Bicker, Bicker, Zap, Zap - February 12, 2021

- Zaril squawks and wakes everyone in the Mansion up

- Everyone dashes to her room, and upon Neil's inquiry of what's wrong, she's cold.

- Zaril says she saw a person lost in the titan's brain who said something about the titan noticing him, and then she saw an eye look at her, and then she got cold and woke up.

- Penny and Sariel sandwich Zaril between them until she warms up enough.

- The next morning, Zaril requests a warm and hearty stew for breakfast

- Jinorah is still asleep.

- Neil is really worried now, and starts asking the servants if they think he should give the dragon caffine, and somehow through a series of yes or no questions it comes out that they have been drugging the dragon's food since the fight yesterday.

- Zaril wanders up and zaps Jinorah with her ring of shooting stars and Jinorah blinks at her very bleary

- Sariel casts Lesser Restoration on Jinorah and that clears the drugs from her system

- Jinorah wakes up, stretches, and then goes to eat some more food.

- Neil and Sariel distract her long enough for the servants to clear away the drugged food and bring "clean" food for Jinorah.

- As soon as they are finished eating, to avoid the difficult conversation about drugging the dragon, Zaril dismisses the Manion without warning, dumping everyone into the bramble bush in which she had cast the spell.

- The instant the Mansion dissipates, there is a loud scream from Agrexost in Zaril's head.

- Neil asks Luca to cast Zone of Truth, and she obliges but everyone saves. Not that she mentions that no one is affected by the spell.

- Neil makes an "I'm not mad; I'm just disappointed" speech, but everyone can tell he's really pissed and just trying his damnedest not to lose his temper.

- Neil doesn't believe that the spell ran out of time like Zaril claimed it did.

- Neil was about to ask one of the servants who ordered the dragon to be drugged when the spell ended.

- Neil doesn't think Luca or Sariel drugged his dragon, so he flat out asks Acta and Zaril if they ordered the dragon drugged by the servants.

- Acta swears on her haversack that she didn't do it.

- Zaril just denies it flat out.

- Neil can't figure out which one it was, so they agree to move past it as a group, though he's still steaming mad.

- As they are all picking up their stuff from where it is strewn through the bramble brush, they realize that Jinorah has wandered off.

- Zaril starts flying around to try to find her

- Luca sends her Steed off to see if she can find her

- Neil concentrates for 1 minute and can sense her nearly 1 mile off mostly north, but a little bit east.

- Neil directs Zaril that direction

- Zaril flies there in just a few minutes and finds her on the ground chewing on something.

- Jinorah is chewing on the corpse of a wizard-bug.

- Zaril tugs on the bug thing and gets her going back in the direction of the rest of the party.

- She excitedly jumps, flaps, and glides to Neil and tries to land on his shoulders, but she's like 60 lbs now so she lands on top of him. With the smelly wizard-bug corpse still in tow.

- She tries to shove the half-corpse into Neil's backpack, but it will not fit.

- Neil tried to convince her to just keep the head or trade her for a wizard-bug stick, but she doesn't understand that or that the thing won't fit.

- He asks her if she wants to show her new treasure to Grandma Luthian back in town, and that she can't show it to her if its in the backpack, which convinces her to carrying the stinking, rotting bug corpse back to town, which is a win for now.

- Gods, but it is stinky.

- They arrive back at the gate into Siannodel (the village).

- Zaril flies up and over and tells the guards that they're back and asks them to open the gates.

- Jinorah trots through the center of town heading to Luthian's and Beren's house to show off her prize.

- When she finds it quickly, Neil praises her for listening so well and know her way around and he gives her half a rabbit that Zaril still had from a previous hunt.

- Zaril Sends to Silvana while Sariel call her mother to the front of the house. "Sending to Silvana: How many bugs are left? Is it safe here? Maybe you could show up in town a little more often to connect with your people."

- Silvana returns, "Fifteen still live. They will soon fall. I always connect with those of the forest. You doubt this?"

- Luthian is also taken aback by the smell of the corpse.

- Neil explains to Jinorah as he makes a big show of putting her backpack on her and transferring her "treasures" to her bag, and then hangs the bug corpse on a hook that Luthian provides as well. He tries to explain to her than if it can't fit or she can't carry it, then she shouldn't get attached to it. Not sure how much of that sank in, but she seems to like the backpack and doesn't fuss about the transfer of her baby hoard.

- They say goodbye to Luthian and Zaril teleports them (very successfully) to Adderly. They appear right next to the docks.

- Jinorah makes a yip sound in surprise and zaps Zaril with her lightning breath (4 lightning dmg)

- Zaril uses her Dragon's Breath to breath non-damaging sparks and smoke at Jinorah with her feathers all fluffed up to show Jinorah who's boss. (Successful Intimidation check)

- When Neil turns away from her, Zaril then uses her Dragon's Breath to zap him right in the ass (16 lightning dmg)

- They finally finish their bickering, and Zaril approaches a dock worker and asks how they can charter a boat to Saltrime.

- They learn that there aren't many boats going out these days because of the animals and the ice. He points out to sea and they realize they can see two large icebergs just from here.

- They decide they will just use Sariel's Wind Walk and Neil spends some time explaining about the spell Aunt Sariel is going to cast and how she needs to follow the group and then when Dad turns back into regular dad and not air dad she also needs to turn back into dragon Jinorah and not air Jinorah, and she seems to bounce about and nod and seems excited about flying.

- The turn into mist per the spell and with some minor herding of the baby dragon they make it across the channel.

- Neil and Sariel solidify themselves to show Jinorah how, and then she solidifies in the air directly above Neil and he sort of catches her, but ends up sitting on the ground with her in his lap. Bit of a heap, but a controlled and undamaging fall.

- They wander up the coast farther away from town before Sariel casts Conjure Elemental to bring it to them.

- The elemental approaches Sariel and she turns into a Water Elemental so that she can converse with it. They have a very polite conversation and it gives Sariel a spirally seashell that was taken from near the Thing before it became Ice. It says, "The Thing is angry and the sea is angry."

- Sariel then dismisses the Elemental and it "melts" back into the ocean.

- 4,000 XP ea for 204,260 XP total ea.


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