I don't want a creepy-ass tree in my dome - May 29, 2020

- The group heads up the mountain while chatting and looking for signs of habitation, Zaril snags little creatures like mice and geckos and what-not to snack on as they walk
- After a while, Neil notices that there are more and more of the tracks that he found before
- The sun begins to set, and Neil tries to hunt, but he can only find one rabbit
- They make camp.
- They decide to try planting another one of Acta's magic beans and see what they get.
- Acta plants a bean and nest with five brown, red-speckled eggs (chicken-egg-sized) appears
- Acta grabs up an egg and uses her dagger to open one side, and it just looks like an egg with a white and yolk and what-not
- Zaril decides to try to hatch her egg
- Luca decides not to eat her egg either.
- Sariel decides to wait at least until morning.
- After a while, Acta starts to have stomach pains, but then she gets better after an internal blow (28 force dmg)
- The burp she releases echoes off the cliffs.
- Sariel and Luca cook and eat their eggs too.
- Luca has some intense stomach pains before also burping even more loudly than Acta (35 force dmg)
- Sariel's tummy rumbles, but then she feels better (Permanent Str +1!!!)
- Zaril examines her egg and finds it to be unquestionably magical. She thinks there's a chance it could hatch in just the right circumstances, but it would be a difficult task
- She tucks the egg back into her feathers [SIDEBAR]
- Neil also tucks his egg away
- Zaril scavenges some more lizards and small critters for her dinner
- The rest eat rabbit and then when Zaril comes back she casts Leomund's Tiny Hut (as a ritual) and Acta takes the first watch
- Acta is watching and she thinks some bushes moving over there
- When Acta wakes up Neil for his watch, she does so as quietly as possible and points at the moving bushes
- Neil looks and definitely thinks there's something big over there.
- Neil wakes up Penny and tells her to be ready to wake everyone up at his signal and then he slips out of the Hut on the far side and sneaks around to try to get closer to the unknown thing
- He gets close enough to see a medium-sized creature squatting on the ground and chewing and he sees that it is a muscular, lumpy body, like an ape or a gorilla, but not hairy enough to be either. Neil cannot see what it is eating nor what it's head or face look like.
- He slips back into the Hut to finish his watch
- Eventually, the creature wanders off out of sight.
- Then he hears a sort of "hoo-hoo-hoo" sound and then he hears several others answer it, then he hears a loud, person-like scream that goes on for a bit.
- Neil wakes everyone up, Zaril pops the Hut, and everyone follows Neil and Penny who lead the way effortlessly in the correct direction (Rangers, amiright?)
- They come upon a group of three of the creatures clearly eating something.
- Sariel casts Speak with Animals on herself, moves to the front of the group, and calls out, "Hello?"
- They turn, one of the creatures lets out a "hoo-hoo-hoo" and they advance on the party
- The things look human, sort of, from the waist up, but their heads are more like gorillas. They have arms that end in spikes rather than hands and the legs also looks more like peg legs than human legs

- Neil moves laterally along the mountainside, then casts Lightning Arrow, and then shoots Red for 20 lightning dmg, and Blue and Green both take two lightning dmg.
- Zaril flies towards Neil, casts Synaptic Static centered between the three creatures dealing 31 psychic dmg to Red and Green and 15 psychic dmg to Blue.
- Red slings his arm at Sariel, but misses.
- Penny moves next to Neil then Pounces on Red for 10 slashing dmg, but it is not knocked prone. She feels melancholy and out of sorts at close range to the creatures.
- Acta moves closer to the creatures, casts Magic Weapon on her shortbow and shoots at Red, but misses.
- Green moves towards Sariel, but misses with his creepy spike arm.
- Luca moves up to Red and feels depressed and sad, but she smacks it with her warhammer for 5 bludgeoning and 5 radiant dmg then she hits it again for 6 bludgeoning and 3 radiant dmg.
- Blue swings at Acta, but misses.
- Sariel thinks the creatures seem out of place and do not belong in this area. She says to them, "Stop this at once! I just wanted to talk to you!" There is no response, so she says, "This is what you get for not listening!" She transforms into a Water Elemental and attempts to Whelm Red, but it's head still sticks out of her water-body

