The "Situation" is His Penis - January 24, 2020

- Back at the inn that evening, Zaril plays well enough that she earns the discount she negotiated for the room rates (gold, shiny dress!! Think Hello Dolly)
- Cornelius plays cards with an elf and a tiefling (buy-in @ 50 GP!)
- Sergeant Watson shows up after a few rounds of cards and sits down with Neil.
- Zaril immediate starts playing a romantic song to "set the mood"
- They flirt and gamble together (Neil wins two of the three hands and is up 200 GP)
- SW invites Neil to buy her a drink, "since you can clearly afford it".
- He also buys a round for the tiefling and elf as well
- They chat. She gets to "size up his situation"
- Acta overhears a lot of conversations that happen to mention places she's never heard of
- Luca schmoozes with other nobles
- Zaril and Sariel chat about magicky stuff
- "That's why they always have baby giraffes. . ."
- The next morning, there is an animal scream sound, but it sounds like it's coming from inside our heads.
- No one in the party can tell what kind of animal it might have been or where it might have originated.
- Zaril goes and asks Linda the barkeeper, and she says it's a thing that just sort of happens sometimes
- Linda says it might have something to do with the mine, and it's been going on for a long time and it's getting more common
- The group decides to go shopping and collect rumors about the psychic screaming
- The start at the Savy Swordsman
- The shopkeep there says that The Genie's Lantern carries clothing items
- Zaril wanders into a shop called The Glass Codex, which specializes in glass knicknacks (some are dildos and Zaril leaves)
- There's another shop called String n Things, which was the musical instrument shop. The surly talking lute cannot hear the screams.
- Neil buys a Quiver of Ehlonna from the Savy Swordsman
- Zaril buys a Ukelele of the Warmage and the surly lute
- In the afternoon as they are finishing their purchasing, another of the screaming events happens.
- The group then notices that there seems to be a disturbance coming from the north side of town.

- 2,500 XP ea for 67,900 XP total ea.


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