Down the Titan Hole - April 2, 2021

 - First in person session since Covid hit 14 months ago! (Last session of the campaign?)

- Sariel lets go of her fire elemental shape.

- Luca takes out her magicky hammer, which glows

- Suddenly the group finds themselves standing in Alejandro's office and Sarah is there as well.

- Alejandro says that he has called them here to ask them to change their plans, but the group immediately knows that they were drowning a minute ago, and Zaril immediately realizes that his mannerisms are off from the Alejandro she's spoken to before.

- Acta detects illusion magic when she casts Detect Magic and whispers to Zaril to cast Dispel Magic

- Alejandro asks them to disable the creature and bring it back to Chemendoro to be harvested for materials again.

- Zaril casts Dispel Magic and everything sort of shimmers and Alejandro asks what that was.

- Everyone insists they he isn't Alejandro and we KNOW it's not Sarah Watson when she begs them to do what Alejandro wants and not to cause trouble.

- Alejandro asks one more time and they as a group insist that Agrexost will be sent to the Plane of Ice where it will be happy and where the world will not be destroyed by ice

- Everything shimmers again and then goes black and then they find themselves in a lovely, misty manicured garden

- Ellilune tell them they are in danger 

- Sariel is like no duh. We knew it would be dangerous.

- Ellilune says that Agrexost is trying to take over their brains.

- Sariel says she is going to go to the titan one way or the other. If she has to give her puny life to save the natural world, then that is what it takes.

- Ellilune offers to help them get out of the creature's grasp, but they are all set on continuing their path to try to earn the creature's trust to teleport it to the Plane of Ice.

- She says okay, and the garden fades.

- The group finds themselves underwater in what looks like a very large cave with columns, but neither the ceiling nor the floor are visible. 

- Sariel sees in her peripheral vision something move, but she doesn't get a clear view of whatever it was.

- Acta saw something similar off over there in another direction

- Zaril attempts to hide behind a column, and her friends think it's silly 

- Sariel casts Detect Evil & Good, but she doesn't sense anything

- Sariel then calls out, "Agrexost?"

- Acta swims 50' in the direction of the thing she saw, but also sees nothing

- Luca casts Divine Sense which gives her 60' to Sariel's 30'

- Neil starts concentrating in the area to see what he can sense.

- The group circles up around Neil to watch all the directions and Acta realizes the darkness is somehow getting closer and then she realizes the darkness seems to be a perfect circle of teeth

- Around the time she can make that out, Sariel's proximity sensor goes off "ABERRATION!"

- Sariel grabs Neil by the wrist and starts swimming up (sort of, directions don't matter)


- Acta casts Magic Weapon on her short bow then she shoots the Thing for 9 piercing dmg then she swims towards a column away from her friends.

- The Thing reaches out a tentacle at Acta hitting her for 22 bludgeoning dmg and she is now Grappled and Restrained. She casts a fizzly Hellish Rebuke back at it for 14 fire dmg (after being halved). Then it moves closer to the clump of most of the party near a pillar and tries to swat Sariel, but it misses.

- Neil casts Lightning arrow then shoots TT for 23 lighting dmg and then Neil swims away from the group

- Sariel casts Sunburst behind the creature for 14 radiant dmg (UGH SO MANY ONES ON MY DAMAGE DICE)

- Another Thing comes up behind Sariel and slaps her with a tentacle for 19 bludgeoning and she is Grappled and Restrained. It tries to do the same thing to Zaril, but misses.

- Luca casts Haste on herself and then swims right up to the side of TT's head and smashes her hammer right into its tympanic membrane for 8 bludgeoning and 7 radiant dmg then misses on her second attack

- Zaril pauses just long enough to assess the creatures then she casts Otto's Irresistible Dance on TT then she casts Bardic Inspiration on Sariel then she moves around the column towards Luca

- TT attacks Zaril and misses

The Things shimmer briefly similarly to the way Alejandro shimmered when Zaril casts Dispel Magic

- Acta looks more closely at the things and senses illusion magic as she is being flopped around in the TT's dancing tentacle. She then casts Misty Step and teleports to the other side of the column and she shoots TT for 24 piercing dmg.

