Hello Darkness My Old Friend - April 17, 2020

- Sariel get about an hour of sleep, but not much else
- They head over to the Guard HQ and have a meeting with Sgt Watson to try to figure out what to do about the imminent invasion
- Sariel tells her about the circle she found in the woods
- There's a lot of speculation
- Zaril asks Barkridge through Sending, "We are working on your task. Who do you need to get into the city? Do you have a force of Giants? Or is it just yourself?"
- He responds, "Your task is to eliminate the city leadership and sabotage the city defenses. I need nothing more to get into the city. Do not worry."
- So much useless planning.
- We are going to go out in the direction of the circle Sariel found and act as a guerilla force against whatever invaders might come from there.
- We're going to get a goon squad of four guards to come with us to aid (poofy pants are back, y'all!)
- None of them are undead.
- A portal is opened and it takes us at the edge of a clearing with a magic circle
- Neil looks around and only finds the footprints of the being that set the circle and Sariel's
- Acta looks at the circle with Detect Magic and determines that it glows with Evocation magic, not Conjuration (meaning it can't be a Teleportation Circle)
- Zaril Sends to Sgt Watson "There is no Teleportation Circle here. This is Evocation magic. What do you want us to do? We can't find any traps here. Still investigating."
- She responds, "It could be an ambush for you. Be on guard. Signal if you want to be recalled."
- Sariel examines the area and finds that there are several spells layered on top of one another here.
- Zaril casts Dispel Magic on the circle and the glowing gets fainter. It's not about half as bright.
- Zaril casts it again and the circle disappears.
- Sariel casts Detect Evil and Good and sees nothing
- Acta uses Detect Magic and walks the perimeter of the clearing and finds nothing
- They have the goon squad call for a portal to return to the city
- Acta does a front flip through the portal and almost kicks Sgt Watson in the face, but she ducks out of the way in time
- Zaril Sends to Barkridge, "The leadership has been taken care of. We have dealt with the defenses. Also, Ellilune is after the magical source of city as we speak." She is lying through her teeth.
- He responds, "I will verify and then proceed. You should take control of the city's spire and prepare for my arrival."
- So much speculation and thinking.
- There's not much else they can do until somebody shows up to do something, so they head back to the inn to sleep.
- On their way out, Sgt Watson stops Neil and asks if she can stop by later.
- He's down. Or possibly up.
- The inn is less crowded than before, there are still plenty of people.
- Sariel heads straight to bed.
- Zaril takes first watch.
- While Acta is at the bar, she feels like someone is watching her and she sees a man sitting across the room so she starts to walk toward him she sees he is a lizardfolk
- She asks him why he was watching her.
- She sends a waitress to go get Neil. She also Detects Magic on him and doesn't see anything active.
- Neil comes down and nosy Zaril comes too because she heard the knock on his door.
- He is not from the clan of the Angry Fire, but his parents were members of the clan.
- He has written the clan off completely from the conversation they have.
- Zaril casts Suggestion on him and tell him to listen to Neil and do what he says.

- 2,500 XP ea for 88,200 XP total ea.


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