Leave the Sleeping Ogres Lie - July 12, 2019

- Wound care pro tips
- Allergy shots did not go well.
- The ukelele is back!
- Arbitration, arbitration, arbitration, arbitration, arbitration. . .
- Pockets!!!

- The group leaves the village and quickly enters the uninhabited plains. The land is scrubby and open.
- They travel for a few days.
- Zaril says she was sent down from her sky city to look in on Barkridge. Specifically Barkridge.
- Much discussion about Barkridge and his intentions. Mention of the ancient druidess of great power. Zaril couldn't get into the hidden, magical room under the stairs either.
- During one of the rests Acta gets out her stolen book to examine in more closely. She studies the pattern of magic around the book, and thinks it needs an activation word to set the magic off, but she isn't sure what the effect of the magic would be when the activation. Could be teleportation or summoning or whatever else falls into the school of Conjuration magic.
- Later that day the wind carries a foul smell of body odor, dirty feet, and decay.
- Zaril flies up and starts scouting.
- She sees what looks like a campsite with a large fire with bits of animal that have been dismembered and strewn about. There are some large mounds of sticks and debris covered in sod. She doesn't see the creatures that made the mess, only the mess.
- Neil, Penny, and Acta sneak closer to see what they can see. The fire is obvious. Acta and Penny hear a low rumble that sounds like snoring. The mounds of brush are shelters, and there are two big and hulking somethings sleeping in there. Neil's pretty sure they are ogres, which we were warned were in the hills.
- The scouts return and report. They highly recommend going around.
- Neil scouts bit more and sees that the ogres(?) seem to have made this their home base for at least the time being. He then sneaks back to the camp to examine their refuse more closely to make sure that they are not eating sentient creatures. The bones do seem mostly to be those of animals, but there are some bones that looks humanoid.
- The group edges in an arc around the camp and keeps going. Sariel casts Pass Without Trace
- After several more hours of travel, Zaril casts Leomund's Tiny Hut to camp in for the night.
- There are clear tracks to where a large creature came within 20' of the Hut in the night. The tracks looks like very large humanoid tracks, but the footprints are nearly as wide as they are tall. Probably ogre tracks.
- Several more days pass and the land starts to be hillier.
- Sariel notices a little something watching them in the grass.
- She conveys to Penny (who also noticed the thing) that she should go pounce on the thing and try not to hurt it.
- Penny does this and the group finds that Penny has captured a halfling.
- His name is Vrandi.
- There are some nomadic halflings who have Hives in this area that do their best to avoid the ogres.
- He leads them back to their Hive, Habaragahamade, for a drink.
- The Hives is a camouflaged area between two hills. Its roofed like a shopping mall and the dwellings area built around the edges. In the 8' to 9' overall height of the whole town, the halflings can build two-story buildings.
- They spend some fun time in the late afternoon listening to Zaril play song and dancing and telling stories.
- They finally ask if anyone knows about Barkridge, and Vrandi runs off to get Pell, the elder.
- Pell says he knows there's a fire giant fortress in the mountains, but there are probably also some stone giants
- The fortress is in or near the volcano, and that's what is marked on the map from Barkridge, according to Pell.
- Pell gives them official permission to sleep inside the camouflaged area for the night.

- 1,500 XP ea for 40,560 XP total ea.


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