Peeping Thomas Gets to Keep Little Tommy the Boys - June 14, 2019

- Too many summer plans!

- The red-headed woman tied to the wall behind the creeper dude seems to be naked and goat from the middle bit down.
- Acta says "A room for rent?"
- Sariel is all about getting the satyress out. She immediate moves that direction, but Thomas tries to block her. Penny easily tackles him.
- As Sariel is beginning to saw through the ropes tying her to the iron rings in the wall with her scimitar, another woman shows up in the door behind us.
- The new woman is very confused about the entire situation.
- Thomas insists that the satyress ensorcelled his love away from him. The woman who just appeared in the door is apparently the object of his affections. She is named Megan.
- Luca casts Zone of Truth on the room, Thomas and Luna pass the save, as does Zaril, but Megan doesn't.
- Megan says Thomas has been infatuated for months, which she has been rejecting. She and Luna have been living together. Somehow he figured out Luna wasn't human and knocked off her hat, which is a Hat of Disguise and makes her look human.
- Acta uses Detect Magic to check out Megan to make sure she really hasn't been ensorcelled by Luna. The only magic she detects is the Zone of Truth, the Hat of Disguise, and an octagonal piece of green glass about 5" across that is emanating Divination magic. She palms it surreptitiously.
- Sariel goes with Megan and Luna to their house to help them pack and give them directions to Siannodel and her parent's name.
- Thomas is very upset as Luca ties him up and then after he calls Zaril a bird monster she buffets him with her wings, then Luca gags him too.
- Zaril casts Suggestion on Thomas and asks him how he figured out Luna wasn't human. He admits that he has a magic gem that "let's him see through people's clothing". He says it's green and on the table.
- Everyone looks at the tables, sees it's empty, and then Luca and Sariel look immediately look at Acta.
- Acta tried to bluff Sariel, but Sariel knows.
- Luca heads over to the bar with Cornelius. She announces that she will be making a declaration in the name of the House of Hawkwing the following evening and to try to gather as many people as possible the next day to hear it. Neil goes to hang out, drink beer, and play cards. He is a soldier after all.
- Neil wins the first round (5 GP ante) and wins the second round (5 GP ante), but by the third time round he is getting pretty inebriated and loses the third round (5 GP).
- Zaril leaves Sariel and Acta to guard Thomas while she goes to fly around and get the lay of the land around the village.
- While they are alone with a tied and gagged Thomas, Sariel nags Acta about the gem.
- Acta gets it out and looks through it at Sariel and Thomas. It just looks like looking through green glass.
- Sariel tries to Dispel Magic on it and it stays magical despite her knowing that she cast a very strong version of the spell.
- Acta messes with it a bit more, and eventually gets the idea that it probably has an activation word.
- Acta tucks it back into her pocket and then gets out her dagger. She tosses it in the air a few times then throws it expertly into the wall right next to his ear. He freaks a bit, shocked as she retrieves her dagger. She throws it again this time a bit lower. She outlines the left edge of his body with dagger marks in the wall until she gets to his elbow. "You know, if I knew the word to activate this thing, I might start messing with the glass instead of practicing with my dagger. I'm getting pretty tired, so I could miss at any time." He starts talking into his gag.
- Sariel asks him directly, "If I remove your gag, will you tell us the activation word?" He nods emphatically.
- The activation phrase is "I see you."
- Acta messes with it a bit more, discovers that you can see levels down to the skin of a person by thinking about it a bit, but you can also see a representation of them in the ethereal plane. Acta gets bored and gives it to Sariel. Sariel braids a few bits of things together around the edges and makes a necklace out of it.
- Sariel and Luca share the nice master bed. Zaril claims the top bunk in the second room, leaving the bottom bunk for Acta.
- Neil eventually stumbles back and sleeps in the armchair.
- The next morning Zaril comes back from her morning flight and asks Sariel what she was doing at Barkridge's place. Sariel promises to tell her the next day during travel when they aren't around other people.
- Neil asks Sariel for Nature lessons, which she happily gives because he phrases it really well to entice her. Stuff about protecting nature.
- Neil heads back to the bar around lunch, but it's not really hopping, so he doesn't stay long.
- In the late afternoon, they retie Thomas's hands and feet, Luca shoulders him like a hog and carries him into town.
- They make their announcements to the town leaving Thomas tied and head to Megan and Luca's for the evening since they are very done with Thomas.

- 2,300 XP ea for 39,060 XP total ea.


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