I'm Sorry. I Thought It Was a Secret, Evil-Wizard Name - November 15, 2019

- Funny dog and toilet paper pack story from Katie

- Back in the room, a bird flies out of the bag of holding lands on Acta's shoulder and speaks into her ear in Ellilune's voice, "I have acquired sufficient magical energy and no longer need Valador's sources. Please dispose of Valador immediately and report in when you do. It is time to begin Phase 2."
- Acta reaches in the bag of holding, the interior of the bag seems to be coated in zombie-making vine plant, and she thinks about the book she stole from Valador, it comes to her hand, but she has to pull it out through the vines
- After some time spent fruitlessly trying to get the plants out of the bag, the group finally decides that they need to pick sides.
- They unanimously agree Barkridge is the lesser of two evils.
- Sariel takes a nap because she's a real grouch when she doesn't get enough.
- Neil and everyone else goes downstairs to get Valador's help removing the vines, and to throw Ellilune off their scent, and also to let him know the death threat
- "Animal Messenger is not on the Wizard Spell List, soo. . ." NOT CANON!
- Valador's response to being told that Ellilune wants him dead is "Well. . . Shit. We have problems then."
- Trust is advanced.
- Much talking.
- Sariel talks to the vines in the bags and learns that yes, Ellilune uses the Teleport via Plants spell to get or send things through the vines as well as talk to the plants from afar
- The vines have no concept of remembering things, so getting them to tell Ellilune something later is not really useful.
- "I AM a big forest Druid, bitches!" Also not canon.
- Sariel proposes that she infect the vines in the bag that would infect them with a disease that sometimes affects naturally occurring magical plants in the Holmion Forest (Amakiirenna).
- Sleeping happens.
- At midnight, they gather in the parlor, which has been cleared of mobile furniture, a blazing fire is going in the fireplace, and a magical circle is inscribed on the floor in front of the fireplace
- Jeffries is there looking annoyed about having to move all the furniture
- Sariel cuts a bit of the vine out of the bag, puts it in the middle of the circle, and uses Druidcraft to grow that bit into a pretty good-sized bush.
- Valador is ready to initiate the circle if it reacts weirdly to the disease.
- Everyone else is ready to get their fight on.
- Sariel casts Contagion on the zombie-making plant
- She feels the magic get sucked into the plant as she cast the spell, and she feels like energy is being sucked out of her body and the leaves on the plant start to darken and the plant looks wilted and sad
- The plants in the bag also look wilted and sad
- The bag begins to twitch in Sariel's hand
- A portal opens in the bag from which a thing emerges from the bag
- It is humanoid and composed of vines and leave, it opens its mouth and says in Ellilune's voice, "You will regret your betrayal"
- More creatures continue pouring out of the portal.

- Neil looks over the plant abominations and decides to try his new lightning spell. He casts Lightning Arrow on Plant Beings 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, but centered on PB2. PB2 takes 8 lightning dmg when he hits. PB3 takes 10 lightning dmg. PB1, PB4, and PB6 take 5 lightning dmg. Barkridge is nowhere to be seen when Neil looks around.
- Zaril yells at Jefferies to run then casts Dispel Magic on the Portal, but does not manage to dispel it. She can't tell if the PBs are vulnerable to fire or not. . .
- Luca casts Divine Sense so that she knows the PBs are not Undead then runs up to the only one not hit by Neil's spell.
- PB3 throws a handful of thorny barbs at Neil, but he misses and Sariel dodges the worse of it and takes only 2 piercing dmg
- Acta moves closer to Zaril and shoots PB5 with her short bow for 17 piercing dmg
- PB5 claws Luca with thorny claws for 9 slashing dmg then again for 7 slashing dmg then misses her with a tendril then tries to move away from Luca, but she hits him with her hammer for 9 bludgeoning dmg and follows him, then he hits Zaril with a tendril for 7 slashing and 1 poison dmg, then he hits Acta for 8 slashing dmg and 5 poison dmg
- Sariel casts Wall of Fire on the five PBs still bunched together. PB1, PB2, PB6 take 28 fire dmg PB3 and PB4 take 14 fire dmg. PB2 dies.
- PB6 moves to flank Luca with PB5. A vine shoots out of its foot and it shoots under the wall and then there is a rumbling. It then claws Luca for 11 slashing dmg and then misses. It then hits Luca with a tendril for 6 slashing and 2 poison dmg. It then hits Zaril for 9 slashing and 5 poison dmg.
- PB1 moves away from the fire then throws a handful of thorny barbs at Neil and hits him for 8 piercing dmg and then Sariel doesn't manage to dodge this time and she takes 4 piercing dmg
- PB4 moves away from the fire and throws thorny barbs at Zaril and hits her for 10 piercing dmg and Luca and Acta both dodge the worst of it and take 3 piercing dmg. Acta's demonic nature takes over and she casts Hellish Rebuke on PB4 and it takes 6 fire dmg
- Neil moves away from the PBs and then casts Lightning Arrow on PB4 for 25 lightning dmg killing it then PB1 and PB3 take 5 lightning dmg.
- Zaril casts Synaptic Static on PB1, PB3, and PB6. PB3 takes 27 psychic dmg and is Muddled. PB1 and PB 6 take 13 psychic dmg. PB3 dies. PB1 dies. She then moves away from the PBs.
- Luca smashes PB6 with her hammer for 10 bludgeoning and also uses Divine Smite for 9 radiant dmg. She then hits it again for 11 bludgeoning dmg. She then casts Compelled Dual on PB5, but it doesn't take.
- Acta shoots PB5 for 33 piercing dmg.
- PB5 claws Luca for 10 slashing dmg then does it again for 9 slashing dmg then hits her with a tendril for 8 slashing and 2 poison then hits Acta for 3 slashing and 2 poison dmg. The entire house is now shaking.
- Sariel dashes past PB5 and dodges his claws. She then casts Thunder Wave on PB6 for 1 thunder dmg. She then casts Flame Blade and the Wall of Fire dissipates. The wall and ceiling are on fire.
- PB6 claws Luca for 7 slashing dmg and then again for 10 slashing dmg and then misses Luca with the tendril and hits Sariel with a tendril for 7 slashing and 2 poison dmg.
- Neil shoots PB5 for 12 piercing dmg
- Zaril casts Vicious Mockery on PB5, but it doesn't care about her hurtful words. She moves to the window and sees there is an animated tree banging on the front door. 
- Luca uses Lay on Hands on herself for 20 HP.
- Acta shoots PB5 for 26 piercing dmg.
- PB5 claws Luca for 6 slashing dmg then misses her. He then misses Luca with his tendrils. He hits Sariel with a tendril for 9 slashing and 1 poison dmg. He misses Acta with a tendril.
- Sariel moves to flank PB6 with Luca then slashes it with her flame scimitar for 12 fire dmg.
- PB6 claws Luca for 9 slashing dmg then again for 12 slashing dmg then hits her with a tendril for 9 slashing and 1 poison dmg. Then hits Sariel with a tendril for 8 slashing and 2 poison dmg.
- Neil shoots PB5 for 10 piercing dmg.
- Zaril casts Fear through the window at the tree pounding on the door meaning it has to run away from her!
- Luca smashes PB6 with her hammer for 12 bludgeoning and then again for 9 bludgeoning dmg killing it! She then casts Misty Step to get away from PB5.
- Acta shoots PB5 for 10 piercing dmg killing it.
- When the plant things die, they poof and spread spores everywhere. Neil coughs.

- 3,500 XP ea for 55,200 total XP ea.


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