#IDeclareStealthiness! #Signal #DiceJail - April 24, 2020 and May 1, 2020

- The Lizardfolk who is named Rollax works in a shop that sells candles.
- The circle in the woods glows. He claims that's all it does.
- He was asked to make it by a mage, but he doesn't know the mage's name.
- The mage was fancy in nice clothes. Looks intimidating like most mages.
- He met the mage a long time ago, but was contacted recently via Sending.
- He told, presumably Barkridge, that they had been in the guard barrack and then came back to the inn.
- And then he realizes that Barkridge was probably not going to give him all the stuff he promised him (100,00 GP) for telling them this stuff
- Neil hears from over his shoulder he hears a "Psst"
- Sgt Watson has arrived and is raising her eyebrows at Neil
- Zaril uses Suggestion on him again while SW gets a couple of guards to take him in
- At this point all three of them head upstairs, Zaril for a long rest and Neil and Sarah Watson for a "rest"
- He explains about the spy probably being an unknown spy.
- The next morning, everyone is rested! And "rested".
- One of the guard shows up in the inn, and immediately head upstairs and knocks on Neil's door. Neil is still undressed, but he answers the door anyway.
- He has to wake her with a "duty call, I'm afraid" She flirtily asks if that is a euphemism, but unfortunately, it is not.
- Her - I'd better put some clothes one then, could give a lesser man a heart attack. Him - And how!
- The guard reports that something is approaching the city, it looks like something big.
- Sariel has wandered over and she knows that fire giants are giants who use a lot of fire magic, have an affinity for fire, and are probably at least some level of fireproof, but they would not literally be on fire.
- Neil offer the team to go scout it out, but Acta says, "Let her send some soldiers."
- Almost everybody else feels obligated to go.
- Last reported location was about 10 miles from the city.
- They all head to the barracks so that they can head out via a teleportation portal.
- Sgt Watson slaps Neil's ass as he is the last through the portal.
- The team finds themselves outside the city walls, and everyone except Acta can feel a vibration in the ground. It's a rhythmic, army of footsteps kind of feeling.
- Acta turns herself invisible.
- Zaril hides in a tree.
- Neil and Sariel argue about how to play Barkridge. Neil wants to try to trick him while Sariel just wants to tell him to die and jump him. Luca watches the tennis match.
- Very quickly two giants come into view. They are 18' tall and heavily armored.
- The giants stop and Barkridge pops out of a basket thing on the leader's back.
- Neil tried to trick Barkridge into thinking the city will welcome him with open arms, but he is not at all Deceptive.
- Barkridge give them credit for being "tricky".
- Zaril casts Sending to Watson, "Barkridge has two giants. Shortly outside the city. We are engaging. Be ready as back-up immediately."
- Barkridge immediately casts a spell and slams his staff into the ground.
- An enormous portal opens, and more fire giants come out of the portal, and more fire giants, larger than the two who were originally with Barkridge carrying giant glowing shields rush towards the Chemendoro.
- All hell breaks loose.

- Goal - Close Barkridge's portal
- Neil - Uses perception to take in his surroundings as quickly as possible - There is a beam emanating from Barkridge's chest to the portal is coming from a locket he is wearing. (Perception -  Success)
- Sariel - Feels weird and weak and woozy when the portal opens. She Conjures Elemental (Water) and asks it to get Barkridge's locket, but it is intercepted by one of the guard giants. (Nature - Fail)
- Zaril casts Greater Invisibility on herself, flies down out of the tree, and sneaks up to Barkridge to try to steal his locket (Sleight of Hand - Success) - When she touches him, she feels a jolt and is thrown backwards (is visible now), but the portal flickers before Barkridge can re-establish it.
- Luca - Calls to Acta, "Get the locket!" (Persuasion - Success and Acta has Adv on her check)
- Acta - Gets a running start, leaps over Barkridge grabbing the locket, and even though she is shocked and thrown, the momentum carries her forward and she has the locket. The portal is still open, but Acta has the locket, and that's where the beam is still originating. Barkridge is very surprised.
- Neil tries to sneak into a better position against Barkridge, but his sword bounces off of a bubble of force surrounding Barkridge and he is knocked back onto his ass (Stealth - Fail)
- Sariel calls to Penny With me!" Then as she charges the giant menacing Zaril she yells, "Help Acta!" (Animal Handling - Success) {[Guess she forgave me for calling her a sidekick that one time.]}
- Zaril runs to the Acta and the casts Dispel Magic on the locket (Performance - Fail), but the giant who was coming over gets there too quickly. Luca tries to defend, and she does just enough to prevent the giant's sword from cleaving Acta in two, but it hits her hand holding the locket and the lockets is destroyed. Acta takes 18 dmg.
- Barkridge is pissed, and he orders the giants to kill them all.

