Venn Diagram of Poofy Pants - October 18, 2019

- April's last in-person session for a while  :-(

- The chat with Barkridge did not go well. He saw through the group's half-truths, but they refused to admit anything.
- They end up in Zaril's old room for a new planning session. The only real idea they can come up with is that since Barkridge has to "prepare" a new scroll he'll probably be in his workshop, which is probably what's behind the door. Sariel is going to turn into her lizard form and wait for him to go in or come back out and try and slip in while it's open.
- Near dawn, Sariel on the wall as a lizard hears the door open and sees Barkridge appear out of what seems to be a solid wall, so she scurries as far as her tiny legs will carry her into that space and is now in the room. The door closes behind her.
- The room has a spiral staircase that goes down to a basement level. She sees a table, some bookcases, and things. She lights the candles in the candelabra on the table.
- She can now see that it looks like a workshop. The table is scattered with bits and bobs of alchemical or spell ingredients. There are tools for buildings small things like tongs and whatnot.
- There's an area of the floor with a circle and some runes.
- The bookcases are full of old-looking books. More bits and bobs - bones, etc.
- There is also a map on the wall. It has markings around some areas. The Holimion Forest has a marker around it. The fire lizardfolk tribe has a marker around them. There are other areas marked as well that she doesn't recognize. There are lines drawn on the map that seem to intersect (ley lines?), but there is one spot in the jungle that the lines seem to bend around before they intersect in a strange way. Sariel decides to risk it and takes a piece of paper with as little writing as she can find from the table and makes a sketch of the map.
- The books about various magical topics (summoning, item creation) mostly in common, but also in a couple of other languages that she doesn't recognize.
- Sariel looks through the gem at everything in the room and nothing is invisible or an illusion, so it looks the same, but it does let her blow the candles out and see without them.
- She then grabs the book about making magical items and she flips through it quickly, and it certainly seems that he has studied this particular book intensely. There are many underlined words and notes in the margins.
- Sariel takes bits of the most common ingredients and plants them in the gaps under the door to mark its location for future use.
- Neil coming back from "checking on Penny" (read Sariel) and sees that the tiny lizard on the wall is gone and goes to report to the group. Zaril and Acta decide to give entering the room on their own.
- They get back to the entrance hall, and Zaril is able to find the door due to the plants (ha, pun!). She casts Dimension Door to get through and takes Acta with her. They come through the door and land on the spiral staircase narrowly managing not to fall and hurt themselves or make a cacophonous crash.
- Acta helps refine Sariel's map copy after checking for obvious magic items. Some of the things on the bookshelves glow, and so does the circle on the floor. The glow is primarily Enchantment with a smidge of Conjuration.
- Sariel is now quite tired, so she is ready to give up on the investigation and get some sleep. She goes back to the door to investigate the gap under the door. It would be a tight fit as a lizard, but she might be able to manage it. She thinks she might be able to turn into a spider instead. She can also hear people talking in the foyer.
- Zaril casts Dimension Door and takes Acta back to her room.
- Acta hides in the closet and Zaril opens the door to the knock and finds Jeffery (the butler) summoning the group to breakfast.

- 2,000 XP ea. for 49,200 XP total ea.


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