#StayPositive - May 8, 2020

- The earth's shaking only lasts a few seconds, and everyone has a chance to catch their breath.
- A portal opens and the party comes out on a very high tower in the middle of the city - There are several people coordinating things, so this is like a command post
- Sgt Watson approaches Neil and requests a debrief
- Most of the giants have either surrendered or run away
- The western part of the wall is damaged and partially breached.
- In the northwest there's a golden dragon still battling with two giants.
- There are also a few other giants doing battle with some of the ballistas
- In the northern part of the city where the mine is, or maybe was, there's a crater and another portion of the wall has collapsed into the crater
- In only a few more minutes all the giants either surrender or are killed.
- Neil volunteers the group to investigate the mine before they go back to the inn to sleep off their injuries.
- Corporal Thompson will accompany the party to relay messages in case something urgent comes up.
- Neil lets everyone leave the room ahead of him and then he kisses Watson
- They reach the crater and it is 300'-400' across and 50' at the center
- Zaril flies carefully down into the hole and she see a lot of debris and not much else.
- The elevator and the tunnel they used before are just gone.
- Neil examines the crater and based on rubble patterns, it seems that things fell into the hold rather than flew out of the hole.
- Acta pulls out the bit of brain matter she has in her pack and examines it, it seems like it's pulsing
- Zaril files some familiar-looking vines amongst the rubble - Her instinct is that Agrexost has been removed from his resting place
- Sariel Conjures Elemental (Earth) and she send it down into the earth to investigate.
- After an interminable 15 minutes, the earth elemental returns and "tells" her that it found nothing. It also says that the bedrock is 250' below.
- Everyone agrees that this is important to share, but there's no need to waste Cpl T's energies when they can just walk back to the city hall.
- Sgt Watson is in the lobby at the tower, sitting in a chair looking tired and disheveled.
- "The good news is that there's nothing dangerous in the mine. The bad news is that your titan friend is gone, and Ellilune's vines were present." - Zaril
- They are excused and Neil hangs back again.
- Neil looks pointedly at Sariel who's digging in her bag or something and she's like, "I'm going! I'm going! It's not like I want to watch you make out with your girlfriend."
- Watson confirms that the city would have had much more trouble if they hadn't killed Barkridge
- He offers to tag along to break the news to Alejandro, and she says she's okay. It's her job. Gotta take the bad with the good.
- Neil says he'll see her in the morning, or possibly sooner
- Watson - "Nice to know you're always ready."
- Zaril preens all her feathers twice before bed.
- Long rest achieved!
- Everyone wakes up late and sore.
- Sariel has some breakfast and then disappears off somewhere. "Druid stuff!"
- Zaril Sends to Saraak (her mentor), "Barkridge had taken the magic of multiple villages. He tried to take Chemendoro, we felled him. Do you know anything of the titan felled in Chemendoro?
- He responds, "Barkridge was clearly dangerous. We suspected he was trying to take magic from us, too. The titans are creatures of folklore. Just ancient tales."
- Zaril Sends again, "We have evidence of the titan here. An ancient druid, Ellilune, removed the titan during the struggle with Barkridge. Do you know anything of pertinence?"
- He responds, "If titans exist and one is active, that would be dangerous to everyone. From the stories, they would be terrible foes with no regard for our lives."
- Luca repairs and buffs her armor
- Neil asks the innkeeper for an entire roast (cooked or not) and he let brings Penny inside and she eats it. "There's a good kitty."
- Acta tries to take a bunch of the stuff she stole and the brain matter make it into some sort of magic item, and the brain matter sort of melts into the broken locket / amulet and when she puts it on it feels cool against her skin and she feels something vague and far away like a tugging inside her head
- Sariel finds a secluded area and she casts Conjure Elemental (Air) - It wants a musical instrument it can play in exchange for running this errand for her. She goes to the crater site and uses Stone Shape and Plant Growth to make a wind organ and a small park as a monument to the dead. This takes all day. The Air Elemental does immediately begin making melodic and ethereal music that can be heard throughout the city.
- Someone walks up behind Sariel as she's listening and it's Alejandro. He approves. She suggests he use it as a memorial for the lives lost in the giants' assault.
- Once Penny is replete and snoring on the rug in front of the common room fire, he goes to check on Watson.
- He goes to the barracks first, and she's there in her quarters. She does not respond to a gentle knock.
- He writes her a note on a bit of parchment and slips it under the door.
- As he's leaving the barracks he starts hearing this ethereal music and goes to investigate. He finds Sariel using Druidcraft to plant seedlings and grow them in an area near the while Zaril is flapping at the top of this stone structure flapping wind into the pipes and cawing and playing her ukelele into them to make funny noises and amusing herself.
- Eventually, everyone returns to the inn, and there are a bunch of tired soldiers there too.
- The innkeeper asks for a performance from Zaril and asks if it could be a cabaret show. "You know I'm a bird, right?"
- Zaril gives a USO-type show with Acta as back up on Louie the Lute. It does not go well musically. They really should have rehearsed something before taking to the stage.
- Acta wakes up in the middle of the night and hears what sounds like a distant screaming, but it's distance and somehow also in her head.
- She rolls over and goes back to sleep.

- 3,000 XP for 96,400 XP total ea.


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