- Penny Pounces on Barkridge, but she bounces off his Shield and she's prone.
- Neil steps to the side for a clear view of Barkridge and shoots Lightning Arrow at him, but the arrow is destroyed and the lightning energy dissipates around the Shield bubble
- Zaril casts Synaptic Static in a hex between all three bad guys, but it will also affect her and Penny, the two giants take 29 psychic damage and a lot of other stuff. Barkridge is immune, of fucking course. She then moves behind a tree and studies the bubble around the wizard, but she can't determine anything about it. Then she casts Bardic Inspiration on Sariel.
- Neil takes 4 psychic damage from Barkridge doing something.
- G1 moves to Neil and misses then hits him for 31 slashing dmg. He's still suffering Synaptically.
- Acta moves to flank G2 with Luca and she casts Magic Weapon on her xiphos then she stabs it for 28 piercing dmg. She then studies the giant for a second and determines that he is immune to fire damage.
- Acta takes no damage from Barkridge's attempted attack.
- Luca casts Crusader's Mantle giving everyone 1d4 radiant dmg when they hit with an attack.
- Luca takes 10 fire dmg from something Barkridge does.
- Sariel casts Guardian of Nature on herself, then turns into an Air Elemental, then moves to flank G2 with Luca and Slams it for 38 bludgeoning dmg, then Slams it again for 13 bludgeoning dmg.
- G2 slices Acta with its sword for 14 slashing dmg (thank you, Uncanny Dodge) then it misses. It no longer suffers synaptically.

- Penny stands up moves to G2 to flank with the Sariel-Elemental and bites it for 12 piercing dmg.
- Neil Disengages and moves the hell away from these giants. (Dash as a bonus action)
- Luca takes 14 fire dmg from something Barkridge does.
- Zaril casts Chaos Bolt (2nd Level) at G2 but misses.
- G1 moves to flank Acta with his friend, hitting her for 16 slashing dmg (thank you again, Uncanny Dodge), then he hits her again for 32 slashing dmg. Her Magic Weapon fades. He's still suffering Synaptically.
- Acta stabs G2 for 33 piercing dmg then Disengages then moves the hell out of there and Hides in some bushes.
- Luca takes 15 fire dmg from Barkridge. Crusader's Mantle fades.
- Luca casts Haste on herself and smashes it with her warhammer for 14 bludgeoning dmg killing G2! She then moves to G1 and attacks him but misses.
- Sariel moves to flank G1 with Luca and Slams it for 20 bludgeoning dmg and repeats for 14 bludgeoning dmg.


- Penny moves to G1 and misses biting him.
- Neil moves to see it then shoots G1 with his longbow for 11 piercing dmg.
- Zaril casts Mind Sliver on G1 for 13 psychic dmg.
- G1 misses Luca twice, but he finally saves versus Synaptic Static.
- Zaril takes 9 poison dmg and gets shoved closer to Barkridge because of something he did.
- Acta casts Magic Weapon on her shortbow and then shoots G1 for 28 piercing dmg then she climbs into the tree and hides.
- Luca smashes her hammer into G1 for 9 bludgeoning and 3 radiant dmg then again for 6 bludgeoning and 7 radiant dmg, then again for 7 bludgeoning and 7 radiant dmg then again for 11 bludgeoning and 5 radiant dmg.
- Sariel-Elemental Slams G1 for 10 bludgeoning dmg then again for 14 bludgeoning dmg

- Penny misses
- Neil casts Silence centered on Barkridge which also affects Luca
- Zaril casts Mind Sliver on G1 for 12 psychic dmg then flies towards the city.
- Barkridge moves out of the Silence spell
- G1 steps over Luca and gets bitten by Penny for 9 piercing dmg as he moves away from her, then misses Luca then hits her for 35 slashing dmg - Her Haste fades
- Acta shoots G1 for 29 piercing dmg.
- Barkridge's spell misses Neil
- Luca moves adjacent to G1 and misses twice.
- Sariel-Elemental tries to Whirlwind fling G1 at Barkridge, but it stands fast and only takes 10 bludgeoning dmg.
- Barkridge spells at Penny for 16 lightning dmg.

- Penny moves to flank G1 with Sariel and bits it for 10 piercing dmg, killing it!!

- Barkridge looks super annoyed and says, "Well, I guess I'm going to have to finish this myself."
- Zaril casts the Cure Wounds (Lvl 4) she was preparing to throw at Acta on her for 29 HP healed.
- Barkridge throws his arms up and a ring on his finger starts to glow, and Sariel feels another draining pull from deep in her gut

- Acta squints at the ring and knows that he's using it to focus the magically energies he's drawing from around the world, then she casts Magic Weapon on her shortbow, but misses, so she jumps down from her tree and runs to a different one and climbs it.
- Barkridge casts Bigby's Hand by Luca but misses.
- Sariel-Elemental flies over to Barkridge then misses him and then slams him for 16 bludgeoning dmg.
- Neil casts Ensnaring Strike as a bonus action then shoots Barkridge for 15 piercing dmg - Barkridge is Restrained
- Barkridge takes 4 piercing dmg from the ensnaring vines then he Teleports then he interposes the Hand on Luca
- Zaril casts Blindness on Barkridge but he saves then she flies as far away from her companions as she can get.
- Penny Pounces on Barkridge for 11 slashing dmg, but he is not knocked prone BUT THE HAND FADES.
- Barkridge casts Chain Lightning on Penny, Luca, Sariel, and Neil - Luca takes 47 lightning dmg, Penny and Neil take 23 lightning dmg, and Sariel-Elemental takes 12 lightning dmg
- Luca casts Lay-on-Hands on herself for 40 HP healed, then she moves away from her allies

