Scroll of Doom? - September 20, 2019

- Long time no see!

- Luca, Sariel (as a Green Dragon), and Neil move the troll? corpses out of the halfling hive
- Cornelius thinks they might be the same ones in the camp, but he isn't sure
- In the process of moving the corpses, a small humanoid corpse falls out from between some of its fat rolls, and it has a coin pouch containing 200 GP (divided by 35 GP per person plus 25 GP for the group fund)
- Zaril gets with Pell (elder) and asks if there's anything she can do to help with the dead that the group didn't manage to save
- Once the trolls are taken care of, they move the halfling bodies to a place to be laid out respectfully for burial
- They crash for the night, finally, inside another Hut with an Alarm spell set at the entrance to the hive

- The next morning (late morning) after everyone has woken up and they're eating breakfast when Zaril gets a cold feeling up her spine like a feeling that she is being watched
- Sariel casts Detect Good and Evil, but senses nothing
- Acta casts Detect Magic and definitely get a sense of Divination magic
- They agree to help the halflings and then get our of the area as quickly as possible
- Neil spends some time investigating the tracks made by the trolls and does determine that they came from the same general direction they did to get to the hive
- Pell says they are certainly not to blame for the troll attacks - there have been trolls in this area that have attacked hives before
- He also says that they don't need to stay and help burying the bodies
- The group heads out towards the volcano with the fire giants
- Zaril no longer feels the cold tingle up her spine and Acta no longer sense Divination magic
- While they're having this break, a blue jay lands on Sariel's shoulder and whispers in her ear, "My fellow druid, how goes your quest? I can tell that Valador still lives. Have you made progress finding his source controls? Please provide me an update on your progress." In the voice of Ellilune.
- Zaril is all, "Who is Ellilune?"
- An explanation is given as quietly as possible
- They walk all day
- They decides to cast the Hut for the evening, then Acta steps outside the Hut and opens the scoll case - There is a parchment inside the case written in a script Acta does't recognize, but she does note that the parchment is enchanted.
- She then examines the scroll case and it does indeed have a thing layer of lead on the inside, which had previously prevented her from detecting the Enchantment
- Much discussion is had about what to do about Barkridge
- They decide to proceed to the fire giants, but to tell them what Valador is up to before showing the scroll case and asking what the parchment says
- They also decide to go ahead and do a Sending to Ellilune, so Acta hands the Scroll of Sending over to Sariel who Sends, "Lady Ellilune, no luck yet locating the sources. Doing a job for Valador to gain his trust. How shall we contact you in future?"
- She receives back, "Please expedite your efforts. Valador's power is growing too quickly. If you fail, I shall have to take other measures. I will facilitate future communications."
- Zaril recasts the Hut since they talked for so long to reset the timer and they go to sleep

- 1,400 XP ea. for 43,720 XP total ea.


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