The "Situation" is His Penis - January 24, 2020
- Back at the inn that evening, Zaril plays well enough that she earns the discount she negotiated for the room rates (gold, shiny dress!! Think Hello Dolly) - Cornelius plays cards with an elf and a tiefling (buy-in @ 50 GP!) - Sergeant Watson shows up after a few rounds of cards and sits down with Neil. - Zaril immediate starts playing a romantic song to "set the mood" - They flirt and gamble together (Neil wins two of the three hands and is up 200 GP) - SW invites Neil to buy her a drink, "since you can clearly afford it". - He also buys a round for the tiefling and elf as well - They chat. She gets to "size up his situation" - Acta overhears a lot of conversations that happen to mention places she's never heard of - Luca schmoozes with other nobles - Zaril and Sariel chat about magicky stuff - "That's why they always have baby giraffes. . ." - The next morning, there is an animal scream sound, but it sounds like it's c...