Thunderbolts and Lightning, Very Very Frightening #NotAnotherOne - October 30, 2020

 - They arrive on Lionshead Island, and Neil uses his Primeval Awareness to detect the nearest dragon to them (within 5 miles). He senses one within 3 miles of them in the general direction of the eternal storm.

- Sariel casts Guiding Hand as a Ritual and they follow it towards the storm.

- The terrain is fairly mountainous and hilly, and they have to walk around a good-sized bay between them and the caves, so the going is slow.

- The day is lovely, but the perpetual storm ahead is a big storm and it's really blowing.

- Sariel who is leading the way, see what looks like two balls of lightning in the storm headed towards them.

- They are two birds that look like they are made of pure lightning.


- Zaril flies towards the Lightning Birds and casts Faerie Fire on LB(Blue), but it dodges the spell

- Acta examines the creatures and can tell that they are elemental creatures composed entirely of lightning and are immune to lightning damage, and they are immune to things that affect corporeal beings like exhaustion and poison, and they can't be grappled. They don't seem to vulnerable to anything. She then casts Magic Weapon on her Short Bow and shoots LB(Red) for 9 piercing dmg

- Neil move past Zaril and then casts Conjure Barrage at both LBs. LB(Red) takes 6 piercing dmg and LB(Blue) takes 13 piercing dmg.

- LB(Red) swoops past the core of the group, zaps Acta for 34 lightning dmg, and a lightning bolt arcs towards Sariel, but she dodges.

- Luca casts Aura of Vitality on herself then she heals Acta for 12 HP.

- Penny climbs a tree Readies a Claw Attack.

- LB(Blue) swoops past Neil zapping him for 28 lightning dmg and an arc shoots out and zaps Zaril for 36 lightning dmg. As it swoops past Penny she swats it for 12 slashing dmg.

- Sariel casts Guardian of Nature (Great Tree) on herself and then moves to be between the two LBs.

- Zaril flies next to LB(Red) casts Thunder Wave (2nd Lvl) for 16 thunder dmg knocking it to the ground, Prone.

- Acta shoots LB(Blue) for 8 piercing dmg and then moves down the hill away from Luca.

- Neil moves towards Zaril and LB(Red) and then casts Flame Arrow 

- LB(Red) flies straight up from the ground directly at Zaril and zaps her for 31 lightning dmg. An arc of lightning arcs toward Neil, but he dodges.

- Luca moves closer to Zaril and heals her for 4 HP, then throws a javelin at LB(Red) for 5 piercing dmg.

- Penny Readies another Claw Attack.

- LB(Blue) swoops toward Luca, but misses. Penny swipes at it for 10 slashing dmg.

- Sariel moves to LB(Red) and Slams it for 18 bludgeoning dmg and then does it again for 17 bludgeoning dmg

- Zaril moves to flank LB(Red) with Sariel the Air Elemental and casts Chaos Bolt for 7 fire dmg. She casts Bardic Inspiration at Neil then flies past Sariel out of lightning arc range.

- Acta shoots LB(Red) for 25 piercing dmg. She then moves back up the hill towards Luca again.

- Neil shoots LB(Red) with his Flame Arrow for 15 piercing and 6 fire dmg.

- LB(Red) swoops toward Neil and zaps him for 14 lightning dmg and then an arc hits Luca for 22 lightning dmg.

- Luca steps toward Zaril and heals her for 8 HP, then she moves away from Zaril again and yeets another javelin at LB(Red) for 5 piercing dmg.

- Penny Readies another Claw Attack. There's an anticipatory butt wiggle, and the bush shakes a little if you're paying attention.

- LB(Blue) swoops towards Acta and zaps her 25 lightning dmg and then an arc zaps Luca for 23 lightning dmg.

- Sariel moves to LB(Red) and Slams it for 14 bludgeoning dmg and then does it again for another 14 bludgeoning dmg.

