In Which There is Planning - January 15, 2021

 - The next morning Neil tells everyone about his conversation with Ellilune:

    - She says she's done making zombie / plant people as it was only a means to an end - We'll see

    - She is definitely on the side of nature, but she has never yet been to the Holimion Forest

    - Ellilune is going to come help them with the bug problem

- Zaril uses her new ring to play fetch with balls of lightning with Jinorah. Jinorah gets really excited and has a great time. Zaril also has a good time.

- After breakfast and the play time, they all head to Fireflower Meadow

- Zaril Sends to Silvana, "We have some questions about the bug things. Can you meet us in Fireflower Meadow again in an hour and half? This is Zaril. The bird."

- She hears back, "I will meet with you."

- The hoof it to the meeting place and get there in good time. 

- Zaril sees a pretty rock that she bends down to pick up, and when she stands back up Silvana is standing there.

- As they are talking to Silvana to try to figure out how to get down into the Hive Cavern, Neil hears a pop and he looks over and there is a familiar elven woman standing there.

- It is Ellilune.

- Luca realizes that Ellilune looks different than the last time they saw. She now has a streak of grayish blue hair that she didn't have before. 

- Silvana touches Ellilune's shoulder and gives her the information about where the Hive is.

- Ellilune proposes to forcibly grow a tree into the space where the bugs are living to use it transport everyone to the space.

- Silvana doesn't love the idea, but it is better than leaving the bugs to destroy the forest.

- Zaril asks Ellilune about the blue bit in her hair if it's a fashion-statement or was it an accident? It was neither. It's a side-effect of recent events.

- Ellilune says that if we can keep them distracted for long enough she should be able to surround them and cut them off.

- Neil asks Silvana about how the bugs are connected to the forest, and the answer is that they aren't linked. They just consume the power of the forest much the same way they consume the flesh of the beings who live in the forest. 

- Neil proposed Ellilune grow the tree in stages to try to attract them in smaller groups and slowly drain the population of invader bugs.

- The plan ends up being that we'll buff Acta right before transporting into the hive where we'll work her as close as possible to the center of the place, where she'll use Major Image to pretend Silvana is down there with them as bait to draw them in, then get out and Ellilune will do her thing. A Sunburst from Sariel might be involved in the creation of the illusion as well. Possibly some Druid Grove as well. Bardic Inspiration will also be key. We hope.

- 3,000 XP ea. for 191,260 XP total ea.


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