Who needs bridges? #It'sADumbMetaphor - October 23, 2020

 - Neil can't tell with whom he has the agreement with until they get to their destination. Sariel is very frustrated by this. (Also Neil is not a plant-zombie. He has her check and that's the whole reason for this conversation in the first place.)

- They sleep in the mansion and then use the fail-safes they set up beforehand to get Bubble to surface when it's time to recast. 

- While Zaril is recasting, Sariel has another conversation with Bubbles to try to explain to it where Fort Kellihar is so that they can drop off the sailors.

- And so two days pass and Sariel and a sailor help Bubbles navigate close to the fort. Then Sariel detaches the manta ray's harness and tows the piece of wood anchoring the spell to the beach.

- She goes back inside and has a bath before they all leave to trek over to the fort.

-  A few hours later they are allowed into the fort after some cajoling, and a brief summary of their tale is told to an officer and they are given accommodations for the night.

- Neil is told a story about a creature that unleashed incredible power destroy armies with ease. It destroyed the capital Arrandale. Then it was smote down, but then some Drow showed up from the Underdark and the elves from the north drove them out and now they control that bit of territory.

- They are invited to dine with Marshal Matheson who is the person in charge at Fort Kellihar.

- They dine with the marshal and some of the other senior officers. There is probably too much chatter about their abilities.

- After they part ways, Neil, Acta, and Zaril hear a knock at their door in the room with the cot, it's the marshal and he gives a pouch to Neil as a thank you and a further enticement to have them come hunt monster in the central plains to clear more territory for the Dominion of Koldstad (all that remains of Neil's homeland of Hedrimond). (450 GP ea plus 250 GP for the party fund)

- Early the next morning Acta gets up and goes for a wander and she ends up in the almost empty mess hall and she notices there is a mummified hand hanging on the wall amongst some paintings, and she manages to pocket it.

- The next morning, they convene in Neil, Acta, and Zaril's room to hear Neil's story before going to breakfast. Neil was trying to help sailors, and then the next thing he remembers is waking up in a garden. A familiar garden. With a familiar hostess (Ellilune). She said she regretted how we parted ways, and when she became aware of our trouble on the High Seas, she decided to help us.

- She also proposed that if she helped us we could help her deal with the Agrexost, which is now out of her control but trapped at the bottom of the ocean near where they were attacked by the Kraken. It is making the sealife angry, aggressive, and belligerent.

- Ellilune lost control of Agrexost because its brain was regenerating faster than she could manage to deal with it.

- Acta finally remembers to give him back the boot they found. 

-  Zaril Sends to Alejandro, "Titan is out of control. Ellilune wants us to help control it and to deal with us. Has regret. Titan undermining natural order. Please advise."

- Alejandro says we should definitely subdue the creature if at all possible. He is not surprised it is upsetting the natural order, but we should be cautious.

- After breakfast, they group up and Sariel casts Wind Walk and they fly over to Lionshead Island. They can see the storm hovering over a small sliver of the island that extends out into the ocean.

- 4,000 XP ea. for 153,140 XP total ea.


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