Consent is baked into it! #HotTopicVibes - June 5, 2020

- Review of all the random crap Acta has stolen and stored in the Bag of Holding. There's a lot...

- Neil move the gnome's body to a respectful resting place and check to see if he has an identification of any sort on him - He is wearing a silver pendant with a symbol carved
- Zaril and Neil then go mess with the creep-tures, but they are now just creepy piles of flesh - Their arms are still weirdly stretchy
- No dead bodies in the hut! It's now on the official list.
- They move away slightly uphill and overlooking the battle scene and Zaril re-casts Leomund's Tiny Hut and Acta takes first watch
- Acta watches another one of those creep-tures arrive on the scene and start scavenging... something
- Neil wakes up and keeps an eye on the creature (though he can't see it quite as well as Acta could)
- Zaril has an uneventful watch as well, though the sunrise is very pretty.
- Sariel watches a pleasant morning unfold and a long rest is achieved.
- The gnome is slightly more chewed on, but it seems like the creep-tures that showed up in the night mostly ate their dead rather than him.
- They pile rocks on the gnome to make a cairn, and Zaril finds a colorful smooth one to stack on top.
- Zaril does a loop and sees smoke like from a campfire over that way.
- She comes back and Sariel then casts Wind Walk on the group (including Penny, of course)
- They travel to a place nearby the smoke's origin and transform back into themselves
- Luca crashes out of her gaseous form
- Neil and Acta sneak closer and they find down the path aways there is a gnomish village built into a rock face
- They see no obvious indications that the gnomes would be hostile, so they head back to collect their friends
- Zaril plans to walk into "town" playing her ukelele to make herself seem less dangerous
- "Oh, you're dangerous. You're just not hostile."
- As they walk into town, a few heads poke out of some holes in the rock face, but they do not come out to meet the strangers.
- It takes a while and several attempts at knocking at doors before anyone will come out to talk to them.
- They explain that they want directions and about the gnome they found and show him the pendant.
- He asks them to wait here and he'll go get the elder. He goes back inside and closes the door
- After some time passes, three gnomes come back out
- Horcoril is the elder and he has two guards. The dead gnome was Wibnil
- The village is Zizima
- Neil shows Horcoril the pendant and they describe the creep-tures.
- The creep-tures are new and have only been around for about six months.
- Horcoril doesn't recognize the name Torin Denholm, but he does know of a half-elven man who lives in the mountains who they call Ghost Step because he seems to appear and disappear at will
- Horcoril doesn't know of any means to contact Ghost Step, but he usually comes by once a week or so and was last in town four days ago. He also knows he lives up the mountains because he has said he has a nice view.
- He tells of another creature that is sort of shaped like a person, but with two legs and five arms like the legs of a spider
- Another scout has told of a creature with two heads and hooks for hands
- #NightmareMountain
- Neil can't find any tracks that aren't gnomish or the party's
- Zaril thanks the elder very politely and asks about Wibnil's parents, and Horcoril goes back inside and comes back with his father.
- Neil ceremoniously passes on the pendant and gives detailed direction to the location of the body
- They bid farewell to the gnomes and walk back up the path just out sight.
- They all transform back into wisps and head back up the path and up the mountain
- As they are traveling as wisps (maybe 60'-100' off the ground), they see some of the creatures that Horcoril described to them
- There are several packs with the five spider arms, they seem to keep to groups
- They see a couple of the double-headed, hook-handed creatures which seem to be loners.
- As they travel higher the vegetation gets sparser, but Acta notices a location that seems to have thicker vegetation
- She manages to get everyone's attention and they head that way.
- There's a lawn and trees, but there's no visible structure.
- They land at the edge of the lawn, which is flat and even and the trees look tended. The whole area is about a quarter-mile square.
- Acta uses Detect Magic and walks the perimeter of the cultivated area. There is Illusion magic on the area.
- Sariel casts Speak with Plants on a tree nearest to the edge of the lawn, it seems to be an oak
- She speaks to the tree and tells their story and mentions that they have some of Ezra's almond cookies for him as well.
- A pop sounds and a small house appears on the lawn. Acta gets out the cookies and sneaks one for herself. She knocks on the door and it is opened by a man with a long silver beard with a shiny staff wearing an asymmetrical cut tunic over trousers who invites them inside after advising, "You're lucky you brought cookies."
- They are invited inside.
- They chat a LOT to convince him to help them, possibly to come back to Chemendoro, but maybe not
- He asks for some time to think on the matter, but he has been trying to find where the magical creatures are coming from. They seem to be most numerous a few miles east of here.
- Since he wants some time to think, and they still have three hours on the Wind Walk spell left, they offer to go investigate while he's thinking.

- 3,000 XP ea for 107,400 XP total ea.


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