Diplomacy and Stealth - May 31, 2019

- Tiny ukelele!
- Music theory lesson by Dan
- Arson by Dan

- Neil spends his few rest days in Barkridge's Library studying maps and naturey things.
- Acta pokes around the manor and finds a couple of areas that are magicky. There's some Illusion magic and some Transmutation magic around in the rotunda at the entry to the house.
- Zaril asks Barkridge about the group, he says he believe them to be trustworthy.
- Sariel starts trying to cozy up to the bard to get to know her and feel her out. She turns into an owl and they enjoy a flight over the town.
- After a couple of days, Barkridge has a Proper Dinner for the group to discuss their willingness to travel to the giant in the southern mountains.
- They agree to the trip. The conditions: At least the 2400 GP in pay again, and expenses paid.
- Barkridge mentions that he has no aptitude for magic, and Zaril definitely gets the feeling that he's not being truthful about his abilities or his interest level.
- Barkridge knows that there are ogres living in the foothills, but he knows of no other ongoing obstacles.
- Acta and Sariel arrange to meet two hours before dawn to poke around the stairs.
- Geoffrey the butler is in the office asleep on the ledger.
- Sariel feels around the stairs with her hairs to see, but they just feel like stone stairs. Acta points out an area that feels much more like Illusion magic and much less like Transmutation.
- Sariel target the Illusion spell with a 3rd level Dispel Magic, but nothing happens.
- Acta also notices a book on a shelf in the sitting room by the stairs that reeks of Conjuration magic. She picks up the book. It seems to be a novel. She steals it.
- After breakfast, Barkridge brings a 36" metal scroll case and gives it to Lady Hawkwing. (It's a scroll for giants, after all.)
- He also gives Luca a bag of coins for travel expenses.
- Penny shows up for the first time since they arrived at the manor. Zaril is very unsure about this new creature.
- They happen to be in a village around the end of the day, so they ask a local (Not Zombies!) if there's an inn. There isn't, but Thomas will sometimes let travelers stay with him.
- Acta knocks on the door, and Thomas responds, "Well, what are you waiting for?"
- Acta pushes the door open, and there's a somewhat muscular, shirtless man sitting in a chair staring at the door. Behind him is a redheaded woman tied up and gagged.

- 1,000 XP ea for 36,760 XP total ea.


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