It's Vine O'Clock + No, YOU'RE a sidekick - December 6, 2019 and December 20, 2019

- In the hut, we wake up and it is almost pitch dark.
- There is magical darkness?
- There is much arguing about who is going to leave the safety of the hut to discover why there is darkness.
- Neil finally just grabs Acta, ties a rope around her waist, and shoves her towards the dome of the Hut.
- Acta feels her face hit something and bounces backward.
- She falls on her butt with a bloody nose.
- Zaril finally adjusts the light inside the Hut so that everyone can see.
- There is a dome of vines completely covering the Hut.
- Sariel proposes to cast a Wall of Fire in a circle at the edge of the Hut, and then have Zaril dispel the Hut.

- Zaril tries to inspire Sariel for her upcoming spell, but Sariel doesn't know the song (Performance - Failure)
- Acta contorts herself into a crazy pretzel to get outside of the wall of the Hut and between some of the vines and then casts Fire Bolt to clear some space (Acrobatics - SUCCESS) She then steps back inside the dome of the Hut
- Sariel steps into the space created by Acta and casts Wall of Fire around the edge of the Hut's wall (Nature - SUCCESS) She then steps back into the Hut as the vines begin to burn. The vines above the dome fall on top of the Hut. The vines outside the Wall of Fire are growing and probing and trying to get past the fire
- Neil throws a flask of oil through the wall of the Hut and the Wall of Fire to add accelerant to the vine conflagration (Athletics - SUCCESS)
- Luca organizes the troops to push the vine topper off the dome (Persuasion - SUCCESS) There is now open sky above the dome!
- Zaril dispells the Hut. She casts Dimension Door and tries to get Neil to come through with her, but he pushes Acta forward instead. They attempt to walk through it, but they bounce back for some reason (Charisma - Failure)
- Acta is starting to get antsy, so she runs through the Wall of Fire to try to tear through the thin spot that Neil's oil made and disappears into the vine only a little singed (Athletics - SUCCESS)
- Sariel casts Contagion into the most vibrant part of the vines (Survival - SUCCESS) and the vines all start to wither. The Wall of Fire dissipates.

- Zaril is pouty about how little she was able to help. Sariel tries to comfort her as they walk out.
- Luca smashes through the vines even though Acta had made a tunnel. It's therapy.
- Neil walks through the tunnel but chops at the brittle vines with his short sword.
- Sariel immediately casts Pass Without Trace
- They set off east-northeast towards the suspected location of Chemondoro.
- A couple of hours later (long after Pass Without Trace has dissipated), they reach a particularly swampy area that is sticky, the ground looks black, and things start coming out of the black sticky ooze to form into gelatinous mounds of goop. (This is in no way an endorsement of Gwenyth Paltrow.)
- There are five blobs attacking the group.

- Neil shoots B5 with his Vicious Longbow for 12 piercing dmg
- Acta casts Magic Weapon on her shortbow then shoots B5 for 11 piercing dmg. She then moves to the farthest away from monsters bit of dry land she can.
- Penny backs up and Pounces on B5 for 9 slashing dmg. She takes 5 acid dmg from touching it, and the claws cut a bit chunk of it off, which makes its own pile and starts menacing her as well.
- B5 misses smacking Penny with a pseudopod / B6 smacks Penny with a pseudopod for 5 bludgeoning and 16 acid dmg.
- B4 moves to Luca and Sariel and misses Sariel
- B1 moves to Acta and Cornelius and smacks Acta for 7 bludgeoning and 8 acid dmg. Her armor is permanently damaged (AC-1).
- B3 moves to Luca and hits her for 4 bludgeoning and 19 acid dmg. Her armor is permanently damaged (AC-1).
- Zaril moves to fly directly above Penny then she casts Thunderwave on B5 and B6, they each take 8 thunder dmg.
- Sariel summons a fiery scimitar at 3rd lvl and gets B4 for 16 fire dmg. She takes 5 acid dmg for touching it.
- B2 moves to flank Acta and smacks her for 8 bludgeoning and 19 acid dmg. Her armor is permanently damaged.
- Luca casts Aura of Vitality on herself and then uses it to heal Acta for 11 HP.


