Entomophobics Need Not Apply - December 18, 2020

 - They arrive in the village of Siannodel, and Sariel finds that there is a large wooden wall around the village.

- Sariel takes everyone to her parents' house and there are introductions

- Zaril casts the Mansion in Sariel's old room and they treat her parents to a lavish dinner

- Half the village turns up before they can head out to see if Sariel has really returned home, and she is then is able to introduce her brothers to her friends.

- Sariel then uses the great Ydriselm in the center of the tree to Transport Via Plants to take the group to the place she met Silvana and gained her powers. There are a lot of large webs like those of spiders in the trees at the edge of the clearing.

- She Communes with Nature and can tell that Silvana is nearby.

- Sariel then casts Speak with Plants on the Ydriselm then stepped out of into this grove who says that Silvana is nearby but weak. It suggests Sariel can get her attention by calling on the bond between them.

- While she is doing this the rest of the group is hearing more and more chittering and the scorpion-beetle things are starting to appear between trees.\

- Zaril moves back to back with Sariel to protect her while she's concentrating on tree chit chat

- Acta climbs the tree to cover her from above

- Sariel moves to the center of the clearing and transforms into an Earth Elemental and then burrows into the ground and does a lap around the clearing underground. 

- While she is doing that, Zaril Sends to one of the scorpion-beetle, "Are you Silvana? Can you understand me?"

- It responds, "How dare you!? We have deposed her!"

- Zaril announces that the bugs "Disposed of Silvana"

- When nothing happens at the other end of her bond, Sariel comes back up and asks the tree if it can sense the bugs, and it can and says they came from underground.

- Sariel hears Zaril's slightly frantic proclamations and takes a stick and writes "NOT DEAD" in the loam.

- "But they disposed of her!"

- Sariel wipes the dirt smooth again and write "NEARBY BUT WEAK"

- Sariel burrows back underground to see if she can sense an origin point for the bugs.

- Acta sees from her vantage point another bug creature, this one with arms, carrying a staff, and a glowing orb for a head, she calls out "Who goes there?"

- She hears back in her head, "Who are you?"

- She can tell this thing is not friendly so she shouts, "We're your worst nightmare!"


Surprise Round - Penny jumps out of the tree she was hidden in onto SB(Red) and claws it for 13 slashing dmg.

- WizardBug(Red) casts something at Acta and she takes 20 psychic dmg and is Frightened, and then it casts the same thing at Neil for 23 psychic dmg and is Stunned.

- SB(R) misses biting Penny, then bites her for 4 piercing dmg, then claws her for 6 slashing dmg, then misses her with its tail.

- Neil falteringly stutters out, "Bug... wizard... psychic.. stunned..."

- Sariel pops up from underground and see her friends being attacked, so she moves to the WB(Blue) and misses slamming it, but then slams it for 15 bludgeoning dmg

- SB(Blue) moves to Zaril misses biting her, misses her with his claws twice, and then misses her with its tail as well.

- Zaril moves away from SB(B) to have Luca's back and then casts Otto's Irresistible Dance on WB(B), but nothing happens. She then gives Neil Bardic Inspiration. Now that's she's tried to cast a spell at it, she can tell the Wizard Bugs are immune to Charmed, Frightened, and psychic damage.

- SB(Orange) moves up to Neil and bites him for 6 piercing dmg, misses with its claws, then claws him for 4 slashing dmg, and then stabs him with its tail for 4 piercing dmg.

- Luca moves to flank SB(O) with Neil (for next turn) and casts Haste on herself. She then smashes it with her hammer for 9 bludgeoning dmg and 5 radiant dmg, then misses.

- SB(Violet) moves to Penny and bites her for 6 piercing dmg, then misses her with its claws, then claws her for 3 slashing dmg, then stabs her with its tail for 13 piercing dmg.

- WB(B) it smacks Sariel(Earth) for 10 bludgeoning and 20 radiant dmg and she is knocked prone, then it hits her again for 14 bludgeoning and 36 radient dmg.

- Penny Disengages and moves next to SB(O) and Luca

- Acta casts Magic Weapon on her shortbow but misses her shot, then she moves deeper into the trees.

- SB(Green) moves to Sariel misses biting Sariel, and claws her for 1 slashing dmg, then misses her with it claws, then stabs her for 2 piercing dmg

- WB(R) casts at Luca for 14 psychic dmg then does it to her again for 23 psychic dmg 

- SB(R) moves to Penny and bites her (despite Luca's best efforts) for 5 piercing dmg, then claws her for 5 slashing dmg, then claws her again for 4 slashing dmg, then stabs her with its tail for 3 piercing dmg.

- Neil pulls out his short sword and stabs SB(O) for 10 piercing dmg killing it! He then moves next to Penny to cover her back.

- Sariel Slams WB(B) for 15 bludgeoning dmg then Slams it again for 8 bludgeoning dmg.

- SB(B) moves up to Zaril and bites her for 5 piercing dmg, then misses with its claws twice, then stabs her with its tail for 8 piercing dmg.

- Zaril up towards the nearest tree and casts Steel Wind Strike on all the SBs and the SB(G), SB(V), SB(R), and WB(R) take 34 force dmg and SB(B) takes 62 force dmg and then she teleports adjacent to the WB(R) then stabs it with her rapier for 6 piercing dmg. (All the SBs are dead now.)

- Luca moves to flank WB(R) with Zaril then smashes it for 8 bludgeoning and 8 radiant dmg, then 10 bludgeoning dmg and 3 radiant dmg, then again for 6 bludgeoning and 3 radiant dmg and then again for 10 blugeoning and 4 radiant dmg.

- WB(B) misses Sariel with its staff twice.

- Penny moves to a strategic spot then Pounces on WB(R) clawing him for 10 slashing dmg knocking him prone then bites it for 14 piercing dmg.

- Acta shoots WB(B) for 37 piercing dmg.

- WB(R) misses Zaril and then smashes her with its staff for 12 bludgeoning and 16 radiant dmg and knocks her prone.

- Neil shoots WB(R) with his longbow for 9 piercing dmg and Penny manages to bite it for 10 piercing dmg.

- Sariel Slams WB(B) for 11 bludgeoning and then again for 15 bludgeoning, then she roars to herself and gains 16 HP (Combat Wild Shape)

- Zaril stabs WB(R) for 11 total piercing dmg. She Inspires Luca

- Luca smashes WB(R) for 27 total dmg and then again for 14 total dmg and then hits it again for 12 total dmg killing it, then she moves 60' towards WB(B) and throws a javelin at but misses.

- WB(B) hits Sariel for 7 bludgeoning and 12 radiant dmg knocking her prone then hits her again for 7 bludgeoning and 13 radiant dmg then moves back taking a knock to the knees from Sariel for 12 bludgeoning dmg then he melts into the ground and disappears.

- Neil runs over to Sariel and casts Cure Wounds on her for 24 HP

- Zaril also flies over to Sariel and casts Cure Wounds on her for 36 HP

- Acta starts pulling bits of chiton off the bugs as well as their claws and stingers for crafting material(s)

- Sariel sinks into the ground to see if she can follow the Wizard Bug to its lair

- Zaril picks up the staff the Red Wizard Bug and it seems to be a stick from the local trees.

- 5,400 XP ea for 184,260 XP total ea.


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