We're Having Lobster Tonight! - June 26, 2020

- Sweater pattern research

- The next morning
- There is sunlight in the various guest rooms, though it is difficult to see where it is coming from.
- Torin has set a table and there are porridge and fruit and fried meat of some kind.
- Torin is definitely not coming to the cave. He's going to stay home and go through his old research notes from before Chemendoro was founded.
- He does not know what the creep-tures are.
- The group decides to keep the Wind Walk spell for a quick escape, so they hike to the cave they found.
- They arrive at the cave without seeing any of the creep-tures.
- Neil scouts the cave entry area sneakily - He sees a large chamber with some dark shapes against the back wall and two large openings, one leading left and one right.
- Neil signals to Acta to come have a look too, and she can see that the dark shapes look like sleeping animals
- They regroup with the party to talk about the plan of action
- They all move to the cave entrance and Acta sneaks close enough to cast Detect Magic, but the closer she gets the more they stink really badly
- The sleeping(?) creatures look like animals from the mountains, not the creep-tures.
- They go back outside to talk some more.
- Zaril picks up a few pebbles, and casts Light on the pebbles and gently tosses them into the cave.
- The things lying at the back of the cave do not move. One looks like it might be a bear. She then approaches a smaller shape and it smells very bad, and all the creatures are dead.
- Zaril collects her Light pebbles and throws one down the left opening and another down the right 
- Acta and Neil manage to determine that there is much more traffic to and from the left passageway.
- Zaril collects her glowing pebble from the right-hand passage and they head up the left.
- She finds some carvings in the wall in the RH passage in Draconic. She calls out to Neil and he can tell it was carved a long time ago, but it is a spell of protection that is no longer functioning. It seems to have been protecting something that may have been down that direction.
- Sariel suggests they investigate the left passage first so that the creep-tures can't sneak up behind them and trap them in the cave.
- They start to hear a trickling burbling sound as they continue up the left passageway. It starts to head down and loops around into an enormous cavern
- The sound of running water is much louder here.
- From somewhere in the back of the cavern there is a loud animalistic scream-roar. 
- Sariel can tell it came from forward and to the left.
- The water is directly to their left, so they start following the edge of the water.
- They head that direction and then they hear more of the screaming and then some angry huffing sounds.
- Acta sneaks ahead in the direction of the noises and she sees a creature that is not magical, but it has two heads and hooks for hands. This one doesn't feel sad. It feels angry.
- Zaril can hear where the creature Acta went to investigate is and she throws a pebble in that direction
- It seems annoyed with the Light pebble
- Acta is also annoyed because now it can see her.

- Neil casts Ensnaring Strike and then misses the Hook Monster with his longbow.
- Zaril casts Faerie Fire on the HM and then she drops another pebble where she is standing before moving into the shadows
- Sariel moves to within 10' of the HM and casts Poison Spray, but it dodges
- Zaril squeaks and disappears into the shadows. She takes 12 slashing damage. She is Grappled. There are chittering sounds. Acta can see that Zaril is being held by what looks like a giant scorpion.
- Acta casts Magic Weapon on her shortbow and then shoots the Scorpion Creature for 36 piercing dmg. She does not recognize SC.
- Penny Pounces on the creature for 11 slashing dmg, knocking it Prone, and then she bites it for 12 piercing dmg.
- HM stands up and swings his hook hand into Penny for 13 piercing dmg and then misses with his second swing.
- SC2 Grapples Neil and pulls him onto the ceiling for 12 slashing dmg. Neil loses Concentration on his Ensnaring Strike spell.
- Luca moves up to the HM and casts Haste on herself and then she swings her hammer on it twice for 17 bludgeoning and 5 radiant dmg and then for 11 bludgeoning and 3 radiant dmg.

- Neil pulls a short sword but misses stabbing SC2 
- Zaril pulls her rapier and stabs SC1 for 11 piercing dmg and then again for 6 piercing dmg and it loses its grip on the wall and they both fall to the ground taking 10 bludgeoning dmg. SC1 is dead.
- Sariel moves to flank the HM with Luca but misses with Primal Savagery.
- Acta shoots SC2 with her shortbow for 36 piercing dmg. Acta looks around and listens for other ceiling scorpions, but there aren't any in this immediate area. They're out there, but not here this instant.
- Penny bites HM for 13 piercing dmg.
- HM Disengages and runs away.
- SC2 bites Neil's armor ineffectually. It then drops Neil (11 bludgeoning dmg from falling 30').
- Luca chases HM and swings her hammer for 9 bludgeoning and 1 radient dmg then again for 12 bludgeoning and 8 radiant dmg then she hits it again for 12 bludgeoning and 4 radiant dmg, and lastly she hits it for 9 bludgeoning and 8 radiant dmg.

