Trial by Dragon - March 6, 2020

- The American healthcare system sucks.
- Doing taxes sucks.
- Adulting sucks.

- Last-minute pre-breakfast planning about their talk with the council
- Breakfast!
- A messenger comes to get them to take them to city hall for their meeting
- The peon has no information about the mine or the telepathic screaming
- Zaril lets everyone else get on the elevator then she gets on it and says, "Go to hell." The elevator goes down and she stops it right before it goes through a red circular portal and goes back to city hall.
- The Council Offices floor has a nice rotunda for the elevator, and the messenger peon takes them to the correct door and then buggers off.
- A very tall, well-proportioned man with jet black hair and bronzed skin in very fine clothes is in a very fine and large office.
- He is Alejandro Essock, head of the council.
- Acta says he is very magically, but he doesn't register for Sariel's Detect Evil and Good.
- Acta is somehow convinced that Alejandro brought them here to kill them,
- They give him a brief explanation before they have to convene the whole council
- In the actual Council Chamber, Tyron is in the back row of the spectator area where Acta chooses to sit.
- The council members are:
      - An older, human male - Cameron Mulligan
      - A youngish, human female - Luna Manero
      - Alejandro (Dragon?) 
      - An elven male - Wistari Dakas
      - An elven female - Lyra Leoren
- Zaril introduces herself to the council and she speaks for the whole group as their spokesperson
- They are charged with the crimes of consorting with enemies of the state and attempting to overthrow the government.
- The enemy of the state is Valador Barkridge, and Acta mutters under her breath, "He's a bitch." Councilwoman Leoren requests decorum in the chambers.
- Zaril starts explaining her history with Barkridge, but she wasn't there when the rest of the group first started working, so Sariel explains after raising her hand about their inadvertently aiding him
- Zaril does a bit more talking about Barkridge before ceding the floor to Sariel to explain about Ellilune. 
- She explains about the plant zombies and then Neil tells about her communication with him the night before dropping the name of Agrexost.
- Alejandro asks permission to scan them with a spell, which is like a beam from his forehead that hits each of them in turn. Then the council takes a recess.
- Tyron admits to being a dragon!!! In the language Draconic!!!
- He confirms that dragons hoard and that he hoards souvenirs. 
- He has been to Shivar (Zaril's home).
- His favorite souvenir is a mechanical bird from the ruins of the ancient city Dunethun.
- He has not seen Ellilune's tower.
- There are not more than three dragons in Chemendoro including him.
- The council returns and they file back down out of the spectator loge.
- They are believed and no charges will be made against them.
- After a bit more discussion, everyone except the party, Alejandro, and Tyron are the ones left, and then Alejandro calls Tyron his brother and there is much excitement!
- Alejandro hoards magic. Hence the mine!
- Are the ley lines the prison bars holding in the titans?
- Is Ellilune a titan herself? Or the reincarnated spirit of a dead titan.
- Ezra is the librarian "who only does what she wants" - ANOTHER DRAGON??!?!
- How awful would it be if Ellilune made Agrexost into a plant zombie whose power she could then use?!?
- The party is granted a special commission within the city guard as their own special regiment whom Sgt Watson will serve as liaison, though they report directly to the council. "Special Operations Unit"
- Sgt Watson will provide credentials for their clearance into EVERYTHING! Well, almost everything.
- Neil and Zaril ask if there is any equipment he could provide to help them on their mission.
- Alejandro and Tyron are on the cusp of "elder-ness"

- 3,000 XP ea. for 76,780 XP total ea.


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