Do You Have a Minute to Talk About Our Lord and Savior Magic-Friend? #CleaningMontage - January 3, 2020

- April's back!
- Home is where you don't have to wear any god damn pants.

- The party is successful at taking a Long Rest.
- They spend the day resting after the sprint they've had lately.
- Zaril preens all morning.
- Luka polishes her new armor.
- Tadu repairs Cornelius's armor.
- They converse about the leather for a minute, it may or may not be lizardfolk.
- After lunch, we finally start heading east again. Sariel feels a tingle, but there is nothing to Detect. (Scrying spell?)
- The group starts to chat about how they will know when they get "there".
- Tadu wants to know where they're going, and Cornelius asks if he "knows anything about magic, friend?"
- Magic friend?
- Magic comma friend.
- Tadu: Sometimes I think I should go to sea for a while. . .
- Acta: Go to see what?
- OOC Did you just roll stealth for a swamp?
- Suddenly Acta feels a buzzing tingle, but she still doesn't detect anything with Detect Magic.
- Acta double-checks the Bag of Holding to make sure there's no more plant in the bag, and there isn't.
- Acta climbs a tree and Zaril flies up and they both see some smoke slightly north of the direction they're heading. It's normal looking wood smoke.
- Acta also notices that off to the south the trees look weird, and on further examination, she believes that the trees are covered in spider webs.
- The group veers towards the smoke to the north to check it out.
- Tadu asks them to pause for a minute, and then he goes off the path a bit and digs up a random metal thing.
- Acta doesn't see him using any magic.
- Zaril believes him to be telling the truth.
- More chatting.
- Zaril flies again to make sure we’re still headed the correct direction.
- Yup.
- They are approaching the area with the fire around dusk. Acta “Scooby Doo trees it” ahead of the party while Zaril covers her back from a tree
- Acta sees a group of six guys sitting around a campfire – some of them are wearing parachute pants, and some are dressed in more like camouflage outfits, but they all are light blue / teal
- Acta hears one of them say “Finally got a read on one of them. They’re in the area, we should set some watches and head out soon.”
- Acta heads back and tells the party what she heard.
- Tadu knows that they are the guards from Chemondoro.
- He agrees to approach them and ask if “we” can stay with them tonight
- “Hey, John, is this the bird that you scried?”
- They pull weapons, they but get talked down.
- LOTS of talking and finally we convince the guards that we mean no harm and want to prevent both Ellilune and Valador Barkridge from having any of the power Chemendoro possesses.
- One of the guards Sends back to HQ, and a portal opens up, which puts the group + Tadu in a room, which is a very full room.
- Tadu and his cart are portal-ed out to the marketplace since his cart won’t fit through the door.
- The rest of the group gets taken to a mess hall. Lexie the horse and Penny the Panther are pretty awkward inside.
- It’s a basic sort of area, not fancy at all.
- There are plenty of guards around, but the group hasn’t been stripped of weapons and armor.
- The city seems to be mostly made of humans and elves.
- Acta inadvertently flirts with an elven guard asking about his parachute pants.
- OOC Acta wants to be MC Hammered. The hammer is his penis.
- After ten or fifteen minutes, a woman who projects authority.
- She is Sergeant Watson.
- Full disclosure and full cooperation.
- She says that she’ll relay all the information that they have provided to her superiors and they are free to move about the city as long as they don’t cause any trouble.
- She recommends the Bronze Dragon for a place for them to stay since they (obviously) don’t know any.
- Neil FLIRTS with the sergeant. She might pop by the pub later.
- They are shown out.

- 2,500 XP ea. for 62,900 XP total ea.


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