Hey! Wizard! Leave Our Heads Alone! - November 8, 2019

- April's first away session  :-(
- Technical difficulties

- The group heads down to breakfast as requested.
- Acta "hides" at the table
- They have been directed to take it directly to the fire giants at Mount Arbormor
- Acta asks if he can't just teleport us there directly - he exasperatedly says no
- The group asks him about the Poofy Pants fellows, and he doesn't recognize the description, but when Zaril shows him the bow and he examines it he says it looks familiar, but Zaril thinks he knows more
- Neil spills the beans about Elillune and Chemondoro and says that we know he's a wizard, Valador
- Valador admits it
- He says that the bow indeed did come from Chemondoro
- Chemondoro has located some sort of source for magical components and energy - to control the source is to have great power
- Sariel assumes he wants world domination, he claims to only want to control his bit of it
- Breakfast is over with a promise to talk again at lunch
- They go outside and Zaril casts Leomund's Tiny Hut to prevent scrying so they can talk
- Luca writes a note to her father Lord Hawkwing (a noble peer of Barkridge) to tell him about Barkridge being a mage and having aspirations to have total control over the area and sends it to him by way of her celestial horse Alexandra.
- Through Ali (the horse) Luca learns that her father seems scared, that she should be careful and take care of herself, he will keep an eye on the situation
- They go in to lunch, and have an aperitif
- Acta casts Detect Magic and looks at Valador, his entire body (including his skin) is glowing with Evocation
- Valador proposed a magical pact which Acta immediately refused to "sign"
- Ramifications of breaking the magical contract could vary from mild discomfort to heads exploding
- Sariel proposes that rather than a magically binding spell they could start with a carried token that allowed checking in and small secrets to build trust

- 2,500 XP ea. for 51,700 XP total ea.


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