Tree Team 6 - January 22, 2021

 - April started with a shot of tequila. 

- First session of the new administration! NO MORE TRUMP!

- Zaril casts the Mansion for Neil to stash Penny and Jinorah while the party participates on the bug raid

- Ellilune asks if they are ready, and Zaril casts Bardic Inspiration on Acta.

- Neil casts Darkvision on himself

- Ellilune reaches over and touches a large tree, and the tree starts to shake, and the ground starts to rumble. A cool mist comes off the tree and floats in the air. She instructs the team to 

- Everyone touches the tree and is transported to the hive 

- Sariel quickly casts Sunburst about 65' away from herself incinerating seven bugs instantly.


- Neil casts Lightning Arrow and Readies his bow so that as soon "Silvana" appears he will fire the at her "feet" to create a burst of Lightning.

- Sariel casts Wall of Thorns along the wall the group's left to prevent bugs from easily getting to them from that side.

- A bug skitters up to  Luca and misses biting her, misses her with both claws, and then manages finally stab her with its stinger tail for 7 piercing dmg.

- Acta casts Major Image and "Silvana" appears in that square, and she says "Leave now or die!" Neil shoots his Lightning arrow, and two bugs are zapped with 7 lightning dmg.

- Zaril flies in the direction of "Silvana" and casts Steel Wind Strike and she kills four more bugs, then she teleports next to "Silvana".

- A bug pops out of a tunnel next to Sariel and misses biting, clawing, and tail stabbing her.

- Luca readies her magicky hammer then she moves to flank the bug that attacked Sariel with Sariel. She smashes it for 11 bludgeoning and 4 radiant dmg and then she hits it again killing it.

- A bug pops out of a tunnel next to Luca, misses biting her, then claws her for 4 slashing dmg, then claws her again for 6 slashing dmg and then misses with its tail.

- A second bug pops out of a tunnel next to Luca and misses biting her, then misses clawing her twice, and misses with its tail too.


- There is a humming and chattering noise, and our of the tunnels and holes and another wave of bugs appear.

- Neil casts Fire Arrow and then shoots one of the bugs next to Luca for six fire dmg

- Sariel moves up next to stand Luca and casts Thunder Wave on the two bugs next to her for 8 thunder dmg on one which is pushed 10' away and the other withstands and only take 4 thunder dmg.

- A bug flies up to Zaril misses her with its claws, then claws her for 15 slashing dmg, and then misses.

- Another bug skitters up to Zaril and misses biting her, then claws her for 5 slashing dmg, then misses with its other claws, then stabs her with its tail for 5 piercing dmg

- A bug flies to the center of where Sariel, Zaril, and Luca are standing and starts emitting a bunch of poisonous gas that they cough and ignore.

- Acta shoots the bug standing next to Sariel and Luca for 33 piercing dmg, killing it and Silvana says "Prepare to die!"

- Zaril casts Thunder Wave (Lvl 2) on the three bugs near her for 10 thunder dmg to the crawling guy who is pushed 20' from her (Battering Shield) and the two flying guys take 5 thunder dmg. She then stabs the flying thing next to her for 4 piercing dmg with her rapier. She then flies next to Sariel. The flying thing slashes her as she turn for 23 slashing dmg.

- A flying bug claws its way through the Wall of Thorns taking 26 piercing dmg, moves next to Zaril and misses her three times.

- A crawly bug dies on the thorns of the WoT

- Luca move to flank the flying bug that just attacked Zaril and she smashes it for 6 bludgeoning and 5 radiant dmg and then hits it again for 9 bludgeoning and 1 radiant dmg.

- A crawly bug skitters up to Sariel and bites her for 6 piercing dmg surprising her so that the Wall of Thorns disappears, then claws her for 6 slashing dmg, then misses with its claws, then stabs her with its tail for 6 piercing dmg.

- Another crawly bug appears out of the darkness and bites Sariel for 4 piercing dmg, then claws her for 5 slashing dmg, then claws her for 6 slashing dmg, then stabs her with its tail 3 piercing dmg.


- There is a weird cracking, crunching sound and more bugs appear out of the tunnels in the cavern with the team.

- Neil turns and shoots a bug that just flew out of a tunnel with a fire arrow for 10 piercing and 5 fire dmg.

- Sariel steps back from the crawly bugs getting clawed by one of them for 4 slashing dmg. She then casts Whirlwind right behind the one that clawed her. Two of the crawly bugs die, and the other takes 16, and the flying bug takes 33 bludgeoning dmg.

- The bug in the Whirlwind struggles.

- A flying bug flies over to Sariel and claws her for 15 slashing dmg, then claws her again for 12 slashing dmg and the Whirlwind spell dissipates, and then it misses clawing her.