- Neil grabs his longbow again and shoots SC2 for 8 piercing dmg. Then moves towards Penny.
- Zaril moves back towards the entrance of the cave and casts Chaos Bolt (Lvl 3) on HM for 22 lightning dmg.
- Sariel casts Thorn Whip on HM for 15 piercing dmg and pulls it back towards herself.
- SC3 tries to grab Neil but misses.
- Acta shoots SC2 for 9 piercing dmg.
- Penny moves back 10' then does a butt wiggle and Pounces on the HM but misses.
- HM smacks Luca for 6 piercing and 11 pyschic dmg then again for 27 piercing dmg 
- SC2 skitters off into the darkness then Grapples Acta for 7 slashing dmg and she disappears into the darkness.
- Luca hits HM for 9 bludgeoning and 2 radiant dmg then again for 13 bludgeoning and 6 radiant dmg and then again 13 bludgeoning and 2 radiant dmg then lastly for 8 bludgeoning and 3 radiant dmg.

- Neil moves for a better line of sight to HM and throws the Light pebble at his feet 15' in the direction that Acta was pulled, but he still can't see her, so he shoots HM with his Vicious Longbow for 20 piercing dmg.
- Zaril pulls the third Light pebble out of her pocket and flies over the water and lands on a big rock she can see. She then casts Chaos Bolt (Lvl 3) on SC2 for 24 fire dmg. Acta and the dead SC2 taking 21 bludgeoning dmg from falling. She then casts Inspiring Word on Acta.
- Sariel moves to the edge of the water and casts Thorn Whip on SC3 for 11 piercing dmg and is pulled 10' towards her.
- SC3 skitters into the darkness then misses Grappling Sariel.
- Acta swims over to the rock Zaril is standing on and climbs on next to her. She looks around for the scorpion monster who tried to Grapple Sariel, but it's hiding in the darkness. So she shoots HM in the second head with her shortbow for 34 piercing dmg.
- Penny misses biting the HM.
- HM misses Luca twice.
- Luca smashes HM with her hammer for 9 bludgeoning and 7 radiant dmg and then again for 13 bludgeoning and 5 radiant dmg then again for 9 bludgeoning and 3 radiant dmg and then lastly for 11 bludgeoning and 8 radiant dmg with an extra 7 Divine Smite dmg. It is dead.

- Zaril grabs Acta and flies them both back to land.
- They hear chittering from the darkness ahead of them.
- Acta collects the claws and tails from the scorpion monster 
- While Acta is collecting meat for dinner, Zaril scouts with her Light pebbles and finds a place where the river could be forded.
- Zaril is yanked off into the darkness, but she drops the pebble she was holding when 

Back to Initiative
- Acta grabs the nearest Light pebble and throws it 30' towards the water, but it doesn't illuminate the location of the critter with Zaril
- Penny looks around confused.
- Luca pulls out her other hammer which glows, the fords the river and heads as far in the direction she thinks she hears Zaril's screams as she can

- Neil moves next to Luca and readies himself to shoot SC3 when it becomes visible.
- Zaril casts Thunder Wave (Lvl 2) on SC3 for 20 thunder dmg, but it is not pushed. Neil uses his reaction to shoot SC3 for 11 piercing dmg.
- Sariel Wild Shapes into an Air Elemental and zips over to SC3 and misses then Slams SC3 for 20 bludgeoning dmg. The monster dies and drops Zaril, but Sariel manages to react fast enough to cushion her fall some (half dmg of 4 bludgeoning dmg).
- Zaril kicks it after she stands up.

- Sariel stays in Air Elemental form and scoops up one of the Light pebbles and carries it along near the ceiling to find more of these creatures. Neil has one, Zaril has one, and Luca has her hammer, leaving Acta as the only person without a light source.

- 4,840 XP ea for 115,240 XP total ea.


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