Alternate Means of Fishing - September 11, 2020

 - Zaril asks Sariel to review the Indecipherable Map that she took from Torin's junk room with her Gem of True Seeing, which she does, but there is no illusion magic on the map.

- Cornelius and everyone except Sariel (who has retired to the spa to have a massage and a nap) debate the pro and cons of Neil hatching the blue dragon egg then Neil leaves to head to the library to learn how to hatch a dragon egg

- Before he goes, they all decide to head to Mancana or Adderly depending on where they could be teleported.

- Zaril Sends to Alejandro, "Can you teleport us to Mancana in the morning so we can take a ship to Gerard? Boat passage would also be useful."

- He replies, "Teleportation to Mancana can be arranged. You'll have to find a boat once you get there. I believe Ezra is warning Gerard you are coming."

- Then Zaril and Neil head to the library together.

- Sariel retreats back to the spa for another massage nap.

- For the first time, they enter the library and don't immediately see Ezra.

- After waiting for a few minutes, Neil gets impatient and walks over to a random shelf and swaps two of the books.

- Not too long after that, Ezra comes up from the elevator and says the deep archives are becoming treacherous. 

- He asks for information about how to hatch a dragon egg and how to raise children.

- Ezra sighs and heads to the deep archives to get the book about the dragon eggs.

- When she comes back, her hair is slightly mussed, and she gives Neil a small book bound in thick, red scales, about dragon eggs and dragon procreation

- The book explains that to incubate a blue dragon egg, it should be kept slightly moist, cool, and an occasional lightning strike is helpful, which would usually be accomplished by the parent breathing lightning on the eggs

- Dragons stay in the baby or "wyrmling" phase for about five years. They don't really gain true sentience and proper thinking until after this stage.

- They head back, and Zaril recasts Mordkainen's Magic Mansion this time making a special room for the dragon egg to help it incubate.

- Neil goes to talk to Watson about how he needs to leave for a bit, and it is an awkward conversation. "I know you have to help the team, and I sure don't want to try to raise a child in a world where that thing, whatever it is, is destroying everything." "After this, you're my team." They spend the rest of the evening skimming through the parenting book Ezra let Neil take and spending "quality time" together.

- The next morning they exit the mansion, leaving Sgt Watson to enjoy it alone for the rest of the day, but she follows them and the guards who came to escort them to the teleportation room to say goodbye announcing that he'd better be back by the time she has this baby and then slaps his ass as he walks through the portal the mages have opened.

- They come out into a pre-dawn, minimally occupied market square with a strong, salty breeze.

- They pause long enough to let Acta buy some hand pies, which she sticks in her bag of holding.

- They head straight to the docks from there. There are mostly fishing boats, but there's one military-type navy vessel and one mid-size cargo ship.

- The navy ship is flying the flag of the House of Kolstad from Hedrimond.

- Neil approaches the boarding ramp and announces himself, "Sgt Cornelius Aubrey Stewart, 5th Ruire's Cavalry requesting permission to board." Zaril is the only one who accompanies him at this point. Sariel needed a rest.

- They are granted permission by a lieutenant. 

- He hears the news that Hedrimond doesn't really exist as a country anymore. (Neil was born in Arrandale, which is now mostly destroyed.)

- The ship is bound for Fort Kellihar then to Port Carling. The Captain will be available to talk when day duty starts in about an hour.

- They agree to come back at that time.

- Zaril goes fishing in the way that falcons fish by diving and snatching with a fish in her feet talons, which she then eats.

- Then Neil launches a lightning arrow into the bay which zaps a handful of fish, most of them are normal looking fish, but there are also a few eel-looking things too.

- Zaril kindly flies over to wear the fish are floating and grabs about five of them, which she dumps at Neil's feet.

- Around this time, the bells chime on the naval vessel. So the whole band regroups and heads that direction.

- They are granted passage on the condition that they keep themselves to the main deck and the passenger hold and do not attempt to access the cargo hold or to the gunnery deck.

- They are shown to the guest quarter. 

- 3,000 XP ea for 140,640 XP total ea.


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