- Penny Pounces on the Zombified Guard Leader who spoke to Neil, but misses
- Sariel casts Guardian of Nature on herself as her bonus action, then casts Poison Spray on the ZGL
- ZG5 casts Fireball on everyone but Penny, but everyone except Luca dodges (mostly) 41 Fire dmg for Luca, 20 Fire dmg for Neil and Sariel, none for Acta because Rogue
- ZG1 moves to Neil and misses twice
- Luca moves to ZG5 and misses him then smashes him with her magicky mace for 22 bludgeoning dmg and the magic of her mace murders him. MMMMMuuuuuuurrrrrrddddeeeeeeerrrrrrreeeeddddd
- Zaril flies in from her meeting with Alejandro and casts Chaos Bolt (Lvl 2) on ZG4 for14 thunder dmg
- ZG2 moves to see Sariel and then misses her twice with his javelins
- Acta casts Magic Weapon on her shortbow, then shoots ZG4 for 7 piercing dmg then she moves to hide behind the fishmonger's stand
- Neil moves back to back with Sariel, but ZG manages to Opportunity Attack him for 9 slashing dmg, then Neil shoot ZGL for 13 piercing dmg, but Penny then misses with her Coordinated Attack
- ZG3 misses Sariel with his first javelin, but his her for 9 piercing dmg with the second
- ZGL chops Penny with a greataxe for 17 slashing dmg and somehow all the other enemies get Adv next round
- ZG4 calls out some commands and gives ZGL an attack on Penny which misses, ZG1 throws a javelin at Neil which misses, and ZG3 throws a javelin at Sariel and hits her for 9 piercing dmg
- Penny bites ZGL for 9 piercing dmg
- Sariel moves to flank ZGL with Penny then casts Primal Savagery for 19 acid dmg
- ZG1 moves to Neil and misses then chops him but good for 27 slashing dmg - RUDE!
- Luca casts Haste on herself then moves to flank ZG1 with Neil and then hits ZG1 with her magicky mace for 17 bludgeoning dmg then absolutely smashes him for 27 bludgeoning dmg MMUURRDDEERRED AGAIN
- Zaril squints her eyes and learns that the enemies are not vulnerable to any particular kind of damage, then uses her Bones Action to casts Dragon's Breath (Lvl 3 - Cold) on herself then Breaths on ZG4 and he can't dodge so he takes 18 cold dmg
- ZG2 hits Sariel with a javelin for 7 piercing dmg then misses
- Acta shoots ZGL for 20 piercing dmg and she keeps hiding
- Neil moves to cover Sariel's back then learns that the enemies have no resistances to any particular damage type, then shoots ZG2 with Lightning Arrow for 17 lightning dmg.
- ZG3 moves up to Neil and misses with his sword then slices him for 6 slashing dmg.
- ZGL slices Penny for 17 slashing dmg then misses her.
- ZG4 thunks a javelin into Zaril for 9 piercing dmg then hits her again for another 9 piercing dmg and she loses Concentration on her Dragon's Breath
- Penny bites ZGL for 9 piercing dmg
- Sariel Wild Shapes into an Earth Elemental and smashes ZGL with her big rocky fists for 19 bludgeoning dmg and then does it again for 13 bludgeoning dmg and he falls Unconscious
- Luca moves to flank ZG3 with Neil then smashes him for 14 bludgeoning dmg and then again for 16 bludgeoning dmg then does it again for 15 bludgeoning dmg then AGAIN for 20 bludgeoning dmg and he is MMMMMUUUURRRRDDDDEEEERRRRRREEEEDDD. She then moves to be adjacent to ZG2 (Gotta love the Haste spell! :-)  )
- Zaril casts Chaos Bolt (Lvl 2) but misses then flies far away from ZG4
- ZG2 swings a sword at Luca and misses her twice.
- Acta shoots ZG2 for 24 piercing dmg then ducks back down behind the fishmonger's booth.
- Neil casts Ensnaring Strike and shoots ZG4 but misses. He then moves to where he can see both ZG4 and ZG2.
- ZG4 moves closer to Zaril then he misses her twice his javelins
- Penny tries to Pounce on ZG4 but misses.
- Sariel uses her fists to smash ZG2 for 23 bludgeoning dmg and he dies
- Luca moves to flank ZG4 with Penny using a Dash action and then she smashes him for 21 bludgeoning dmg and he dies

- Earth Elemental Sariel picks up the ZGL starts carrying him to the guard barrack
- Acta climbs onto Sariel's shoulder for the ride back to HQ
- Zaril flies off to go get Alejandro
- Neil sees a mass of leaves and vines falls out of ZGL's mouth as he is hanging off of Sariel's shoulder - It then burrows into the ground
- Zaril gets Alejandro who summons the City Watch to the marketplace then they both head towards the barracks also
- En route the group is met by a contingent of ten guards who see the giant Earth Elemental and stop and draw weapons.
- Luckily Alejandro and Zaril show up too and he tells then to stand down.
- Neil explains what happened to Alejandro who orders the guards to secure the market area and collect the bodies.
- Zaril picks up a few fish from the fishmonger's stall and leaves behind a few coins - She was PECKISH. LOL
- They arrive at the barracks and Sgt Watson meets them at the door.
- Sariel hands over the prisoner, helps Acta down from her other shoulder, and then turns back into herself.
- Sariel offers to take up a collection for the families of the guards who were killed, starting with Corporal Davids who is the prisoner who is actually dead now.
- Sgt agrees that the guard should be checked, which Sariel also offers to help do.
- Neil asks Sariel in Elvish to check the Sgt, which she does and she is not undead, which she tells him back in Elvish.
- Sgt Watson responds in Elvish, "Good to hear."
- She points Neil to the training room where he vents on a training dummy until his knuckles are bloody
- Sariel keeps her spell active and starts wandering around the barracks looking at all the people. She cannot seem to find anyone else who registers to the spell as undead.
- She then returns to everyone else in the office where speculation about how those six guards become zombies - Most likely while on patrol outside the city walls
- Sgt Watson says she can get a cleric to come cast the spell before the guards who don't live in the barracks so Sariel can go back to the inn and get a good night's rest
- Neil finally returns from venting and asks Sgt Watson about the people in the city who could possibly create a 9th Level Dispel Magic spell.
- The group starts to head back to the inn after Sariel casts a Mass Cure Wounds.
- Before they get out the door, Alejandro stops and asks them what they think the worst-case scenario might become of Ellilune's interest in the mine might be --> Plant-Zombie-Titan

- 3,920 XP ea. for 83,700 XP ea.


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