- Neil shoots B5 with his Vicious Longbow for 8 piercing dmg
- Acta casts Magic Weapon on her Xiphos and then stabs B1 for 21 piercing dmg. She then takes 4 acid dmg from touching it.
- Penny bites B5 for 11 piercing and she takes 1 acid dmg from touching it. It dies!
- B6 attacks Penny for 4 bludgeoning dmg and 14 acid dmg.
- B4 attacks Sariel for 5 bludgeoning dmg and 24 acid dmg.
- B1 attacks Acta for 6 bludgeoning dmg and 22 acid dmg and her armor is permanently damaged (AC-1).
- B3 attacks Luca for 8 bludgeoning and 18 acid dmg and her armor is permanently damaged (AC-1).
- Zaril moves to flank B1 with Acta and lands attacks it with her rapier for 9 piercing dmg and she takes 4 acid dmg from touching it.
- Sariel slashes B4 with her Flame Blade for 9 fire dmg.
- B2 misses Acta
- Luca uses Aura of Vitality to heal Acta for 6 HP. She then moves to flank B4 with Sariel and then smashes it with her magicky mace for 10 bludgeoning then hits it again for 5 bludgeoning dmg.
- Neil casts Cure Wounds on Acta for 11 HP. He then moves away from B1 behind Zaril.
- Acta stabs B1 for 21 piercing dmg. She then Disengages and moves to flank B3 with Luca.
- Penny bites B6 for 8 piercing dmg taking 4 acid for touching it, then she runs to hide behind Neil.
- B6 moves to Neil and then hits him 6 bludgeoning dmg and 17 acid dmg permanently damaging his armor (AC-1).
- B4 misses Sariel
- B1 hits Zaril for 8 bludgeoning and 19 acid dmg.
- B3 hits Luca for 4 bludgeoning and 15 acid dmg and her armor is permanently damaged (AC-1).
- Zaril casts Shatter on B1 and B2 for 20 thunder dmg. She then flies 30' into the air. She then gives Neil Bardic Inspiration.
- Sariel chops B4 for 10 fire dmg.
- B2 moves to flank Acta then hits her for 3 bludgeoning and 10 acid dmg and her armor is permanently damaged (AC-1) and her armor disintegrates. She loses Concentration on her Magic Weapon.
- Luca uses the Aura of Vitality to give Acta 7 HP then she attacks B4 for 15 bludgeoning and then hits it again for 17 bludgeoning dmg killing it!!
- Neil moves behind Penny and shoots B6 with his Vicious Longbow for 13 piercing dmg.
- Acta casts Magic Weapon on her xiphos and stabs B3 for 18 piercing dmg and takes 3 acid dmg from touching it.
- Penny moves to B1 and bites for 9 piercing.
- B1 smacks Penny for 6 bludgeoning and 20 acid dmg.
- B3 smacks Acta for 5 bludgeoning and 22 acid dmg and she faints.
- Zaril flies adjacent to B3 while flanking with Luca and stabs it for 13 piercing dmg and then she stabs it again for 3 piercing dmg but she takes 8 acid dmg for touching it.
- Sariel moves to flank B1 with Penny and chops it for 17 fire dmg.
- B2 moves to flank Zaril and then hits her for 9 bludgeoning and 21 acid dmg.
- Luca attacks B3 for 31 bludgeoning dmg and then hits it again for 25 bludgeoning dmg killing it! She then moves to flank B2 with Zaril
- Neil Dashes to Acta's side and casts Cure Wounds on Acta (at 3rd lvl) for 19 HP.
- Acta hops up and moves to flank B2 with Luca, casts Magic Weapon on her xiphos, and stabs it for 29 piercing dmg.
- Penny hisses at the dead goo monster next to her and pulls herself out of the marsh onto a dry bit of land
- Zaril casts Cure Wounds on herself (3rd lvl) for 22 HP.
- B2 hits Zaril for 9 bludgeoning and 18 acid dmg.
- Luca smashes B2 for 22 bludgeoning dmg then hits it again for 18 bludgeoning dmg.

- The group moves out of the marsh and takes a quick breather. Acta has 1 level of Exhaustion.
- They then GTFO in the assumed direction of Chemondoro at a slightly more cautious pace.
- Neil hears something coming through the underbrush. It sounds big.
- Zaril flies up and tries to get a look, but there are too many branches between her and the thing for her to see it. She then hides in a tree.
- She lets the group know that she couldn't see anything, but a creature that looks like a person crossed with a tortoise pulling a cart.
- Luca, as the most conspicuous group member, cordially greet the being with a "Hello, traveler."
- He travels around the jungle, and Sariel asks if he has any goods for sale.
- His name is Tadu.
- Sariel starts poking around in the cart. It's full of dirty junk like pots, pans, knives, arrowheads, some random ceramics, and maybe a few leather things, but those mostly look terrible.
- There is one set of plate mail that is very dirty but is intact. It is enchanted.
- There is one set of studded leather armor that is serviceable.
- There is a mean-looking dagger. It is enchanted.
- There is a serviceable rapier.
- They buy the four things for 200 GP.
- He was glad to be rid of the dagger because it was scary looking.
- Neil asks Tadu if he has any skill in mending, and Tadu says he has some. Neil asks about his damaged armor.
- He agrees to walk the direction they are traveling for a while.
- He also agrees to do the armor repairs to Neil's armor on the house since they bought so much of his other stuff.
- Zaril examines the mean-looking dagger. She determines it is a Dagger of Venom. (+1 Attack/Dmg, 1a to coat blade with poison, which last for 1 min or until you hit with it. On Hit, the target must make DC 15 Con save or it takes 2d10 poison dmg and is Poisoned for 1 min.)
- The plate mail is +1 enchanted.
- Everyone makes camp.
- Zaril casts Leomund's Tiny Hut and Tadu is invited to join them inside the Hut as well.

- 3,200 XP ea. for 60,400 XP total ea.


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