- Neil Hides behind a bush then casts Flame Arrow
- Zaril Inspires Penny then moves behind Neil and casts Chaos Bolt on Green for 24 thunder dmg and then the bolt leaps to Blue for 10 poison dmg.
- Red looks gloomily at Sariel-Elemental, Penny, and Luca, but nothing happens. Then he stabs Penny with a spike for 19 piercing dmg, and she is Grappled by being impaled. She takes 23 psychic dmg. Its brain is still full of static.
- Penny wiggles trying to get off the spike, but she can't get off of it. She bites the arm for 8 piercing dmg.
- Acta shoots Red for 31 piercing dmg
- Green moves down the mountain and stabs Acta for 24 piercing dmg (Thank you, Uncanny Dodge!), and Acta is Grappled and pulled adjacent to it. Acta nows feel sad in the pit of her stomach. Its brain is still full of static. Acta's bow is no longer magicky.
- Luca casts Haste on herself then smacks Red with her hammer for 12 bludgeoning dmg and 1 radiant dmg and then hits it again for 7 bludgeoning and 8 radiant dmg.
- Blue looks gloomily at Sariel, but nothing happens. Blue then moves to within 10' of Zaril and stabs her for 29 piercing dmg and pulls her to itself and hugs her for 12 psychic dmg [A (ooc) - I don't like this game anymore]
- Sariel Whelms Red for 11 bludgeoning dmg and it is Restrained and drowning

- Neil moves closer to Red and shoots a flaming arrow at it for 7 piercing and 6 fire dmg, killing it!!!
- Zaril casts Dimensions Door and teleports waaaaay down the mountain. She then Inspires Acta.
- Penny moves to Green and misses biting it.
- Acta casts Magic Weapon on her xiphos and stabs it for 36 piercing dmg.
- Green looks gloomily at Penny and Acta, and Acta takes 8 psychic dmg. Green then uses its free arm to stab at Penny, but misses. Acta then takes 14 psychic dmg from the Sad Hug  :'-(  Its brain is still full of static [A (ooc) - I love this game!]
- Luca moves to Green between Penny and Acta. She misses it, then hits it for 5 bludgeoning and 7 radiant dmg, then hits it again for 7 bludgeoning and 3 radiant dmg and then misses again.
- Blue misses Neil.
- Sariel moves to Blue's space, but does not manage to Whelm it.

- Neil moves to stand where Red fell and quickly teabags it (free action), then shoots a flaming arrow at Green for 10 piercing and 4 fire dmg. Penny misses biting Green.
- Zaril casts Chaotic Bolt on Green for 18 poison dmg and then the bolt jumps to Blue for 15 poison dmg.
- Penny backs up next to Neil then Pounces on Green, but misses on her claw attack.
- Acta swings wildly at Green, but misses.
- Green looks gloomily at Penny, Luca, and Acta, but nothing happens. It then stabs Penny for 23 piercing dmg and then Acta takes 16 psychic dmg. Green's brain finally clears.
- Luca misses Green wither her hammer thrice and then hits for 7 bludgeoning and 22 radiant dmg. Green is smooshed! She then moves to flank Blue with Sariel
- Blue looks gloomily and Luca and Sariel, but nothing happens. Blue stabs Luca for 16 piercing dmg.
- Sariel slams her water-arm into Blue for 12 bludgeoning dmg and then brings the other one around to smash its head for 11 bludgeoning dmg.

- Neil slides down the steep part of the hill and shoots Blue for 13 piercing and 1 fire dmg.
- Zaril casts Dissonant Whispers (Lvl 3) on Blue for 12 psychic dmg and it runs away from Luca giving Sariel-Elemental the chance to smash it for 16 bludgeoning dmg and Luca to smack it for 5 bludgeoning and 2 radiant dmg.
- Penny moves a bit up the mountain.
- Acta shoots Blue with her shortbow for 30 piercing dmg, and it dies!!

- Everyone looks around and they find the corpse of a gnome that has been disemboweled

- 5,000 XP ea. for a total of 104,400 XP total ea.

Zaril secretly eats her egg (raw) while she is off scavenging. It does not agree with her (35 force dmg). She casts Cure Wounds on herself for 23 HP before heading back.


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