- Zaril moves around the scrum to not cast through Sariel and then casts Chaos Bolt (3rd Lvl) at LB(Red) for 19 fire dmg.

- Acta moves downhill a bit to shoot around the Large Sariel Air Elemental, then she shoots it for 42 piercing dmg. LB(Red) explodes out with lightning hitting Sariel for 18 lightning dmg. (Acta dodges with Evasion.) A small core of something drops to the ground 

- Neil shoots LB(Blue) for 9 piercing and 1 fire dmg

- Luca moves towards LB(Blue), heals Acta for 4 HP, then yeets another javelin for 5 piercing dmg.

- Penny hisses at LB(Blue), still ready to swipe if it comes too close.

- Sariel moves to LB(Blue) and Slams it for 12 bludgeoning dmg and then again for 17 bludgeoning dmg

- Zaril casts Chaos Bolt (4th) for 17 cold dmg. She then casts Bardic Inspiration on Acta

- Acta misses LB(Blue) with her shortbow.

- Neil misses LB(Blue with his longbow.

- Luca heals Acta for 7 HP, then yeets a javelin for 5 piercing dmg.

- Penny waits.

- LB(Blue) swoops at Luca and zaps her for 25 lightning dmg and an arc of lightning misses Acta by inches.

- Sariel Slams LB(Blue) for 13 bludgeoning dmg then does it again with a solid hit (Crit) for 24 bludgeoning dmg. LB(Blue) explodes and deals a bucket (41) of lightning dmg to everyone except Acta and Sariel (who resists Lightning as an elemental).

- Sariel swoops around and collects the one from LB(Red) while Zaril gets the one from LB(Blue), and they determine that the things look like eggs. The shells look metallic.

- Luca gathers her javelins.

- Zaril is not doing so well, so Sariel casts Cure Wounds on her at 3rd level for 15 HP.

- They sit around having a breather for a few minutes, but near the end of it, Neil's backpack starts to wiggle a bit and some squawky squeaky noises are 

- Neil starts carefully but excitedly digging through his backpack and finds a small blue dragon the size of a large puppy. The dragon head pops out of the top of the backpack.

- Neil jerks his hand back just in time not to get bitten.

- Acta pulls out the scorpion tails (five) and hands them to Neil.

- Neil says to it in Draconic, "Hi there would you like some food?" and proffers a tail. It cocks its head to the side and then devours the tail. He feeds it another tail, hides a Good beery (from Sariel) in the third tail because it wouldn't eat it by itself, and then after the fourth scorpion tail, it finally settles on Neil's shoulder and glares at the rest of the party.

- Sariel casts Speak with Animals as a ritual while it's scarfing down the meat and has a conversation with it explaining that they want to be friends and that Neil considers himself its Daddy. She also tells it they are going to go see a big dragon and ask it to be nice to it too.

- It won't let Sariel pet it, and when Neil lets it sniff his fingers, it licks its lips.

- Sariel and Acta hear something approach them from behind, and when they turn there is a very tall woman standing there.

- They share careful greetings with the stranger, and they have apparently strayed into her domain instead of Gerard's.

- She says the baby dragon is a girl.

- Penny comes near and the baby dragon starts hissing and lunging at Penny. They start circling and batting at each other.

- The woman is named Eris, and there are general introductions, though Neil is a bit distracted trying to get the baby to stop trying to eat each other. When the baby lunges at Penny, and the woman shouts "CEASE!" at it in Draconic with a magical punch behind the word and it cowers sullenly.

- Eris tells them that Gerard lives near the center of the island in the southern hills and she lives in the caves under the storm.

- They give her back the lightning phoenix eggs.

- She throws them into air and zaps them and they turn back into lightning birds. She then asks that they leave her domain and she'll be watching. 

- They collect their things, Sariel casts Guiding Hand again, this time with the correct direction towards the southern hills.

- They hunt any small critters they can en route to feed to the baby dragon to try to make friends.

- 5,360 XP ea for 158,500 XP total ea.


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