- A flying bug moves to Luca and misses her twice, then claws her for 15 slashing dmg.

- Acta shoots the flying creature being flanked by Luca and Zaril for 30 piercing dmg and she steps closer to the roots they came through.

- Zaril casts Steel Wind Strike and hits three flying bugs and one crawly bug for 34 dmg, then she teleports to flank the one flying creature that she misses with Luca and stabs it with her rapier for 7 piercing dmg.

- A bug flies up to "Silvana" and attempts to attack it.

- Another flying bug hovers up to Neil and claws him twice, once for 15 slashing and then for 19 slashing dmg.

- Luca casts Aura of Vitality then heals Zaril for 10 HP.


- The crunching sound intensifies and ice starts coming out of the tunnels.

- More bugs show up

- Neil moves to a space in the middle of the cavern, deftly dodging a claw attack from the flying bug next to him, then he casts Conjure Barrage for 13 piercing dmg on the two flying bugs next to Sariel and 6 one one by "Silvana", then he moves to flank the flying bug who swiped at him with Acta.

- Sariel casts Mass Cure Wounds, then she turns into an Air Elemental and move to engulf a flying bug.

- A wizard-bug moves into the cavern and fires a bolt of energy at Neil for 34 psychic dmg and he is Frightened. It then shoots a bolt at Luca, but misses.

- The flying bug not engulfed by Sariel moves to flank Neil and slices him with its claws twice first for 19 slashing dmg and then for 13 slashing dmg.

- The flying bug engulfed by Sariel slices her with its claws for 4 slashing dmg.

- The flying bug flanked by Luca and Zaril slices her for 16 slashing dmg.

- Acta stabs the flying bug she's flanking with Neil for 41 piercing dmg.

- Zaril stabs the flying bug she's flanking with Luca for 5 piercing dmg (Bonus Action), then she moves to flank a different flying bug with Sariel and casts Chaos Bolt (Level 4) on the wizard bug for 28 cold dmg.

- More ice grows into the cavern.

- A flying bug moves to flank Sariel and claws her twice 8 total slashing dmg.

- The flying bug between Neil and Acta claws Neil thrice for 40 total slashing dmg

- Another flying bug move up to Sariel and slices her thrice for 25 total slashing dmg.

- Luca smashes the flying bug next to her for 6 bludgeoning and 6 radiant dmg and then misses. She then heals Neil for 8 HP.


- There are more crunching sounds and more ice grows into the cavern.

- Neil Disengages and moves around towards Luca and around behind Acta.

- Sariel uses her Whirlwind Air Elemental power to attack two of the flying creature and one takes 15 bludgeoning dmg and is flung 20' back next to the wizard bug and the other takes 7 bludgeoning dmg.

- A flying bug slices Zaril thrice for 37 total slashing dmg.

- A flying bug moves to flank Zaril then slices her twice for 32 total slashing dmg.

- A flying bug slices Luca twice for 26 total slashing dmg.

- The wizard bug shoots bolt of energy at Zaril for 20 psychic dmg. It shoots a second one at Acta for 33 psychic dmg and she is stunned.

- Acta is stunned.

- Zaril casts Steel Wind Strike (Level 6) and hits four flying bugs and the wizard bug for 28 force dmg, killing the two flying bug, she ends up next to the flying bug next to Acta and casts Bardic Inspiration on Neil then she touches the tree roots and returns to the surface.

- A flying bug slices Acta thrice for 56 total slashing dmg.

- The flying bug engulfed by Sariel slices her for 5 slashing dmg.

- The last flying bug in the cavern moves to Luca and and slices her twice for 22 slashing dmg.

- Luca Misty Steps adjacent to Acta and then casts Lay on Hands on Acta for 35 HP. She then touches the tree roots and returns to the surface.

- The wizard bug shoots a bolt of energy at Sariel for 34 psychic dmg and she is blinded.

- Neil shoves Acta into the tree roots, yells "Last one out turn off the lights!" and then leaves himself.

- Sariel turns into an Earth Elemental and then uses her Tremor-sense to feel her way over to the bug that was attacking Acta and and feels around until she touches the tree roots and is transported to the surface where she starts to skid and then falls onto her butt. She hears a squawky laugh at her expense.

- When the blindness wears off the forest floor is covered in ice like a frozen lake. 

- Ellilune says the ones in the cavern should all be frozen solid now and Silvana says that the few that escapes she can handle, and there's a hungry look in her eyes.

- Everyone collapses onto tree roots above the icy surface and breathes heavily.

- 5,000 XP ea for 196,260 XP total ea.


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