We Still Can't Climb Rope - October 4, 2019

- Jeremiah's new DnD computer arrived today! It's not yet set-up for today, though.
- Katie's beau's car trouble - Silly Viper, cars are for driving!

- The group continues walking after their short rest.
- They take a long rest, then keep walking.
- They stop outside of town to plan.
- They decide to sneak into Barkridge's house and try to access his hidden magic room at night kind of like they did before.
- Zaril finds the balcony of her old room and ties a rope to the balustrade
- Sariel turns into an owl and flies up.
- Acta climbs the rope.
- Neil fails to climb the rope and falls with a thud.
- Neil attempts to climb the rope again, but is so slow at it that the butler comes out and discovers him
- Neil says that he is here to see Barkridge and his being discrete at his request
- The butler buys it since he remembers Neil, and offers to bring him to Barkridge.
- Acta stuffs Sariel into her hood and starts Stealthing up the hall

- Acta uses Investigation to find her way out of the guest wing to the rotunda with the hidden door
- Sariel uses Perception as an owl to watch out for more people
- Neil uses Persuasion to convince the butler that he needs to wait for the rest of the group
- Zaril flies into the woods near-ish Luca and superficially bloodies herself and then uses Performance to pretend to be injured
- Luca uses Persuasion to convince the butler he needs to send for a doctor
- Acta uses Acrobatics to get down the staircase and in front of the magically hidden door as quickly as possible now that there is quite a ruckus going on outside.
- Just as Sariel is about to use the Gem of True Seeing on the illusions, the butler comes in despite and despite Sariel's best attempt to pull Acta behind a thing and not be seen, the butler locks eyes with her and cries loudly, "What are you doing?! Your friend is hurt in the woods!" And he hurries off to another part of the house (Failure 1)
- Neil goes running to Zaril to see what was wrong, but he falls and actually hurts his leg. (Failure 2) A pile of servants run past him carrying a stretcher to get Zaril into the house
-  Zaril manages to have a long, protracted argument with the servants about how she doesn't need the stretcher she's not injured that badly.
- Luca goes and picks Neil up to bring him to where Zaril is, but she does it badly and dislocates his shoulder (Failure 3) More screaming ensues.
- Just at that moment, Barkridge comes down the hallways from his wing, so Acta runs over to him and starts telling him the crazy tale of how Zaril was attacked in the woods, etc, etc, etc - Success

- Sariel takes this opportunity to examine the illusion spell through the Gem of True Seeing at the niche in the stairs - The left niche has a concealed door, but also that the two sweeping staircases are stone golems that have been Polymorphed into staircases.
- Barkridge assures Sariel that the doctor will be here soon when she expresses concern about Zaril
- He invites them to his study to explain themselves.

- 1,600 XP ea for 47,200 XP ea total.


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