- Acta Hides herself in her tree then shoots Barkridge for 50 piercing dmg (NAT 20!!)
- Barkridge looks for but cannot find Acta, so he casts Cone of Cold on Penny and Luca for 46 cold dmg.
- Sariel moves to flank Barkridge with Penny and slams him for 15 bludgeoning dmg, then Barkridge reacts and Neil and Penny are Restrained by spectral hands then she slams him again for 18 bludgeoning dmg.
- Neil shoots Barkridge for 17 piercing dmg. He is still Restrained.
- Barkridge Teleported closer to Zaril
- Zaril casts Otto's Irresistible Dance at Barkridge as she flies past him towards Luca stopping behind a tree to hide en route then casts Baric Inspiration on Luca.
- Penny is still Restrained.
- Barkridge steps forward towards Sariel and casts Cone of Cold, catching Neil, Sariel, and Penny - Penny is knocked Unconscious by 29 cold dmg and Neil and Sariel take 14 cold dmg.
- Luca casts Aura of Vitality and heals 5 HP then she moves farther away from Barkridge.

- At the beginning of Round 3 Neil hears in a voice he doesn't recognize inside his head, "Sgt Watson says we have a ballista to aid you. Maneuver your target in front of the pink tree. Signal when ready." He returns, "Acknowledged."
- Acta Hide and then shoots Barkridge for 30 piercing dmg.
- Sariel moves to encompass Barkridge again and Whirlwind Flings him into the center of the target area. He also takes 25 bludgeoning dmg from the fall and is knocked Prone.
- Neil shoots a fire arrow up high over Penny at Barkridge and hits him for 10 piercing and 4 fire dmg. Neil is still Restrained.
- Barkridge stands up looks around and sees Zaril and casts Lightning Bolt on her for 15 lightning dmg (Good for her for saving that Dex ST).
- The Ballista misses Barkridge
- Zaril flies to Luca and casts Cure Wounds (4th Lvl) on her for 24 HP of healing then she casts Bardic Inspiration on Penny.
- Penny wakes up from being Unconscious  with 1 HP (Nat 20 on Death ST)!!!
- Barkridge casts Fireball on Luca and Zaril, luckily they both dodge and take 13 fire dmg.
- Luca restores 8 HP and then uses Lay-on-Hands on herself again for 15 more HP then she moves to put a tree between herself and the wizard.

- Acta Hides herself and then shoots Barkridge for 31 piercing dmg, and Neil is no longer Restrained.
Barkridge reacts by Teleporting towards the city and Acta
- Sariel moves to encompass Barkridge again and Whirlwind Flings him back into the Ballista Zone and he takes 22 bludgeoning dmg and is Prone.
- Neil moves adjacent to Penny and casts Cure Wounds (2nd Lvl) on her for 14 HP of healing then he moves away from her and shouts "Fire!" towards the city.
- The Ballista misses again.
- Zaril casts Dragon's Breath then flies closer to Barkridge and breathes cold at him for 9 cold dmg (He saved. :-(  )
- Penny stands up and runs away from the wizard.
- Barkridge stands up and casts Ice Storm on Acta, Neil, Sariel, and Zaril, and everybody saved except Acta but she uses Evasion the total rolls were 18 bludgeoning and 11 cold dmg. Various people resist things at different levels.
- Luca restores 3 HP and then she casts Hold Person on Barkridge and he is Paralyzed.

- Acta Dashes up to Barkridge then stabs him with her Xiphos for 50 piercing dmg then she runs to the nearest tree and climbs it to Hide again.
- Sariel stops being an Air Elemental and saunters closer to him and then looks him in the eye and casts Heat Metal (6th Lvl) on the glowing ring on his finger while saying, "Die, Bitch" and he does after saying "Shit." He bursts into vapor that quickly dissipates. She feels normal again with no drain in her gut.

- Everyone turns to look at the city and there's a pitched battle between the Chemendoro and the army of giants. There are magically ballistas going off right and left. There are two dragons flying around helping to defend the city. There's a moment where the giants clearly come to their senses, but they continue fighting because they've come to their sense in the middle of a pitched battle.
- Zaril examines the area where Barkridge had been standing and believe the rings and his body to truly have disintegrated.
- She then sends to Alejandro, "Barkridge has been defeated. He has no control over Giants. Offer them a surrender agreement, they were not in control of themselves. Send a portal."
- She receives, "Acknowldged. Thank you"
- One of the dragons signals to pull back a bit, and as the city is giving the giants a moment to realize they can run away, there's a horrendous psychic screech in every head that the part recognizes as Agrexost, the possible titan below the city whose brain has been mined for residuum and the ground shakes and rocks ominously.

- 5,200 XP ea. for 93,400 XP total ea.


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