after all the fruit is picked and after about 20 minutes it has completely disappeared. Acta tries to dig the bean back up, but cannot find it.
- Neil splits open one of the non-potion fruits and it has pale yellow-white flesh and smells very nice. It tastes like your favorite fruit. To Luca it tastes of banana. To Neil it tastes like kiwi. To Acta it tastes like banana too. To Sariel it tastes of mionian berries. To Old Sam it tastes like a ripe pear. Penny gulps her share down like mutton. There are now 17 magic, non-spoiling fruit.
- There are now seven magic beans in the bag.
- Neil gives Old Sam one of the Infinity fruit in addition to the gold piece that Acta gave him, and the party has a forever friend.
- The party decides to use that last few hours of daylight in the day to head east towards The Lady's tower.
- After a few hours of travel, the group makes camp, and take watches, and nothing really happens. They don't encounter any other people on the road either.
- An hour after they first sight the tower, the group arrives in the village in the "shadow" of the tower.
- The people in this village read as undead. They seem to be a mix of farmers, fishermen, and stone masons.
- As they walk into town, the locals stare at them. It's a little more than normal for "strangers in town".
- Luca goes up to a well-dressed villager and requests a meeting with The Lady in her hoity-toitiest voice while presenting her family crest.
- He leads them up to the front door of the tower. It's a big impressive, wood with iron filigree in the shapes of leaves and vines, double-door opening.
- Luca respectfully requests an audience with The Lady of the man who opens the tiny, sliding window in the big doors. He lets them in.
- There are no stairs, but there is a large hole in the ceiling.
- The porter announces them, and then a set of stairs made of brown tree-type roots grows down from the opening.
- A woman begins to descend the staircase. She has pale skin, dark hair, piercing green eyes, and her dark green (almost black) with red flowers that is also made of living plants. Sariel can see that there are the points of ears sticking up through her hair. She introduced as Lady Ellilune.
- "I've been expecting you."

- 2,100 XP ea. for 24,800 XP ea.


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