Demons in the Dark - November 6, 2020

- How often do you use a hot tub in Texas, really?

- The group walks for a few hours and as it's starting to get dark they see a small building on a hill 

- The roof is partially collapsed and the door is ajar.

- The inside is torn up and there are old stains on the walls that may or may not be blood. There is a pile of bones in the corner. Some of them might be human (or elven or whatever).

- The debris seems to be collected into what looks like it might be a nest. There are blackish-purple scales scattered around, but they don't look like dragon scales.

- Zaril backs up out of the house. She sees a flying creature with leathery bat-wings and four legs land on the roof. Everyone else in the house hears the thump.

- She tries to throw a rock through the door, but she misses a little bit and it bounces off the door frame.

- The creature cocks its head to look at her and she casts Invisibility

- Acta casts Invisibility on herself and goes outside to see what's landed on the small building.

- Neil creeps over to the door to peek out

- A head peers down through the hole and sniffs at them. It pulls its head back up and calls into the night.

- Neil sees another creature land in front of the house

- Luca identifies them as fiends / demons.

- Sariel casts Tongues and says, "Sorry! We didn't know we were invading your house!"

- It responds, 'We will feed on your souls."


Surprise Round

- Acta uses Thaumaturgy to sound like a dragon is flying in from the southwest to try to scare the creatures off. The creatures are not impressed. Acta then runs over a tree and climbs it. 

-  Zaril flies up and lands onto the roof and casts Dragon's Breath (4th lvl) on herself and then she breathes lightning on FlyingFiend(Blue) for 12 dmg.

Round 1

- Acta now that she's in the tree and can see it better, she figures out that the FFs are resistant to necrotic, cold, and fire dmg and non-magical damage and they are completely immune to poison dmg. She then casts Magic Weapon on her short bow and but then misses her shot at FF(B).

- Zaril flies closer to the creature yelling into the hole in the roof, "We could use a little help out here!" then breathes on the creature again for 12 lightning dmg, and then she pokes her rapier at it, but misses.

- FF(B) jumps down through the hole taking 5 piercing dmg from Zaril's rapier in the process, locks eyes with Sariel reducing her HP maximum by 17 pts, then it moves next to her and claws at her for 15 slashing dmg, then he bites her for 29 piercing dmg.

- Neil casts Lightning Arrow and then shoots at FF(R) through the ajar door, but only grazes it for 10 points of lightning dmg. The baby dragon dives into his backpack balancing itself by digging its claws into the fabric of the bag uncomfortably pricking Neil occasionally.

- Luca finally sees this creature close up and knows that its good saves are STR and DEX and its crappy saves are WIS and INT with CON better than CHA in the middle. Luca moves next to FF(B) to flank with Sariel and then smashes it with her magicky mace for 9 bludgeoning dmg and 20 radiant dmg. She smacks it again for 7 bludgeoning dmg and 5 radiant dmg.

- FlyingFiend(Red) locks eyes with Acta, but she resists his soul-stealing gaze, then it moves into the doorway and attacks Neil clawing him for 22 slashing dmg and misses with its bite.

- Sariel reaches out and casts Plane Shift on FF(B) transporting it to the Elemental Plane of Air. She says to the one in the doorway, "You're next." as ominously as she can.

- Penny jumps through a broken window to flank FF(R) with Neil and then bites it for 6 piercing dmg.

Round 2

- Acta tries to shoot FF(R) again, but misses.

- Zaril flies to the front of the house and casts Chaos bolt (2nd lvl) for 20 lightning dmg. She then throws a dagger at it but misses.

- Neil pulls out his shortsword and stabs FF(R) for 5 piercing dmg.

- Luca casts Haste on herself then misses it with her mace then smashes it for 8 bludgeoning and 9 radiant dmg.

- FF(R) locks eyes with Luca but she just glares back at it. Then it tries to claw her and misses but then manages to bite her for 22 piercing dmg.

- Sariel transforms into an Air Elemental and moves to flank with Luca then smashes FF(R) for 10 bludgeoning dmg and then again for 13 bludgeoning dmg.

- Penny bites FF(R) for 7 piercing dmg.

Round 3

- Acta casts Major Image and conjures an image of Alejandro in gold dragon form which she causes to walk around the house and it breathes "fire" on the scrum in the doorway of the dilapidated house (they do feel hot air) and FF(R) is now Frightened. 

- Zaril calls to the "dragon", "Are you gonna help us or what?" then she Breathes through Sariel onto FF(R) for 18 lightning dmg to the creature and 4 to Sariel.

- Neil casts Ensnaring Strike on his short sword and then hits it for 9 piercing dmg and it is Restrained by magically growing vines.

- Luca smashes FF(R) for 15 bludgeoning and 14 radiant dmg, then again for 10 bludgeoning and 11 radiant dmg, then again for 9 bludgeoning and 17 radiant dmg and it disintegrates into black goo that forms a puddle on the ground.

Battle Over

- Acta makes the "dragon" walk forward enough that the people inside can see it then makes it look like it flies away.

- Zaril thinks the "dragon" is very sus.

- She flies back into the house to try to figure out what lived her before the demons took it over. She finds some books (religious texts about Mishakal and Majere written in common), which she gives to Luca. It seems like a religious hermit lived her before it was destroyed.

- Acta grabs a random empty vial from her Bag of Holding and collects some of the demon goo.

- Sariel is flying a perimeter to keep an eye out for more creatures who might be returning to the nest.

- As they are walking to find a location away from this tainted hut, Neil's backpack starts thrashing on his back.

- Neil takes off and opens his backpack and tries to extract baby blue barely escaping getting a finger bitten off, but still taking 3 slashing dmg. She has eaten the majority of his trail rations, a vial of something (an illicit substance, probably a hallucinogenic). She hunkers down eyes darting around all the party members before she makes a run for it.

- 5,200 XP ea for 163,700 XP total ea.


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