
Showing posts from September, 2019

One Jump Ahead of the Mages - September 27, 2019

- Heading back to Barkridge's house, Sariel from the rear hears a noise and turns around to see a shimmering thing in the air about 8' above the ground and three human males fall out of it. They are wearing teal clothing and puffy pants. Two are wearing swords and one is wielding a long bow and he hangs back. (Think guards from Aladdin, but teal.) - Luca immediately maneuvers to the front of the group. - Neil calls out, "Can we help you gentlemen?" - They make a battle cry and run towards us. Battle Against Balloon Pants Men - Neil shoots Balloon Pants 2 with his long bow for 8 piercing dmg. - The Archer misses a shot at Sariel. Then he hits her for 9 piercing and 4 poison dmg. Then he hits her again for 6 piercing and 3 poison dmg. - BP2 moves adjacent to Sariel and slashes her for 9 slashing dmg. Then he slashes her for 30 dmg. Then he does it again for 16 slashing dmg. - Luca casts Bane on the enemies. (They all save.) :-) She then casts Compel Duel on BP1

Scroll of Doom? - September 20, 2019

- Long time no see! - Luca, Sariel (as a Green Dragon), and Neil move the troll? corpses out of the halfling hive - Cornelius thinks they might be the same ones in the camp, but he isn't sure - In the process of moving the corpses, a small humanoid corpse falls out from between some of its fat rolls, and it has a coin pouch containing 200 GP (divided by 35 GP per person plus 25 GP for the group fund) - Zaril gets with Pell (elder) and asks if there's anything she can do to help with the dead that the group didn't manage to save - Once the trolls are taken care of, they move the halfling bodies to a place to be laid out respectfully for burial - They crash for the night, finally, inside another Hut with an Alarm spell set at the entrance to the hive - The next morning (late morning) after everyone has woken up and they're eating breakfast when Zaril gets a cold feeling up her spine like a feeling that she is being watched - Sariel casts Detect Good and Evil, bu

You Don't Get Advantage on Attacks up the Pooper - August 9, 2019

- Dolphin inside a star wearing a cowboy hat! - The group awakes to a crash at the entrance to the halfling's hive - The roof starts to vibrate and debris starts to rained down. - The halflings immediately start to panic - There is a very large, fat, ugly, smelly creature banging on the roof at the entrance to the BATTLE OF THE HIVE - The halflings panic. - Neil Dashes as close to the entrance as he can and shoots the thing with his longbow for 10 piercing dmg - The halflings panic. - Zaril moves closer to the entrance and casts Vicious Mockery, but the creature is unaffected - More halflings panic. - Sariel moves closer to the Ugly Thing casts and then Conjure Woodland Being and a Darkling Elder appears - Acta casts Hex on the UT (Wis ST) and then misses shooting it with her bow - Neil orders Penny to protect the halflings so she moves forward grabs a halfling too close the the UT and then drags it backwards 10 ft - Luca dashes up to the UT - The halflings panic