The Soup... is Beer - April 10, 2020

- As the group is walking back towards the inn, everyone except Acta and Neil feels the itchy, prickling sensation of a scrying spell
- Acta casts Detect Magic after Sariel and Zaril insist they are being scried on, but she doesn't see anything
- Sariel looks through the Gem of True Seeing and she sees TWO invisible orbs - one trailing behind Acta and one behind Neil
- She casts Dispel Magic one each of them and they disappear
- Zaril flies back to the barracks to make sure that the spell didn't come from the Sgt - it didn't
- As she's flying back, Zaril then hears Barkridge in her head, "You must distract the city's leader. Make sure he is out of communication or better yet out of commission by noon tomorrow."
- She turns BACK AROUND to get back to the Sgt to tell her what she just heard. She does not respond to the Sending.
- Sgt Watson asks them to investigate, so Zaril finally gets back to the inn, and tells the group what all happened.
- Sariel rests for a bit (spends 2 Hit Die and gains 16 HP), then she turns into an Air Elemental to make a patrol outside the city.
- Zaril gives her performance at the inn. Everyone enjoys it especially Neil (Bardic Inspiration for his card game.
- Neil plays cards with some new suckers. He wins 90 GP!
- The shiesty dudes he's playing with are "importers" for the essential goods that "aren't made on-site" - Smugglers?
- Neil divulges the city may be under attack as soon as tomorrow, and they decide they might export themselves during their last hand of cards.
- They offer to sell him Diamond Dust (makes you feel good, but it actually makes you sparkle, so you are Edward Cullen on Molly) or Dragon's Dream (Speed + Mushrooms)
- Both of those are illicit substances - see above
- Neil buys one of each, which costs a total of 20 GP, so up 70 for the night.
- So Sariel, she sees a green glow off in the distance. She zooms towards it, and she finds several miles from the edge of the city in the middle of a clearing is a large green circle. It's about 5" thick with a 30'-40' diameter.
- Detect Evil & Good and the Gem of True Seeing do not tell her anything, so she attempts to Dispel it unsuccessfully.
- She casts Speak with Plants on some nearby trees.
- Terrible Cajun accent for the trees, keep that in mind.
- The trees say the green glowing circle is "special grass". They don't know what it does, but it was put there the other day by a lizardfolk man. The tree hasn't noticed any other living thing come in or out of the circle since then.
- The tree asks for soup and it's an in-joke about Papaw
- The lizardfolk was wearing leather clothes of some kind, had green scales with red edging, and black eyes. It sounds like a one of the fire lizardfolk
- She thanks the tree and then turns back into an air elemental and zooms back to the city to finally get some sleep.

- 2,000 XP ea for 85,700 XP total ea.


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