Gotta Figure Out How to Attach a Mansion to a Manta Ray #Cheating? - October 16, 2020

- Acta is flying around with her Fly spell, but she can't find Neil and Zaril on the ship. She sees an unconscious Luca being pulled into a tender boat and Penny jumps in after her. She follows that boat.

- Zaril starts flying around using her wings and is trying to get people in the water to safety.

- Zaril Sends (very panicky) "Everyone's abandoning ship. Where are you?! Can you cast a visible spell upwards so I can find you?"

- "I'm underwater. I can breathe, but I can't see. Don't know which way is up. Once I have an idea I will turn into Air."

- Zaril finds something heavy and she casts Light on it and drops into the water. While flying over the water she is hit by a wave and falls in.

- Sariel does not see her attempt to help her find up.

- Sariel casts Alter Self to give herself a swim speed.

- She eventually finds the surface.

- Sariel then turns into an Air Elemental and flies upward until she can find the breaking-down ship and her companions. She sees something suddenly start glowing in the water. It is Zaril who had cast Light on her armor.

- No one has seen Neil since Zaril talked to him on the ship before it fully sank. (It's gone now.)

- Sariel immediately sets out as an Air Elemental to scour the remains of the ship and find one of Neil's boots floating on top of a bit of debris.

- She takes the boot back to Zaril and tells her that she's going to spend time gathering bits of debris to take the two surviving tenders and make them into a raft. 

- As they are lashing things together (like the rest of the night), they do find a few sailors clinging to bits of debris to take on board their little raft.

- LENGTHY SIDEBAR WITH DAN - Contents unknown

- On the raft / catamaran the night has passed and everyone is Exhausted (Level 1).

- One of the sailor's exclaims, "What the hell is that?!"

- There is a small dot that is slowly getting larger and larger, and it is Neil floating towards them on the surface of the ocean.

- Zaril flies towards him and sees that he is sitting on a giant sea creature (that looks like a manta ray).

- The manta ray brings Neil to the raft and then Sariel casts Speak with Animals and talks to it

- Its name is Bubbles and it was sent by the Lady to get us to safety. It doesn't know who the Lady is. It knows where Lionshead Island is after Sariel describes the Grasping Claw Cape and that island to it. 

- It agrees to tow them to the island. 

- They work together to rig a harness for Bubbles. Sariel casts Alter Self (Aquatic) and goes into the water with it to rig the harness.

- It starts towing them and everyone finally gets to rest.

- The next morning, the lieutenant approaches Neil and asks what they're going to do for food and water.

- After quite a lot of discussion, they decide to ask Bubbles if they can strap a piece of wood to his back in the harness for Zaril to anchor Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion for him to swim faster underwater as well as provide all the food water and accommodations the group needs.

- Sariel talks to Bubbles again and they adjust the harness and attach the wood and do some tests as needed, and they get underway.

- 4,000 XP ea for 149,140 XP total ea.


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