Yet Another Question - February 28, 2020

- Bloomberg can eat a dick!
- Banana Pie!

- Sgt Sarah Watson says "What the hell is going on?"
- They explain themselves very badly but somehow manage not to get into trouble
- They actually have a meeting with the city council the next day
- Luca summons her celestial horse and majestically rides out of the mine area
- Neil winks at her a bit as he leaves, and she groans in disgust
- They head back to the inn since it's early evening anyway
- They spot Tyron in the corner, and Zaril goes to chat with him
- Zaril tells him about Ellilune and Valador in a roundabout, indirect way without dropping names, and then asks him if he knows anyone on the council, but he doesn't want to talk about it.
- Acta says he is still super magicky.
- Neil asks the bartender about Tyron, and she says that he's in from time to time, but she says he keeps to himself, likes to people-watch, is a snappy dresser, and a good tipper, but that's all she knows.
- Neil starts to cough and cough and cough until his vision goes almost black for a second, and then when it comes back it looks like he's standing in a sunny garden.
- As he is looking around, Mistress Ellilune steps out of a tree
- She tells him he was in the skull of Agrexost, which is an ancient, powerful, dormant, tortured being
- She wants to stop the exploitation of this creature, so Neil calls her (in not so many words) a fucking hypocrite
- She says the lives of the puny mortals cannot compare to an eternal being and (in not so many words) says the ends justify the means
- She asks him to think on still partnering up with her to free the creature
- Zaril looks over and it looks like Neil is passed out at the bar, so she excuses herself to check on him and he is non-responsive like a passed out drunk person
- She pokes him with her claws, then Luca comes over and starts doing healing spells, and Sariel is keeping track of her pulse when he finally starts awake
- Tout suite to da suite! Where he tells them the stuff (see episode title for things he didn't get to ask)
- He does not read as Undead to Sariel, but he does have a disease per Luca's Detect Poison and Disease.
- She said she was coming.
- Luca cures his disease with Lay on Hands
- Acta remembers hearing stories (fairy tales / legends) about titans from before the earth and gods were formed, and it reminds her of them.
- Somehow the conversation derails enough that Acta pulls out the lute (now named Louie) and she ends up giving him a sex talk
- They strategize about what to tell the council and how
- Zaril believes that the confluence of ley lines and the magic fields in the area are probably caused by the presences of Agrexost
- The meeting convenes and they go to bed!

-  3,000 XP ea for 73,780 XP total ea.


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