One Jump Ahead of the Mages - September 27, 2019

- Heading back to Barkridge's house, Sariel from the rear hears a noise and turns around to see a shimmering thing in the air about 8' above the ground and three human males fall out of it. They are wearing teal clothing and puffy pants. Two are wearing swords and one is wielding a long bow and he hangs back. (Think guards from Aladdin, but teal.)
- Luca immediately maneuvers to the front of the group.
- Neil calls out, "Can we help you gentlemen?"
- They make a battle cry and run towards us.

Battle Against Balloon Pants Men
- Neil shoots Balloon Pants 2 with his long bow for 8 piercing dmg.
- The Archer misses a shot at Sariel. Then he hits her for 9 piercing and 4 poison dmg. Then he hits her again for 6 piercing and 3 poison dmg.
- BP2 moves adjacent to Sariel and slashes her for 9 slashing dmg. Then he slashes her for 30 dmg. Then he does it again for 16 slashing dmg.
- Luca casts Bane on the enemies. (They all save.) :-) She then casts Compel Duel on BP1. (This one works.)
- Acta casts Magic Weapon on her short bow then shoots BP2 for 30 piercing dmg.
- Zaril moves to within 30' of Archer and casts Suggestion on him so that he tosses her his bow. He throws it really badly. She flies over and grabs it and flies back as far as she can to the group.
- Penny tries to bite BP2, but he dodges.
- BP1 moves to flank Luca with BP2 and then slashes her for 21 dmg. She loses her Concentration. :-) Then he does it again for 15 slashing dmg. Then he  really gets her for 25 slashing dmg.
- Sariel turns into a Green Dragon (allosaurus) and bites BP2 for 20 piercing dmg.
- Cornelius misses BP2.
- BPA draws a sword and moves to flank Zaril with BP1. He hits her only on his third attempt for 8 slashing dmg.
- BP2 turns and slashes Luca for 6 dmg. The again for 25 slashing dmg. The again for 18 slashing dmg, KOing her.
- Luca succeeds on her Death ST.
- Acta shoots BP2 for 27 piercing dmg. Then she hides behind the tree again.
- Zaril casts Shatter hitting herself, BPA, BP1, BP1, and Luca. BPA takes 12 thundering dmg, while everyone else takes 24 thunder dmg.
- Penny moves to flank BP2 with the Green Sariel then bites BP2 for 12 piercing dmg. She then moves to flank BPA with Zaril.
- BP1 slashes Zaril for 19 dmg. Then again for 19 slashing dmg. Then he misses.
- Sariel moves back and then Charges 30ft on BPA, but misses.
- Neil casts Ensnaring Strike then shoots BPA, successfully ensnaring it, for 15 piercing dmg.
- BPA takes 1 piercing dmg from the vines. He then misses Zaril three times!
- Luca succeeds on her Death ST.
- Acta shoots BPA for 29 piericing dmg. She then Hides again.
- Zaril casts Cure Wounds (4th LVL) on Luca for 23 HP.
- Penny bites BPA for 8 piercing dmg.
- BP1 misses Zaril twice then slashes her for 20 dmg.
- Sariel bites BPA for 29 piercing dmg. (Crit!)
- Neil shoots BPA for 17 piercing dmg. Then Penny using the opening to bite BPA for 11 piercing dmg.
- BPA takes 2 piercing dmg from the vines and dies!!!
- Luca stands up! She heals Zaril for 25 HP with Lay on Hands. Lastly she casts Hunter's Mark on BP1.
- Acta misses BP1 with her shortbow. Then she Hides again.
- Zaril casts Suggestions on BP1, but he brushes it off. She flies to stand on the rock next to BP1.
- Penny backs up then Pounces on BP1 for 8 slashing dmg, but he doesn't fall prone.
- BP1 misses Zaril, then hits her for 18 slashing dmg, then hits her again for 17 slashing dmg, and she is KOed.
- Sariel moves to flank BP1 with Luca and bites him for 17 piercing dmg.
- Neil says, "Surrender or we'll kill you!" He does not succeed on Intimidating him.
- Luca attempts to knock him prone, but doesn't not succeeds on her Athletics.
- Acta shoots BP1 for 35 non-lethal dmg KOing him

- The Green Dragon puts a foot on his chest and Luca heals with Lay on Hands for 1 HP.
- Neil runs over to heal Zaril.
- Luca casts Zone of Truth
    - Who sent you? - You will never be successful.
    - In what? You may have defeated us, but you will never achieve your aims.
    - What do you think our aims are? Our cause is righteous.
    - He grimaces and dies. Acta finds that he has injected himself with poison.
- Neil searches the other bodies. He finds two other inject-able poison vials. Acta takes one and Zaril takes the other.
- Zaril and Sariel do not recognize the poison's origins.
- None of the men have any identifying information on them other than the weird poofy clothes in a particular shade of teal.
- Sariel cuts a piece of cloth from one of the men's clothes for future comparisons.
- Zaril finds that the bow she got off BPA is made from an "exotic" wood.
- Neil surmises that these men might be from the hidden city of Chemondoro doesn't want to be found.
- Zaril takes one of the scimitars. Acta tucks the other two in the bag of holding to sell later.
- The group sits down to rest for a few minutes before continuing (Short Rest).

- 1,880 XP ea for 45, 600 XP total ea.


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