- Making camping plans!

- The first couple of days are smooth sailing, but after a few days it becomes overcast and stays that way and navigation is becoming a problem. However, Sariel helps using the Guiding Hand (R) one or twice a day to keep them on course.

- Once they are over deep water and they've had dinner with Captain Bronn in their Mansion, Sariel requests permission from the captain to summon a water elemental

- She does so, and a mass of water from off the side of the boat forms into a blob of vaguely human-shaped water plops onto the deck. She then casts Tongues on herself (Thank you, ribbon!)

- Sariel asks it for help finding Agrexost, and it asks her to sacrifice Zaril (who luckily doesn't understand the elemental's half of the conversation, though she is suspicious), which Sariel says not so much to that suggestion. 

- Zaril Sends to the water elemental, "My friend really doesn't want to make a sacrifice of innocents. Will you please check on this thing for her for a lute or song?"

- It returns with, "Is the lute of great value? The ocean consigns such things to the deep."

- Sariel offers to build a tidal organ (like another musical instrument), but it is also uninterested because it doesn't go near the land

- Zaril Sends again, "I believe so. It is capable of great conversation and beautiful music. Our other friend care deeply for it, a sacrifice for her if you will."

- It returns with, "The nature-keeper asks for only a small boon. This sacrifice sounds like enough."

- Zaril walks over to Acta and asks her for Louie, explaining that they need a sacrifice, so they pretend to struggle over it then she brings it over to the water elemental.

- Sariel is very confused, but Zaril was like "I am not going to be sacrificed."

- "That was never going to happen! Sorry, Acta!"

- It now starts to rain, so Sariel goes to help the navigator some more.

- The next morning, it is very dark outside still, and it is now a driving storm

- Druidcraft predicts that this is likely to continue for at least the next 24 hours.

- They develop a plan to triangulate their position to decide if they are near enough to Lionshead island to leave the ship on the off chance that the storm has been sent by Ellilune and it will follow them.

- Acta gets out the globe in their chamber where Zaril has been casting the Mansion, Sariel casts Guiding Hand towards Fort Kellihar She marks that in chalk on the floor and then casts again quickly towards the volcano Stratbonar on Lionshead Island and marks that in chalk. Neil uses this to triangulate their position on the ocean

- They are not anywhere near enough the island to take off now.

- Zaril goes to find the Captain.

- Sariel goes to help the navigate again.

- They end up in the same place. 

- Zaril asks the lieutenant who is the Officer on Deck if this weather is normal for this location and whatnot

- It is not usual for there to be this kind of weather at this time of year, but it's not the worst storm he's ever seen.

- Neil asks Sariel to look around for Scrying sensors with the Gem of True Seeing, and she doesn't see anything. 

- As Neil heads back to talk to Acta, the storm picks up and lightning bolts start to shoot through the clouds.

- Neil goes to pull out the dragon egg from his backpack to see if he can get some lightning on it, and then has an epiphany so he shouts to the storm in Draconic, "Do you mind?!"

- There is no answer.

- Neil goes back and asks Sariel if she can summon another water elemental to ask if this is a natural storm, but as soon as it shows up it starts screaming about how it "We will take you all!" It goes over to a sailor, engulfs him, and then starts to drag him overboard. 

- Neil attempts to throw the sailor a line, which the sailor manages to grab, but the elemental drags him overboard.

- Meanwhile, Sariel casts Water Breathing on herself then turns into Water Elemental to go after them.

- She manages to catch up to the poor man and pulls him free, and she's trying to take him back to the surface and the ship as quickly as she can before he drowns when the water suddenly goes inky black.

- She calls out "Who's there?"

- The response she receives is "Doom."

- She swims for the surface as quickly as she possibly can. 

- She manages to get the sailor to the surface, and tries to get Neil's attention, but he is busy looking at the giant tentacles coming out of the water as they are illuminated by a flash of lightning.


- Acta is not aware of the situation at this moment.

- Neil sends Penny to go get Acta, Luca, and Zaril then he runs back to the deck's railing and searches the water for Sariel, he does manage to spot the sailor she was trying to save. (Perception, Success)

- Penny finds Acta and roars to get her attention so that she runs to deck.

- Acta assesses the situation quickly as Neil is shouting and trying to get help getting the sailor and Sariel back on board, so she uses Mage Hand to carry a rope to the sailor, so then she and Neil pull him back on board. (Arcana, Success)

- Sariel dives back into the water to try to distract the monster by finding its eyeball and poking it.  It was quite difficult with all the inky black water, but she manages to find it (Survival, Success)

- Luca who heard Penny's roar runs onto the deck and sees tentacles shudder and then rip the mast off the ship, but there are others that are wrapping around the hull of the ship and also grabbing sailors who were trying to man their weapons and tossing them off the side of the ship. She runs to the nearest sailor who is in danger of getting thrown over and tries to pull him out of harms way. (Athletics, Success)

- Zaril and Penny show up on deck and Zaril uses her ukelele to cast Bardic Inspiration on Neil and then she casts Faerie Fire on the attacking monster, which makes it glow and easier to see in the water (There is the ominous outlining glow of a gargantuan shape barely visible in the inky dark water) (Charisma, Success)

- The aft part of the ship's hull is starting to crack. Neil directs the sailors to the best location of the ship's weapons to try to damage one of the tentacles enough to actually hurt the creature, but they can't hear him over everything that's going on. (Persuasion, Failure)

- Acta pulls out all the vials of unknown liquid she took from the Temple of Chemosh and she dumps them all into a bucket which she then carried to the aft portion of the ship and dumps it on the tentacles there without getting any of it on herself. She then gives the tentacle a slice with her xiphos, which then the foul liquid flows into the cut and bubbling in reaction to the creature's blood. Vines start growing out of the liquid and into the tentacle, which then shudders and pulls back into the water (Acrobatics, Success?)

- Sariel sees the creature's eye suddenly open a little wider, and it looks a little crazier in that moment. She turns back into herself and casts Plane Shift (Plane of Fire) on the creature, but the spell fizzles. It looks even more pissed. She hears in the same booming deep voice as before, "You will regret that." (Wisdom, Failure)

- A tentacle is sweeping back and forth across the deck, knocking sailors every which way and breaking the helm off at its base in the process. Luca runs to one of the tentacles, presses her holy symbol into it, and uses her Channel Divinity to try to Abjure Enemy to frighten it away. The holy symbol glows a bit, but then you hear what almost sounds like laughter from beneath the waves and the tentacle that was sweeping around the ship whips up and smashes down onto the ship with a crashing of timbers. (Religion, Failure)


- Acta casts Fly on herself the instant she the tentacle whip up into the air

- 4,500 XP ea for 145,140 XP total ea.


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