- TT concentrates and stops the forced dancing

 - Neil shouts "Agrexost enough of this shit! I saw the shimmer and I know you're testing us! We are here to help you!" Then he moves over to Acta's column and tries to shoot TT with his longbow, but the arrow is buffeted by a current of water.

- Sariel stares into the maw of the thing and says, "You don't exist." Then she disappears. (Someone finally passed their Insight check). She finds herself outside a bubble where she can see everything happening like looking into a snowglobe. Now once per round she can grant one of her allies Advantage to also succeed on a check to disbelieve the illusion.

- AT moves to the center of the party and slaps Neil with a tentacle for 22 bludgeoning and he is Grappled and Restrained then it slaps Zaril for 14 bludgeoning dmg and she is Grappled and Restrained.

- TT misses Luca 

- Luca hears Sariel's voice in her head saying, "It doesn't really exist!" But she's too pumped up on adrenaline to see through the illusion, so she smashes TT for 14 bludgeoning and radiant dmg and then smashes it again for 17 bludgeoning and radiant dmg and then misses and then she smashes it for 12 bludgeoning and radiant dmg.

- Zaril uses her Ring of Shooting Stars to send balls of lightning to both Thing's mouthes. The one towards TT gos wide, but the other connects for 16 lightning dmg. She then casts Bardic Inspiration on Acta. Then she shouts "Nothing exists! Don't believe what you see!" and she disappears

- Acta misses her shot on TT after she fails at disbelieving in the illusion

- TT misses Luca with a tentacle then smacks her with a tentacle for 15 bludgeoning dmg and she is Grapples and Restrained.

- Neil clicks his heels together and thinks that there's no place like home and disappears.

- Sariel grants Advantage to Luca again

- AT looks for Acta, but can't find her. Then it gathers all its tentacles together at its mouth and flings a ball of force at Luca for 27 force dmg.

- Luca still can't get past the wall of teeth in her face to disbelieve in the monsters. Then she hits the creature three times then she uses Misty step to get out of the Grapple.

- TT misses Luca again with its Legendary

- Zaril gives Acta Advantage to Disbelieve. She also gives her Bardic Inspiration.

- Acta still can't see through the illusion and she also misses TT with her short bow.

- TT flings a force ball at Luca for 11 force dmg.

- Neil gives Advantage to Acta to get out of there

- Sariel gives Advantage to Luca to get out of there. She also transfers her Inspiration to her.

- AT looks for Luca, but can't find her, so it flings another force bolt at Luca for 28 force dmg.

- Luca pauses and takes a deep breath and disappears.

- Zaril gives Advantage to Acta to get out of there. She gives Acta her Inspiration. She also casts her last Bardic Inspiration on her.

- Acta STILL can't Disbelieve despite rolling 5d20s and a d12. She holds as still as she possibly can to not attract attention.

- AT finally figures out where Acta is hiding and moves around the column and tentacle attacks her for 16 bludgeoning dmg and she is Grappled and Restrained. 

Everyone outside the bubble realizes Boral is also in this area with them. They all give Acta Advantage and Sariel casts Enhance Ability on Acta.

- As Acta is being pulled into the giant maw of AT, she chants to herself, "It's not real. It's not real. It's not real." and right before the jaws close on her she bamfs out of the maw of death to join her friends.

- Luca sneaks up behind Boral while he is talking to Acta and Zaril and golf swings him with her magicky armor and he dissipates.

- The globe melts not long after Boral the sphere melts 

- There is another creature where the sphere used to be, but it is a humanoid with legs like a rhinoceros with human-like arms and hands that reach almost to the ground it has elephantine tusks that reach down to its chest and cross under each other with eight spider eyes and its body is covered in shaggy fur.

- This creature is Agrexost.

- Acta gives back the bits of his brain that she has in her bag.

- Agrexost says that they do not need to come with them to the Plane of Ice, so Sariel casts Plane Shift just on the willing Agrexost creature.

- As Agrexost disappears their surroundings shimmer and disappear and they find themselves falling.

- They all find themselves sitting in a giant cavern created from ice. It is the void left behind by Agrexost's body. 

- Zaril Teleports them all back to Sarah's house in Chemendoro.

Epilogues to come.


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