Dude, Where's my Dragon? - December 4, 2020

 - Over breakfast, Neil tells everyone that Ellilune dream contacted him again. Apparently, she only has the resources to keep Agrexost under her control for about two more weeks. They plan to spend one more day with Gerard doing research. This time on the iciest, coldest, bleakest plane to try to offer as a destination for him to go live.

- After they finish their research, they will experiment with basic intra-planar teleportation by going to the coast of Lionhead Island and summoning a water elemental to see if it has any information on the exact whereabouts of Agrexost. Then they will Wind Walk back to Gerard's house.

- They plan to teleport to the Holimion forest to ask the nature spirit who grants Sariel her powers if she has any advice on talking to titans. 

- From there they will teleport near Ellilune's tower and Wind Walk the rest of the distance to her.

- So Sariel casts Wind Walk on herself, Zaril, and Luca and they fly to the southern coast of Lionhead Island. An hour later, they arrive, and Sariel casts Tongues on herself and then Conjures Elemental a deep ocean elemental.

- She talks to it, and it found the creature, so she barters her belt loom that's she had since she left home for it to deliver a rock or something from near the creature to the easternmost port city on the southern continent, which it can have within three days, so they will summon it when they get there.

- Neil asks Gerard about how much he remembers of all the books he's read, and he remembers most of the main points. Then Neil notices that Jinorah has disappeared and runs off to search for her.

- Acta asks about other people who have visited him and while they are chatting Sariel, Zaril, and Luca pop back in and Zaril returns the candlestick she borrowed.

- They tell everyone about their adventure.

- Sariel asks about other planes that are icy and Gerard says there's an Elemental Plane of Ice, so she asks about a book on that, and he gives her a Manual of the Planes.

- Zaril asks about the Sandpit and the Life Spring in reference to her map, which Gerard thought was a Bedouin Fairy Tale, so she gets a book of fairy tales that includes some of those. There is some kind of Lady of the Lake type myth about a spirit that lives in the oasis waters and appears to people in need and sometimes grants them boons or lends them magical artifacts.

- Acta reads fiction all afternoon.

- Neil finally finds Jinorah and she's sleeping on some books pretty high in a stack and has something clutches in her claws. It is a small skull, maybe from a cat? It glows sometimes, apparently.

- Penny is offended that a cat skull is just lying around.

- Zaril forgot to tell Neil about the baby dragon obstacle course she had the mansion create, so Neil takes her back to the mansion to go play on the playset.

- They ask a little bit about the last group who dealt with an existential crisis, and Gerard is still in contact with the cleric who Mended his book. He offers to get them in contact with her, but they don't think they have time.

- As Neil is getting ready for bed he notices his backpack has a glow emanating from the seams, and the eyes of the cat skull are glowing.

- 4,000 XP ea for 174,700 total XP ea.


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